Inactive [ECON] RealShop - Shop using chests [1337-1561]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Baptiste Pillot, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SrJoben, sleite, Flipp and 6 others like this.
  2. Offline


    I made a swedish translation :)
    Will maby make one with bosnian/serbian/smtn like that translation of it

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  3. Offline


    Merci beaucoup, c'est génial !

    Est-il possible d'ajouter un support pour permissions dans la prochaine mise à jour pour MC 1.5 ? Histoire de faire d'une pierre deux coups... :)
  4. Offline


    No problemo.
    Thank you for giving this information :)

    Cool, thanks. I will integrate this into my next release.
    Feel free to send me any other translation you do.
    Great [gold]

    Il n'y aura pas forcément de mise à jour essprès pour la 1.5... c'est surtout craftbukkit dont nous attendons la mise à jour :).
    Permissions va pas tarder... on me tanne tellement avec. Et un développeur a déjà fait la modif, j'attends qu'il me l'envoie, ça me fera gagner du temps (donc très bientôt).

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  5. Offline


    Yes, this only happens now when people sell thing i did not allow them to sell. They won't get paid but the item will be in the chest... (even when they get it back... so it is duplicated)
  6. Offline


    Hey there,
    Would it be possible to have a "/rshop bank <account>" command that set the shop payments in and out to the specified account.
    The usage I see is to create NPC shops handled by the server.

    Other plugins do it, but none have this ease of use.

    Thanks in advance for the answer, and keep up the good work.
  7. Offline


    You can give your shop to another player, "real" player or NPC :
    /rshop give <playername>

    So you can create a bank account for a NPC (I know iConomy now can do this), and then give your shop(s) to this player.
  8. Offline


    Ho yeah, thanks. It worked.

    However, I have a funny glitch that does not depend on you but that you could "fix".

    I'm using the Phatloots plugin to generate a ShopKeeper's inventory on a chest where I placed a RealShop as well and given it to my NPC account.

    Since the loot table of the chest is generated on access, I believe the event is called "PLAYER_INTERACT", the RealShop plugin considers that all the things added and suppressed by the PhatLoots plugin are part of the transaction.
    This means the player is charged or rewarded the money for them.

    However it works when I re-access the shop and no loot is generated.

    I think the best place to "fix" this glitch would be in RealShop, as you could just make a check that the items have been actually transferred from one inventory to the other. everything added or destroyed that hasn't changed hands would be simply ignored.

    I don't think Phatloots can fix this, as that plugin depends much more on the player interract business than RealShop.

    let me know what you think of that, and if yo uare interested in making such a fix.

    (si tu preferes, on peut parler en privé en Francais, mais j'aime bien poster en anglais comme ca la communauté peut voir cette utilisation possible des deux plugins)
  9. Offline


    Je veux bien en français, oui, parce que là j'avoue que j'ai rien compris :)

    #709-compatibility (and Minecraft 1.5) tested today. 'seems to work.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  10. Offline


    En fait j'essaie d'utiliser ton plugin en conjonction avec un autre appelé PhatLoots.
    Ce que ca fait c'est generer un contenu au coffre au moment de l'ouverture (l'event "player_interact" pour etre precis)

    Mais du coup ton plugin interprete toute les additions et destructions au coffre comme des transactions du joueur qui a déclenché le refresh de l'inventaire.
    Donc je me disait, pour que ca fonctionne il faudrait que ton plugin observe la difference des deux inventaires plutot que les modifs faites uniquement au coffre.

    Pour éviter les exploit, est ce que tu peux catcher les events de type "joueur a jeter un truc au sol" ? sinon le joueur qui fait ca, lorsque tu detectera qu'il bouge, ben l'item n'est plus dans son inventaire et donc ca sera consideré comme un delete donc il a le matos gratuitement.

    D'autant que j'imagine que ton plugin doit avoir le meme type de comportement lorsque plusieurs personnes y accèdent en meme temps. Je n'ai pas pu tester ca. mais si cela le fait, ce fix devrait corriger le problème d'accès concurrentiels aussi.

    C'est un peu plus clair ? ou c'est juste moi qui explique mal ?
  11. Offline


    Will setting shopDamagedItems to false stop me from being able to shop for colored wool and birch wood and the like, or will it just stop damaged armor, tools like you would expect it to?
  12. Offline


    Ok je crois que je comprend.
    Les premières versions de mon plugin fonctionnaient à partir de l'inventaire des joueurs. Mais c'était vraiment trop le bazar, c'était encore moins fiable qu'à présent.
    Je catche déjà les lachages d'items en principe. Le joueur se fait gronder s'il balance les items avant la fin de la transaction et les loots reviennent dans son inventaire. Enfin, en principe.

    Pour ton plugin PhatLoots j'ai pas trop de solution là, sinon peut être interagir avec PhatLoots pour être sûr de vérifier après son passage le contenu de l'inventaire du coffre, au lieu d'avant. A essayer : disabler et enabler les deux mods, dans un ordre puis l'autre, et tester à chaque fois. Tu me diras si dans un certain sens ça marche, car c'est possible à mon avis.

    Enfin, je sais pas si je vais pouvoir être d'une grande aide pour ça... je ne peux pas travailler sur la compatibilité de mon mod avec chaque autre mod. Si en activant mon mod après le tiens ça marche j'arriverais peut être à quelque chose, mais c'est pas gagné :)

    Fixing this issue is on the RoadMap.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  13. Offline


    I'm the op of the server, so I set up a shop. But when someone tries to buy from it says that they don't have the permissions for it. I tried to look for permissions but I don't seem to find them.
  14. Offline


    I do not work with permissions. I think this message comes from another plugin.
    Franciscoc likes this.
  15. Offline


    One thing that is required is Money, money needs to get active in this mod. People start off with 100 Coins, but how will they make more money if each person only has 100? Selling to the server should be added so that players can GAIN money from the server, but the items sold are gone forever from the world that way, the advantage remains equal. Giving the players the option to purchase items that other players want to sell in their chests.

    Something that makes money more active.
  16. Offline


    Is there a way to make buy only and sell only shops?
  17. Offline


    By default, shops are buy-only.
    /rshop sell -0 and your shop is buy-and-sell
    then : /rshop buy +0 and your shop is sell-only

    Don't forget to read the full doc on the wiki.

    What you should do : use iConomy using the economyPlugin=iConomy option into the config.txt (don't forget to install iConomy), then look for cool plugins that use iConomy and make money more active : toony, cookiemonster, and mores.

    Have fun !

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  18. Offline


    I found big bug in few minutes...
    When you make a shop, someone can come to it, open it (chest) and throw items away from it, information will show about not allowing etc. but at the end this guy will have 1 item of those which he throwed out...
  19. Offline


    check the known bugs.
  20. Offline


    Can you post those nasty Known issues in the readme and not make it common knowledge for any nobhead who reads the forums to have access to those bugs.
  21. Offline


    I enabled infinite buy and infinite sell in my shop. But why it's not working sometimes? There is no items, that i have added to my shop, because someone bought it. And there are some items, sold by players.
  22. Offline


    Bonjour Baptiste,

    Je suis toujours aussi fan de ton superbe plugin, à la fois simple et diaboliquement ergonomique ! :D

    J'ai deux requêtes :

    - Peux-tu passer RealShop en 733 ?

    - Peux-tu ajouter un support pour Permissions ?

    Merci !
  23. Offline


    Here is a major glitch that someone notified me about. I am quoting since I couldn't write like this: "take out of box, put in inventory, put it in furnance, crafting bench or chest quickly, then you left click the shop and it says the item has
    been duplicated but you have it."
  24. Offline


    je vien desaille ton plug et je le trouve tres pratique mais pourquoi ne pas rafraichir a chaque fermeture du coffre
    et il y a un bug MAJEUR : voici la scène
    1/ monsieur cheat arrive dans le coffre destiner au armure !
    2 /il prend les armure en diamants et tout de suite aprés il les equipe et rafraichit le coffre en s'éloignant
    3/ monsieur cheat a reussi sont cheat il a les armure en diamant GRATOS !!
    C'est pas normal
    A part sa vraiment génial !!
  25. Offline


    New Question:
    Is it possible to market a stack of items?
    So instead of having to purchase 1 plank for 1[insert currency here] you could purchase 64 planks for lets say 20.

    Not sure If I see this anywhere in the Wiki...

  26. Offline

    Drei Gyuu


    I'm a new server owner and I am using 733, Plug-in works perfectly. I just want to appreciate the work you've done. It is simply amazing and gets the job done.

    If I may add, or suggest maybe you can have store timers. Allowing players to set business hours for their stores. For example a particular store will only be open during 8:00am - 5:00pm in game time or to whatever the store owner wants to set it to.

    Also, being able to set a store box that will buy your items and delete it from the world would be nice as well but only in a minimum price just to encourage players to sell their items to other players still.

    Lastly earning money from killing monsters would be nice too.

    I'm currently editing the prices and updating the values for market.txt, However, I can't figure out how to put the prices for those item number with index numbers on them. Example: Saplings, Wool. Can you help me out?

    I just want to put it out there on the table, I really like your plug-in because it is a stand alone.

    Keep it up!

    Warm Regards,

    Just a quick question, I have finished making my own version of market.txt I have every single block and item with a price set buy/sell. Do I have to change the formula in dataValues.txt too? Or will it ignore dataValues.txt if the item buy/sell information is already inside market.txt?

    I hope I made sense >.<

    "Items that have no player's price will use market price (if set) or calculate price from recipes."
    I found that off the wiki, so I guess it does look at market.txt first, and then if its not there it will go to dataValues.txt as back up.

    Have I told you your plug-in is awesome? ;D

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  27. Offline


    Excellent plugin, however, it appears as if Chain gear (ID302-305) cannot be bought or sold in a shop. I tried changing "302;0;0;Chainmail Helmet" in currentValues.txt to "302;2000;2000;Chainmail Helmet" etc...

    EDIT: After reading the post directly above mine (duh), I added the Chain gear to market.txt...
    Baptiste Pillot likes this.
  28. Offline


    When I started up my server this morning, this plugin doesn't seem to work anymore. I tried typing in /mny to see my account balance and nothing happened. And none of my chests seem to be acknowledged as shops anymore.
  29. Offline

    Amaël Verbeure


    When someone buys something from a chest, his money doesn't decrease. What's wrong?
  30. Offline


    Hi, we have been using this mod for a while and its great! Best way ever to sell stuff.
    But now i've got an issue. I'm using a protection mod too, residence so people can control there territory.
    Then someone made another persons chest into a shop, so if the owner would take stuff out of it, he would have to
    pay for it, and the owner of the chest was not able to destroy the shop on his own, (naturally).

    My question, is it possible to check the owner of the chest and forbid other people from making a shop with that chest? Perhaps integrate with big brother or residence. I understand that is not really what you are aiming for with this mod but a man can try can he not? Great mod ;)
  31. Offline


    Why not work on lunix?

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