Inactive [ECON] PhysicalShop v9.1.0 - Sign and chest shops (no commands, no databases) [1.2.5-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Wolvereness, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

    PhysicalShop - Let players own shops using chests
    Version: v9.1.0
    Licensed under: GNU-GPL 3
    Downloads | Source @ GitHub | Showcased on!
    Supports: LogBlock, LWC, Lockette, Permissions (yeti), Bukkit Permissions

    On BukkitDev as per forum migration.
    Support is offered in both locations, but if you have a curse account making a ticket is preferred.

    This plugin is a continuation from the plugin by the same name. I did not code the original plugin, but I did a hefty chunk of rewriting to add a few new features to it, and I plan on keeping it updated.

    Traditional Features:

    - Player made, chest-based shops with defined material and currency.​
    - Possible server-run shops with unlimited material and currency.​
    - Primitive access, explosion, and break protection​
    - Permission nodes for Use, Creation, and Administration​
    PhysicalShop.use (default true)​ (default true)​
    PhysicalShop.admin (default isop)​
    - No commands required​
    - No database of shops​
    - No required dependencies

    New Features:

    - LogBlock chest transactions (by default, turned off)​
    - Configuration node for protecting pre-existing chests (defaults on). If you are running LWC or Lockette and the person placing the sign has admin (or owner in case of Lockette) rights to the chest protection or admin in PhysicalShop, this node is ignored.​
    - Localization, you may now customize all messages. If you have a language translation, please submit it here and I can package it with the jar file. Any translation packaged in the jar is accessed automatically when language is defined in configuration (and from that point forward accessed from Locale directory).​
    - Configuration file saves defaults on first load. This should lead to less hassle about what settings are available.​
    - Per sign currency. With small amount of configuration server-side, any shop may use a single character representation (defaults to g to represent gold ingot) of a currency. Suggestions to add are i: Iron Ingot and d: Diamond.​
    - Per transaction type currency. In addition to having variable currencies per signs, you can also have a different currency for buy and sell transactions. It just works.​
    - Bukkit Permissions support.​
    - On-the-fly configuration reload. Type "/physicalshop reload" in-game or from console.​
    - Custom item aliases you can put on signs.​
    - Custom item names that get displayed in chat messages.​
    - Version checking with "/physicalshop" or "/physicalshop version"​
    - Detailed information on active currencies, aliases, and names with "/physicalshop verbose"​
    - Optionally toggle redstone levers and buttons behind the shop sign.​
    - Optional handling of names too long for signs.​
    - Events for shop creation, destruction, interaction, and sign creation.​
    - Better configuration for shop matching.​
    - An automatic update command. EXPERIMENTAL AT THE MOMENT

    - Items you can see!​


    Place jar in plugins folder.​
    Reload plugins with a plugin manager or restart server.​


    A default configuration file is created when plugin first loads. It will automatically fill any missing values as well. Most settings should be straightforward, but I have listed them here anyway. Currently, the only languages supported out of the box are English, Polish, and Spanish.​
    Show Spoiler

    material-pattern: \[(.+)\]​
    This is used to 'check' the first line of the sign.
    log-block: false​
    Change this to 'true' to enable LogBlock compatibility.
    protect-explode: true​
    Protects a physicalshop sign from being broken by explosions (TNT).
    protect-break: true​
    Protects a physicalshop sign from being broken by someone other than the owner.
    auto-fill-name: true​
    Will change the fourth line of a physicalshop sign to read the name of the player creating the sign.
    The list of currencies that your server will support. The code for the currency must be exactly 1 character long. Case-sensitive, so you wanted both g and G to work, you'd add them both.
    g: Gold Ingot​
    An example currency, default is g for Gold Ingot.
    This section is for the buy line matching pattern.
    mode: SPLIT​
    This can be SPLIT or MATCH, and will use the respective regex concepts for finding the respective numbers and currencies.
    pattern: {{{^\D+(?=\d)|(?<=\d)\D+(?=\d)|(?<=\d)\D*(?=\D$)}}}​
    This is the regex that will be used. It should be written with the mode in mind.
    amount-index: 1​
    This is the index for the amount you buy in respect to the array from splitting, or the matching group for matching.
    price-index: 2​
    This is the index for the price you pay in respect to the array from splitting, or the matching group for matching.
    currency-index: 3​
    This is the index for the name of the currency in respect to the array from splitting, or the matching group for matching.
    This section is for the sell line matching pattern.
    mode: SPLIT​
    This can be SPLIT or MATCH, and will use the respective regex concepts for finding the respective numbers and currencies.
    pattern: {{{^\D+(?=\d)|(?<=\d)\D+(?=\d)|(?<=\d)\D*(?=\D$)}}}​
    This is the regex that will be used. It should be written with the mode in mind.
    amount-index: 1​
    This is the index for the amount you sell in respect to the array from splitting, or the matching group for matching.
    price-index: 2​
    This is the index for the price you make in respect to the array from splitting, or the matching group for matching.
    currency-index: 3​
    This is the index for the name of the currency in respect to the array from splitting, or the matching group for matching.
    server-shop: '[Server]'​
    If the fourth line of a physicalshop sign equals this, the sign will be classified as a server shop with unlimited quantity (as long as there is no chest below it).
    language: English​
    Name of the language to be used server wide. If file not found in plugins/physicalshop/Locale/, it will check the packaged language files. A file will always be created with the name of the specified language, so please feel free to specify the proper language and translate the default values (perhaps even post it here so I can distribute it with the plugin). Default packaged language files are listed under configuration description.
    protect-chest-access: true​
    Prevents everyone (exception of those with admin permission) from accessing a chest for a physicalshop sign that is not the owner of said sign.
    protect-existing-chest: true​
    Prevents a shop sign from being placed above an existing chest. If you are using LWC, and they have admin access to the chest, this setting is ignored and they may place the sign anyway.
    trigger-redstone: false​
    Setting this to true will cause all levers and buttons attached to the back of the block the sign is attached to activate when a successful transaction has taken place.
    extended-names: false​
    Setting this to true will start a collection of names that are 16 characters long (too long for a sign) and will appropriately assign them unique IDs to put at the end of their name. (will be something like 0 or a). This saves the names to a file, and requires auto-fill-name to be on (so that names can get registered). This feature 'does' store data in a file.
    detailed-output: true​
    This is used to change how much information about chest stock is printed when a player punches a shop sign. Setting it to false will only print relevant information; the total buyable items if applicable and the total sell currency if applicable.
    This is the URL to download a new PhysicalShop jar from when using the command /physicalshop update
    showcase-mode: true​
    This shows items when a player punches a shop sign
    ignore-mc-version: false​
    This is the only configuration option that is NOT added to the config file by default. It will force PhysicalShop to ignore the MC version number safeguard for the showcase feature. This should only be applicable if there is an update to minecraft but does not break the showcase feature. No promises here, enable at your own risk.


    Comes in two parts, item aliases and item names. When you first load v8.2 or higher, two examples are placed into the Locale / Items.yml. Be sure to remove these two examples if you are going to edit the yml!! These names and aliases are cached as wrappers in a hashmap. They are case insensitive. For the item names, if you require a damage value, use a vertical bar | because you can't use a colon.​
    • Item Aliases - These nodes are named using a custom name, and the value should be the real name (or number). This allows you to add things like "Moss Stone" on a sign to point to 48. They do not effect the text that is outputted to the user.
    • Item Names - These nodes are named using the real name or ID of the item you want to rename, with the value being your custom message. This is used to make the PhysicalShop output look better. They do not effect the text you can put onto a sign.


    • Place sign on wall above chest.
    • Write on first line item name or number, enclosed with []s. You may also add a sub-code using a : (colon).
    • On the second line, you may write "Buy X for Xc". Replace the Xs with the respective amounts that a user will buy from the shop for. Replace the c with the letter code for applicable currency (g is the default, and represents Gold Ingots).
    • On the third line, you may write "Sell X for Xc". Replace the Xs with the respective amounts that a user will sell to the shop for. Replace the c with the letter code for applicable currency (g is the default, and represents Gold Ingots).
    • The fourth line fills automatically. Users with admin permissions (or, in the case of none-permissions users, Ops) may write [Server]. A [Server] shop without a chest has an infinite amount of stock & currency.
    • Place chest below sign. You may put anything in the chest, but for the shop to work you must place the applicable item and/or currency.
    • Punch the sign to confirm it was set up properly.
    • Player may right-click the sign with applicable currency in-hand to buy from the shop.
    • Player may also right-click the sign with applicable item to sell to the shop.

    Known Issues:

    - Pistons may theoretically cause issues with signs, has not been tested.
    - Does not support PermissionsBukkit, will simply give all players Use / Create access, and Ops get admin access.
    - Signs are more strict than the predecessor plugin. This was done to support multiple currencies. If you customize the regex to meet personal standard, keep in mind that the regex is used to SPLIT a string into the 3 applicable parts. If you have an issue, feel free to post and I can make you a more applicable regex for your server. Signs by default must meet this match regex: (Buy|Sell) \d{1,4} for \d{1,4}\D
    - Vine stores are problematic atm. Investigating. Vines have a damage value of 1. You may use [Vine:1] on shop signs for fix, this is a vanilla / bukkit issue.​
    - VoxelSniper has been tested to cause issues with protecting shops.​
    - ModLoaderMP breaks this plugin. You have been warned.​
    - If your currency section used longer names, the single character signs WILL NOT WORK without changing the regex!​

    Getting support:

    First things first, check the case for the sign! By default, the signs are case sensitive!​
    If you need support, please include a pastebin of the entire stacktrace (all those crazy long names and numbers) for the error (or the exact message you receive in-game), the 'exact' sign syntax you are using, your configuration file, and all the plugins on your server. You may also be able to contact me in the esperNet IRC in the #bukkit channel. You can mention PhysicalShop or my name and I get alerted if I'm online.​

    Change Log:

    Show Spoiler
    (4/16/12) - v9.1.0 - showcase
    - Added: Showcase! Your shop is now diamonds.​
    (4/12/12) - v9.0.18 - tweak
    - Added: Sandstone data type handling​
    (4/11/12) - v9.0.17 - output fix
    - Fixed: Output in reduced output is now more specific​
    (4/8/12) - v9.0.16 - locale fix
    - Fixed: POLISH.yml had missing info​
    (3/29/12) - v9.0.15 - fixed load
    - Fixed: Softdepend wasn't defined properly.​
    - Updated: dependency for pom, now compiling against RB​
    - Added: New option to reduce the output of chest stock​
    - Added: New option to change the URL used for updating​
    - Added: Wooden plank species​
    (3/18/12) - v9.0.14 - exploit fix
    - Updated: dependencies for pom​
    - Fixed: ShopDestructionEvent firing when no block was destroyed​
    - Fixed: Placing block when selling to shop​
    (2/27/12) - v9.0.13 - bugfix
    - Fixed: players can again break shops​
    - Fixed: Physics event no longer blocked​
    (2/25/12) - v9.0.12 - critical bugfix
    - Fixed: infinite loop writting a massive file in update command​
    - Fixed: no permission for shop chests​
    - Fixed: Regex wasn't loading right​
    (2/22/12) - v9.0.11 - bugfix
    - Fixed: Currency config didn't read properly​
    (2/22/12) - v9.0.10 - tweak
    - Fixed: Minor logic issue​
    (2/21/12) - v9.0.9 - event
    - Added: Shop destruction event​
    - Added: Shop interaction event​
    - Added: Longer currency names. WARNING: If your currency section used longer names, the single character signs WILL NOT WORK!​
    - Added: Update command​
    (2/18/12) - v9.0.8 - feature
    - Added: Better configuration for shop buy / sell matching​
    (2/17/12) - v9.0.7 - refactor
    - Changed: More code is put into ShopHelpers, cleans up the listener and some shop stuff​
    - Fixed: Access to double chests is now covered by PhysicalShop​
    - Added: Better name recognition and output for Monster Eggs (silverfish blocks) and Smooth Brick​
    (2/17/12) - v9.0.6 - bugfix
    - Fixed: No longer create a chest next to a chest that is part of a shop of which you aren't owner​
    (2/15/12) - v9.0.5 - bugfix
    - Fixed: Custom event for shop creation should no longer be thrown if event cancelled​
    (2/15/12) - v9.0.4 - fixed reload config
    - Fixed: Enabling name service when reloading config​
    - Added: Custom event for when a sign is created​
    - Added: Custom event for when a shop is created​
    (2/15/12) - v9.0.3 - more break fixes
    - Fixed: fixed all the events that should be able to destroy a shop​
    (2/15/12) - v9.0.2 - fix from AgentME
    - Fixed: Enderman can no longer break shops if shop protection is active​
    - Fixed: Pistons can no longer break shops if shop protection is active​
    (2/14/12) - v9.0.1 - fix default config
    - Fixed: Now saves a default config​
    - Changed: Will not load if exception or error is thrown in onEnable()​
    (2/7/12) - v9.0.0 - major refactor
    - Changed default sign format to be much more lenient​
    - Changed API to be a bit more sane​
    - Added color support in messages​
    (1/29/12) - v8.4.2 - new events
    - Fixed events to work with new annotations​
    - Changed redstone hook for CraftBukkit (fixes redstone issue)​
    (1/21/12) - v8.4.2a - code revision
    - Added URL to plugin.yml​
    - Made a bit of code for logblock look better​
    - Added missing @Override​
    (12/30/11) - v8.4.1 - bugfix
    - Fixed: NameCollection.yml clearing entries with only 1 player on server restart​
    (12/28/11) - v8.4.0 - feature build
    - Added extended name service​
    - Fixed: Fresh installations should work now​
    (12/27/11) - v8.3.3 - bugfix build
    - Fixed: Alias and names acted strangely​
    (12/23/11) - v8.3.2r2 - re export with Locale
    (12/23/11) - v8.3.2 - new logblock hook
    - Fixed: newest version of LogBlock​
    (12/21/11) - v8.3.1 - URGENT bugfix
    - Fixed: Enchantments being removed during transactions​
    (12/21/11) - v8.3.1a - translation build
    - Added Danish Locale, special thanks to Duerdum9​
    (12/16/11) - v8.3.0 - redstone triggering
    - Added redstone trigger​
    - Added redstone trigger config option, default false​
    - Fixed exception with logblock when not installed but config had it enabled​
    (12/15/11) - v8.2.5a - license change
    - GNU GPL​
    (12/15/11) - v8.2.4 - bugfix to test build
    - Fixed: Accidentally the permission defaults​
    - Fixed: Accidentally all the item comparisons​
    (12/14/11) - v8.2.4a - 1.0.1 partial update
    - Updated the com.wolvereness.util package for compatibility with BukkitNyan​
    - Changed implementation of the reload command, you must now type /physicalshop reload​
    - Added version, and verbose commands; verbose will print all names, aliases, and currencies​
    - Added the consideration of enchants​
    - Now ignores any item that has an enchantment, you may not buy / sell items with them applied​
    - Fixed durability, will no longer use byte data, now exclusively checks short durability​
    (12/6/11) - v8.2.3 - API, javadoc, and codestyle cleanup Build
    - Added massive amount of code comments... Enjoy...​
    - Removed deprecated get currency method​
    - Deprecated isOwner method from Shop (ambiguous, it was actually a static permission check), new method is now canDestroy​
    (12/5/11) - v8.2.2 - translation build
    - Added Spanish translation, special thanks to federan​
    (10/29/11) - v8.2.1 - minor bugfix build
    - fixed an extra output message​
    - changed failed aliases and names to warning instead of severe​
    (10/27/11) - v8.2.0 - feature build
    - changed com.wolvereness.util.Config API to allow quick saving and fixed state of getConfig() during defaults()​
    - added custom item names​
    - added custom aliases items​
    - fixed glitch involving the g currency​
    - fixed glitch reading in a currency, workaround for bukkit (you can now use numbers)​
    - fixed checking logblock after config reload​
    (10/24/11) - v8.1.5 - bugfix build
    - fixed new locale issue​
    (10/24/11) - v8.1.4 - bugfix build
    - fixed bukkit permissions​
    - fixed locale issue​
    (10/19/11) - v8.1.3 - Bukkit RB Build
    - changed config to new API​
    - changed API pertaining to config (it's now under com.wolvereness.util)​
    - changed API for creating shops (added a constructor for just sign text)​
    - removed some deprecated nonfunctional code​
    - removed some useless / old commented code blocks​
    - added admin bypass to chest-access​
    - fixed new issue with chest protections​
    - fixed auto filling playername for invalid signs​
    - chest protection not fully compatible with VoxelSniper​
    (10/2/11) - v8.1.2 - bugfix build
    - fire can no longer break shop​
    (9/29/11) - v8.1.1 - minor feature build
    - added lockette hook, lockette lock owners bypass existing chest protection​
    - cleaned up some code to be more compatible with load orders​
    - cleaned up the configuration node for protecting existing chests​
    - admins now bypass existing chest protection mechanism​
    (9/26/11) - v8.1.0 - feature build
    - added bukkit permissions​
    - added reload config command /physicalshop (the admin permission node)​
    - added config node for existing chest protection​
    - added language nodes for reloading config (requires deletion of language yml for update from jar, google translate was used for polish)​
    (9/22/11) - v8.0.3 - BukkitRB build
    - Removed an unused private function in com.wolvereness.physicalshop.Shop​
    (9/18/11) - v8.0.2 - language build
    - Added Polish translation, special thanks to keicaM​
    (9/14/11) - v8.0.1 - minor build
    - Deprecated com.wolvereness.physicalshop.config.Config.Config()​
    - Added changelog.txt to jar​
    (9/11/11) - v8 - Submitted / Re-Release
    - Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA [​IMG] (previous work had no associated license)​
    - Removed config option for rate-pattern, replaced with buy-pattern and sell-pattern​
    - Large changes to sections of the API​
    - Added new features​
    - (optional) logblock hook​
    - lwc hook​
    - localization​
    - automatic config file generation​
    - multiple currencies (thus changing previous configuration for currency)​
    - Fixed bugs​
    - 0 amount transactions disfunctional​
    - null pointer exception when attemption to perform an action on shop that does not support such (liking selling to a buy-only sign), and will instead give the user a friendly message.​

    Todo & Planned Features:

    - support PermissionsBukkit
    - add redstone button / lever toggle behind shop sign after transaction.
    - add optional player messaging support​
    - add reload command (I hate /reloadall, so this is a slightly higher priority for me)
    - more plugins supported, lockette and LWC and logblock supported... I can't think of any more, suggestions?​
    - github
  2. Offline


    I am interested in developing a client-side GUI to assist players in creating shop signs. Are there any facilities in the code to allow a client to retrieve things such as:
    1. Whether the player is in a shop region or not (and maybe whether they own the shop or not)
    2. The list of defined currencies
    3. The list of block codes that are recognized (just text, not block ids)

    I'm not exactly sure how the information would be relayed (I guess a custom packet?), but I'm open to suggestion.

    My plan is to alter the code that's called when placing a sign to display a GUI that will allow the player to select the item they are selling/buying, the monetary unit, and the quantities.
  3. Offline

    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

    1) Physicalshop has no concept of "shop regions"
    2) It's a HashMap as "currencies" in the MaterialConfig. I can expose a view of it if needed (you can recompile it yourself with the field as public to get something working, and I can expose it in the main branch if you get it working).
    3) Same as 2, but "identifiers"
  4. can someone please tell me how to sell enchanted items? thanks
  5. Offline


    I realy like your plugins .. thats the better for a most real RPG serveur.

    I have a little problem whis the items.yml
    You use it for Buy message, for sign, but for sell message, i receve the standard message.

    I work on a french server, and i translate all item name :p

    I use the 9.0.14 version.

    edit : > upgrade to v9.1.0 same thing

    One more think
    It this possible to add some custom translation for 'Buy' 'Sell' and 'for' on the sign ?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  6. Offline


    how do you use essentials eco money accept from the defualt "gold ignots"
  7. Offline

    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

    Sorry for the late response, I thought I wrote / sent this message sooner. The signs no longer (by default) use the strict buy / sell regex for the lines. If you delete the two regexes (one for buy, one for sell), PhysicalShop will fill in the updated versions. You can change it yourself using the default configuration here:
  8. Offline


    Yep !! thats work fine !

    and for bad translation for sell items ?
    Could you use the correct translation from items.yml for selling transaction ?
  9. Offline

    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

    Not quite sure what you mean. Could you give specific examples of what the issues with translation is?
  10. Offline


    is it possible to use essentialsecon with this and if so how would i go about doing this?

  11. Offline


    Love this plugin. Been using it since I started my server :D
  12. Offline


    Can there be an coreprotect integration?
  13. Offline


    It seems one of my users is having an issue creating shops.
    I am almost positive it is because his user name is too long.
    I noticed the OP states there is a way to handle this issue, but he doesn't say how.

    I could really use some help here. All help is appreciated it.
  14. Offline

    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

    It's a configuration option, extended-names
  15. Offline


    Thanks for your extraordinary plugin:)

    I want to ask your permission for translating your plugin to Simplified Chinese, but I know little about the skills... plz tell me which file(s) and what part(s) should I translate~

    Thank you very much~
  16. Offline

    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

  17. Offline


    Attached Files:

  18. Offline


    I have been recently getting a lot of errors from PhysicalShop:

        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at com.wolvereness.physicalshop.PhysicalShopListener.onPlayerInteract(
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor46.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.dig(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at com.minecarts.familyjewels.NetServerHandlerHook.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet14BlockDig.handle(SourceFile:43)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.wolvereness.physicalshop.showcase.PlayerHandler.handle(
        at com.wolvereness.physicalshop.showcase.ShowcaseListener.onShopInteract(
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor130.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        ... 20 more
    Any Ideas?
  19. Offline

    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

    I need a list of your plugins and the sign that causes this to occur (a full server log might help).
  20. Offline


    Lol? minecarts.familyjewels.
  21. Offline


    Any news on this? It is exactly what I'm looking for and I haven't found a single active plugin that could do it...
  22. Offline


    hi, not working with 1.3 :(
  23. Offline

    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

    Thank you, that was a very helpful comment!
    Yotarian likes this.
  24. Offline


    work perfecly!
  25. Offline


    Me and another member of staff did our best to track down the sign causing the issue, but to no avail.
    Our server allows all players to create a user run shop, so it is nearly impossible to know if all shops were checked.
    Granted we haven't really been seeing the error lately either.

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