Inactive [ECON] hBank 1.53 - Banks, now with 100% more Bukkit permissions [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by hatstand, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. Offline


    hBank - Banks, now with 100% more register.

    Version: 1.53 (Permissionerer)

    Yes, iConomy 5 already has banks. But they're severely lacking in features. This is my first foray into a serious-ish plugin, and Java as a whole. This was written for my server originally, but I've made a few revisions to make it workable as a public plugin, and done alot more work on it than I thought I would be.

    How it works:
    You create a set of banks, users join the banks for a fee, and every 24 real hours (give or take a few minutes if your server restarts), they get interest. All of the fees get paid into the Bank Owner's account.

    Accounts are stored in the economy as <bank id>-<player name>. For example, my account with the Atlas Corp. Bank on my server (ID atlas) is stored as atlas-hatstand.

    • Any one of iConomy 4, 5, & 6+, BOSEconomy 6 & 7, Essentials Economy 2.2.17+ or MultiCurrency
    • WorldGuard 5 - Can be used to control bank access areas
    • Permissions (3.x) - Can be used for fine-grained feature access if you don't want to use bukkit's permissions.
    • Fully customisable banks, with player owners, interest rates & fees.
    • Private banks, which are invite-only
    • A dodgy admin command for in-game modifications
    1.3 Additions:
    • Bank Access Permissions:
      • Enabled via perbankpermissions in config.yml
      • This switch will only work if you've already enabled permissions, and will allow you to specify which users/groups can access which banks via a permission node in this format: hbank.banks.<bank id>
    • Custom Interest Interval
      • Changed via interestperiod in config.yml
      • The number here controls how often interest is calculated, in hours.
    1.1 Additions:
    • WorldGuard Regions:
      • Enabled via useworldguard in config.yml
      • In config.yml, you'll find an array called regions for each bank. The regions placed in here are where users can access that specific bank, eg: regions: [region1, regionaaa] Would allow members of that bank to access their bank in the regions region1 and regionaaa. Note that this only restricts join, leave, withdraw, deposit, balance, and info
    • Permissions:
      • Supports Permissions 3.x and Bukkit Permissions
      • Enabled via usepermissions in config.yml
      • There are permissions for each sub-command in /hbank, and one for bank access at all.
        • hBank.commands.use - User/Group can access /hbank
        • hBank.commands.<sub-command> - User/Group can access the sub command specified - See the command reference for the names to use
    • Download and install an economy framework - Any of iConomy 4, 5, & 6+, BOSEconomy 6 & 7, Essentials Economy 2.2.17+ or MultiCurrency will work.
    • Download and extract the hBank archive - link below. It contains a default, commented config file that won't be loaded on startup. I highly recommend editing this to suit your needs (set up banks, and bank owners) before starting the server up with hBank enabled.
    • /hbank - Banking command
      • Usage: /hbank <join|leave|invite|kick|withdraw|deposit|balance|info|list|accept|deny|members|check> [value]
        • Join: Attempts to join the bank with the ID you specified. Cannot join private banks.
        • Leave: Leaves your current bank. All bank funds are transferred out of your account.
        • List: Lists all available banks
        • Invite: Owner only. Invites a player to your bank. Only usable with private banks, and players with no existing account.
        • Kick: Owner only. Boots the player specified out of your bank. As with leaving a bank, they retain all funds. Can only be used with private banks.
        • Withdraw: Withdraws money from your bank account. Requires a bank account.
        • Deposit: Deposits money into your bank account. Requires a bank account.
        • Balance: Gives you information on your account - current balance, and the hours left until interest is calculated.
        • Info: Gives you the information of the bank ID given - Name, Owner, Fees, Interest rate, and if it is private or not.
        • Accept: Accepts an invitation to a private bank.
        • Deny: Rejects an invitation to a private bank.
        • Members: Lists the members of any non-private bank (Can list the members of a private bank you're a member of)
        • Check: Owner only. Checks the account balance of any of the members of your bank.
        • Reload: Reloads the hBank config. Checks against Op status for permission.
    • /hbanka - Admin command:
      • Usage: /hbanka <mode> <config node> <value>
        • Mode: 0 for general stuff, 1 for numbers
        • Config node: This is a bit more complex. For general usage, you'll be modifying bank nodes, so you'll want banks.<bank id>.subnode where subnode is the property, which can be any of name, owner, interest, private, fees.startup or fees.transaction.
        • Value: What you want to set the config node to. The nodes interest, fees.startup and fees.transaction are numbers, so not using the number input mode will break things, and throw errors.
      • This is basically a direct input into the config variable in the plugin, so there are no safety checks on what you do with it. Its access is limited to either ops, or those in the admins array in config.yml. If you aren't sure how to use it, ask me, or don't go near it.

    I will give support (Help you with errors, fix bugs) for this, but forum responses might be delayed. Generally catching me on steam (hatstand2371) is a lot faster.​


    .zip w/ Example Config file
    Direct .jar link

    Credit where its due:
    • Nijikokun - That genius Register API
    • Forecaster - Guineapig/Tester
    • 1.53
      • Fixed warnings for iConomy 4, 5 & 6's Register methods. Shouldn't change any functionality, but nice to have.
    • 1.52
      • Hopefully the final fix for disappearing users
    • 1.51
      • Another attempted fix for disappearing users - Didn't work either.
    • 1.5
      • Now has Bukkit permissions support, using the same node format. Will use these if no valid Permissions plugin is found and you've enabled permissions.
    • 1.42
      • Fixed errors with BOSEconomy & Potentially Essentials Economy
    • 1.41
      • Fixed interest ticks getting reset
      • Updated the reported version number
    • 1.4
      • Implemented register. Now supporting a pile of economy frameworks. Should hopefully fix some issues with other plugins.
    • 1.3
      • Fixed users vanishing on /reload - Nope.
      • Changed permission nodes - See above for information
      • Re-Fixed default config file
      • Added bank access permissions via perbankpermissions in config.yml
      • Added custom interest interval (in hours) via interestperiod in config.yml
      • Fixed a few nulls
    • 1.23
      • Fixed default config file creation, fixed error when not using WorldGuard, fixed a few other bugs
    • 1.22
      • Uses the default colours if it can't find a custom definition of them
    • 1.21
      • More bugfixes
    • 1.2
      • Added /hbank reload for configuration reloads (Read: Edit while the server is running), fixed a pile of bugs
    • 1.1
      • Fixed Commands, added optional WorldGuard & Permissions support
    • 1.0
      • Released
  2. Offline


    Please update this
  3. Offline


    doesn't work with iconomy6 (neither does register for me) so I'm having to replace this. There isn't a single mod out there that does anything like this and is also running on latest bukkit.
  4. Offline


    HOW can I create a Bank account? [creeper]
  5. Offline


    Having a similar issue to someone else, which I did not see a solution to yet. When I use /hbank info <bankname> it shows me
    Zero Bank ID: zerobank
    Owner: ZeroTheFool
    Private (Invite-Only): false
    Interest: 1.25%
    An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.

    And the log shows:
    [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'hbank' in plugin hBank v1.53
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at me.hatstand.hBank.hBank.handleBankCommand(
    at me.hatstand.hBank.hBank.onCommand(
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    ... 12 more
    Khalkhalash, a user who posted on Sep 7 (page 4 of the thread) had the same issue. You asked them if it was because the .00 of the fee's in the posted config file was on the next line. I just now wondered if my error came from not having the decimal places, but adding them made no difference, and sample config file doesn't have decimal places for the Fees anyway.

    My config (except with the proper spacing):
    interestperiod: 24
    time: 24
    opmode: true
    usepermissions: false
    useworldguard: false
    perbankpermissions: false
    - ZeroTheFool
    - RED
    - YELLOW
    - GOLD
    - WHITE
    interest: 1.25
    name: Zero Bank
    owner: ZeroTheFool
    - defaultbankregion
    transaction: 5
    startup: 100
    private: false
    bank: zerobank

    Listing the bank, showing bank members, account status/check (which I also don't understand the purpose of, if you could enlighten me) all work fine. Balance gives a similar error to Info, and Deposit doesn't seem to have any effect at all. Can't test Withdraw, since I (presumably, though I cannot check) have nothing in my account to withdraw. I'm using iConomy 6, if it matters.
  6. Offline


    I receive the same thing Latest recommended CB build. Please update!!!
  7. Offline



    this is the best bank plugin available (and the only one thats even remotely up to date) but with register failing super hard at everything, it looks like this plugins going to go the same way (unless someone updates it to use vault)
  8. Offline


    I do use this plugin on my server and currently have it working with the latest RB of bukkit. We are using iConomy 5 and PEX for permissions.
  9. Offline


    Yeah, I played with a few things concerning mine and got it up and running too. Turns out the issue was actually with register. I think a plugin I had was conflicting with it somehow. IDK how but it's up and running like a champ for me too now.
  10. Offline


    the issue is that the main plugins already have banks (iCo6, BOSE6/7) - and Vault doesn't do individual bank hooking apart from the economy plugin. The best thing for the author would be to roll his features into BOSE (Niji isn't updating iCo anymore) - or another of the popular econ plugins, and then let Vault hook that. This plugin seems to have been made out of a necessity due to iCo5 lacking decent banking features. I'm also fairly certain that BOSE7 contains a lot, if not all of the features hBank does.
  11. Offline


    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'hban
    k' in plugin hBank v1.53
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.

    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at me.hatstand.hBank.hBank.addBankAccount(
    at me.hatstand.hBank.hBank.handleBankCommand(
    at me.hatstand.hBank.hBank.onCommand(
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    ... 14 more

    this is what I get evrytime my friend trys to join the bank I made, I used the example config and just edited the default bank so that im the owner and renamed the banks name and bank id, when he tries /hbank join firstbank he gets an internal error has occurred.
  12. Offline


    hey i know the plugin isnt updating but i use ico5, so it works for me. but i have a little problem: i have admin permissions (*) and can use all /hbank commands but a player with this permissions:

    - hbank.commands.use
    - hBank.commands.balance
    - hBank.commands.deposit
    - hBank.commands.join
    - hbank.commands.join.postbank
    - hBank.commands.leave
    - hBank.commands.withdraw

    can't use the /hbank commands :confused: anybody know why? i use PEX for permissions....
  13. Offline


    when i use /hbank join and name of bank it says an internal error occured with this command can some one help me
  14. Offline


    Can someone update this plugin :)
    Strolski likes this.
  15. Offline


    I too would like to see this updated if an update is necessary. Will test momentarily.
  16. Offline


    I don't know how to create a bank one of my users (CorwinN) couldn't enter a bank the list looks like this
    Page 1/1
  17. Offline



    I was wondering if i could have hbanks source. Im interested in updating it to work with R6.
  18. Offline


    My server is looking at using this plugin, as it looks great.
    I have a couple of idea's that I believe would improve the plugin:
    • A direct account to account transfer system, so that one player can put money into anothers account
    • And a history of your account, as in being able to see when money has been put in/taken out and by whom
    Thanks a lot,
  19. Offline


    download broken :/
  20. Offline


    Can DwD Staff member pick up this plugin? and If so can we get the source code?
  21. Offline


    link dont work :((
  22. Offline


    Download link is broken.

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