Inactive [ECON/RPG] TaxCollector v1.1 - tax users for specified actions [1.2.5-R3.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Elon_Than, May 31, 2012.

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    Tax your users for placing/breaking bloks, crafting items and fishing.

    Version 1.1

    Download latest version
    Source code


    • specifing for which actions player will be taxed
    • specifing player which will take collected money (it can be set globally and for each block type individually)
    • possibility to define receiver aliases in separated config section (eg. you can add all stones/minerals to "Mine" alias and then define, in one place, who will get taxes from that; check config example)
    • possibility to create signs with collected taxes statistics (separately for each user/alias)
    • auto version checking (but you can decide if you want to update)
    • supporting many economy plugins via Vault

    • Vault (required)

    • taxcollector.immunity: Gives player tax immunity
    • taxcollector.signs.create: Allows player to create sign with tax counter
    • taxcollector.signs.refresh: Allows player to refresh sign data on right click

    receiver: Player1 # global tax receiver, can be overridden in each action
    debug: true # debug mode, sends messages about tax amount
      refresh: 300 # tax statistics on the signs will be updated every 300 seconds
      Mine: Player3
        '1': # tax section for placing stone
          amount: 1 # it'll tax user with 1 currency
          receiver: Player2 # it'll give all money colected from this section to Player2 instead of Player1
      break: # break actions section
        '1': # here we'll tax players from breaking stone
          amount: 0.5 # you can set amount with a precision of 0.01
          receiver: Mine # tax will go to Player3, it's set in aliases section
        '3': # here we'll tax players from breaking dirt (receiver is not set, so it'll go to global receiver)
          amount: 0.5 # you can set amount with a precision of 0.01
      catch: # catch actions section (only 349 id is allowed here)
        '349': # fishing tax
          amount: 1
      craft: # items craft actions section
        '280': # stick crafting tax
          amount: 1 # user will craft 4 sticks each time, so he'll pay 4 currency


    To create sign with collected taxes statistics use this template:
    First line: [TAX]
    Second line: receiver
    As receiver you can set alias or user nick.
    Signs will be updated each x seconds (set it in config file) or when you click on them with right mouse button (don't forget to set permissions for that).

    Version history:

    1.1 version:

    • updated to Bukkit 1.2.5
    • added tax receivers aliases
    • added sign with collected taxes statistics
    • added new version notifications
    • added PluginMetrics support
    • changed Spout craft event to Bukkit craft event
    • fixed multiple items crafting tax (eg. sticks)
    • disabled shift crafting
    1.0 version:

    • first public release
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