Inactive [ECON] Gold2Economy v1.4 - Turn your gold into money [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by EdTheLoon, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Gold2Economy v1.4
    Download: Dropbox | GitHub
    Source: GitHub
    Requires: Register & a supported economy | Permissions (Optional) | SuperPerms (Optional)

    Tired of having to sell things to a server to increase your monetal holdings? Then tire no more! This plugin allows you to convert the gold ingots (and now supports iron ingots and diamonds) in your inventory to a configurable amount in any economy system supported by Register. Permissions support is available as well for those that are looking to control who can and cannot use this plugin!
    Previous Changelogs
    Show Spoiler

    • Added support for converting iron and diamond
    • Added new permission nodes
    • Added new configuration nodes (Delete your previous config.yml and let the plugin generate a new one)
    • Added SuperPerms support (Permissions still supported)
    • Added new nodes to the config file. Again you'll need to let the plugin recreate your config file by deleting the config and starting your server
    • Minor bug fix
    • Added BOSEconomy support
    • Changed permission node from Gold2iConomy.use to Gold2Economy.use
    • Changed permission node from Gold2iConomy.admin to Gold2Economy.admin
    • Re-wrote the config handler (You will need to delete your current config file if upgrading from anything less than Version 1)
    • Major bug fix when using /gi all
    • /gi-reload is now /gi reload
    • Added /gi to show conversion rate
    • Added /gi all
    • Colour coded response messages
    • Minor bug fix

    • Added Permissions support
    • Added OP only support if Permissions is not detected for the /gi-reload command
    • Fixed bug where typing anything but a number would cause an internal error and nasty error mesage
    • Added /gi-reload
    • Added /gi
    • Initial release

    I hope this plugin is useful to your server and would also like to add that this is my first plugin. I made it because I could not find anything that did this task and needed it for my server. I decided to release this for public use because I found it very useful. Any feedback and/or bug reports would be greatly appreciated.
    Deleted user, Pim1234, Maxorq and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    No problem, feel free to fork my one if you wish as it already has pretty much everything needed.
  3. Offline


    [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'gi' in plugin Gold2Economy v1.2
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.edtheloon.gold2economy.Permissions.check(
    at com.edtheloon.gold2economy.Commands.onCommand(
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
  4. Offline


    Going to need a little bit more detail that just a stack-trace. I know the command you typed was /gi but how would I go about re-producing this error?
  5. Offline


    @EdTheLoon Sorry, this was already fixed.
  6. Offline


    Okay no problem!
  7. Offline


    will this work with chest shop?
  8. Offline


    In what way do you mean 'work?'
  9. Offline


    i tried it out, it was compadible, sorry thats what i meant to say.
  10. Offline


    Good work, i've tested your plugin now.

    The only thing what i miss is a alternative string for "Gold, Iron, Diamond". Can you allow to change the names of them?

    What you thought about signs? I think it give's stores more atmosphere when a user can sell his items with a right-click on a sign, too.

    I will install it now to our main-server... your plugins fits showcase very well.
  11. Offline


    I will add string customisation aka language support in my next version :)

    I'm not sure if I'll add sign support because it is easily achieved with CommandSigns which I think is an essential plugin

    Thank you for your feedback :) I love Showcase, it's one of the reasons I made this plugin, because I found that our money 'ran out' eventually or someone had all of it because there was no way to generate money
  12. Offline


    @EdTheLoon Nice plugin ! But can you add multiworld support ? Because i had an creative map and i can' t use your plugin because that :(
  13. Offline


    My only ask is to add lapis blocks to the list of saleable items as other than dye what good are they?
  14. Offline


    I'm adding a different plugin that allows you to customise the items to use as a basis for currency generation
  15. Offline


    Can you make this work for bPermissions to ? Its doesen work when I use /gi and so on... Its says something is disabled...
  16. Offline


    cant wait
  17. Offline


    Update: I'm at work just now but will be updating this to build 1185 if it's not already compatible. If there are problems with it running on build 1185 please let me know so I can prioritise it.
  18. Offline


    I just installed this plugin on CraftBukkit build #1185 with iConomy 6.0.3 (Celty) for #1060 and PermissionsEX (PEX) v1.14 for #1185. When you type /gi in the chat, it just says that it can't find an economy plugin.
    I configured it like this, although I'm not sure I did it right:

    Thanks for answering :)
  19. Offline


    It's not been updated to use the latest iConomy plugin. When I get the time I will be adding support for it.
    Edit: iConomy must have changed something in their API that prevents it from working :/
  20. Offline


    Ah, I see. Well, do your best, we will be here with you. Don't give up, mate!
  21. Offline


    I just use iconomy 5.0.1 and this works for me atm, until iconomy sorts itself out
  22. Offline


    I think I have fixed G2E for iConomy 6. It was just a change of namespace and some fixing. I will gladly share the source code if it works, I'm going to test it first :)
  23. Offline


    Would be great if you could :) Easiest way would be to submit a pull request on GitHub. I haven't been able to get round to working on this. I work full time so I don't have as much free time as most of the developers on here because they are either at school, don't have a job or only work part time haha
  24. Offline


    *need* ^_^ .. can you share your working *.jar?
  25. Offline


    Changed plans. I have not fixed G2E for iConomy 6. The namespace has changed and there is only one thing still messing around.
  26. Offline


    Changed plans. I may have fixed G2E for iConomy 6. I call it v1.3. Built for CraftBukkit #1185. Credits to both me and EdTheLoon of course :)

    Source attached, .jar file here.

    Attached Files:

  27. Offline


    Might I suggest using Register to support all the economy plugins out here.
  28. Offline


    I saw ChestShop was using that one. Maybe something to have a look at :)
  29. Offline


    Can you please Add all the other ore's?
  30. Offline


    I have found an exploit/flaw in the plugin if using a Creative world on the new1.8 platform and this plugin, My main world is an SMP RPG PVP world, I have a creative to lure more people to the server who do not wish that type of server, but if you use the Creative feature of unl items and use your command in the creative world they can get Unl funds, can you add Multiworld support PLEASE! and also the ability for us the server owners to Config what can be sold using your AWESOME plugin
  31. Update it please :O

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