Inactive [ECON] GlobalShop v0.6 - A simple global shop provided through commands [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Phate123, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Offline


    GlobalShop - simple global shop that uses iConomy:
    Version: v0.6

    have a look at the GlobalShop BukkitDev Page:

    you will need some economy plugin installed. GlobalShop provides support for iConomy 4, 5, & 6+, BOSEconomy 6 & 7, Essentials Economy 2.2.17+, MultiCurrency thx to Nijikokun's Register API. Register is implemented in GlobalShop so you don't need to install it seperately!

    Now supporting SuperPerms. If you don't want to use SuperPerms GlobalShop still supports Yeti's Permissions.

    This shop is used through commands. At moment where are five of it:
    • /price (name|id) -> Shows you the price you must pay to buy name|id
    • /buy (name|id) [amount] -> Buy name|id with optional amount
    • /checksell -> Shows you the money you would get for the item you are holding
    • /sell -> Sells the item you are holding
    • /shop reload -> Reloads the config of GlobalShop
    There are ParentPermissions for SuperPerms:* and globalshop.admin.*
    • '' -> Allow /buy and /price
    • '' -> Allow /sell and /checksell
    • 'globalshop.admin.reload' -> Allow /shop reload
    • Shop that can be accessed from everywhere
    • You can add customizable item names
    • Damage/Color can be defined in config. So you can sell for example black_wool
    • Considers the durability of an item to calculate the selling price
    • You can set the sellratio. This defines how much money you get for selling an item. Default is 80%
    • All commands can be renamed to your wish by reconfigurating the aliases in plugin.yml HowTo
    Planned features:
    • Setting up prices with commands
    • Writeout of a HTML-File where all prices can be viewed
    Sample Config File:
    #GlobalShop 0.6 by Phate
    #Configuration File
    #Use Yeti's Permissions system?
    useYetiPerm: false
    #Here the sale ratio is determined
    buysell: 0.8
    #Here the shops Item- and Pricelist is determined
    #This is how the items are defined:
    #- ItemID:ItemName:Amount:Price(:Damage/Color)
    - 1:stone:64:10.00
    - 4:cobblestone:64:7.00
    - 278:diamond_pickaxe:1:160.00
    - 35:white_wool:64:14.00:0
    - 35:black_wool:64:16.00:15


    Version 0.6
    • removed permissions out of command nodes in plugin.yml to avoid "Bukkit is sad ..."
    • Bugfix: non player command handling
    Version 0.6b2
    • Superperms support
    • Changed namespace for implemented Register
    Version 0.6b1
    • Implemented Nijikokun's Register to support more plugins
    • Support for < RB1000
    Version 0.5.2
    • Bugfixing Permissionhandling if no permissions plugin is installed
  2. Offline


    hi Clucky,
    which permission plugin do you use?
  3. Offline


    When I wrote /buy came this message up
    bukkit sad, bukkit want to let you access the command but bukkit can not let you do that bukkit will leak tears wat does this mean?
    [FONT=%value]Bad [/FONT][FONT=%value]English.[/FONT]
  4. Offline


    sorry for the long wait of reply, im pretty sure i use yeti, heres a list of my plugins from PluginsManager (very helpful):
    plugins (open)

    This server runs:
    git-Bukkit-0.0.0-1126-g35eac7a-b1317jnks (MC: 1.8.1)

    This server uses the following plugins:
    AdvancedBans v0.4
    AutoSave v2.0.1
    BananaChunk v4.6
    bLog v1.1.0
    boosCoolDown v1.4.4
    bShortcut v1.2.0
    CartJump v1.0
    Command iConomy v7
    commandBlocks v1.0.0
    CommandBook v1.5.2-customized
    CustomCrafting v0.6
    dynmap v0.23
    Flup_p3 v1.9.22
    ForeverALoad v0.4
    GiftSend v0.7
    GlobalShop v0.6b2
    iConomy v6.0.7b
    ItemId v1.14
    ItemLogger v1.031
    LWC v3.53
    MCDocs v11
    Memo v1.0
    MineCal v0.3
    MultiInv v2.3.2
    NarrowtuxLib v0.8.${build.number}
    NoMovedTooQuicklyKick v1.1
    OffLine v1.0
    OpenInv v1.5.2
    OrbsBegone v1.0.0
    Orebfuscator v0.9.8
    OrebfuscatorSpoutBridge v0.9.2
    OtherDrops v2.0-beta1
    Permissions v2.7.7
    Permissions v3.1.4
    playerList v0.1
    PlayerLogger v0.1a
    PlayerTracker v1.0
    PlaytimeTracker v0.6
    PluginsManager v11.07.26
    PlugMan v1.3.2
    Rakamak v3.1.0
    RemindMe v0.5.1
    Reporter v2.5.1
    Runecraft v0.4
    SheepFeed v1.3
    Showcase v0.7.7.11
    SimpleJail v1.3
    SkinAdder v0.6
    Spout v1.0.6.449
    SuperLog v1.2
    TeleConfirmLite v1.5
    TextPlayer v0.9
    Tips v1.0.1
    Tombstone v1.3.6
    ToolNotifier v0.4
    uCalc v51
    VanishNoPickup v1.9.12
    Waypoint v1.6.0
    WorldEdit v4.6

    yeah i know, i got a lot... I already cut them down 50% (so imagine it all doubled)... I'm proud though, very little lag and only 2gb...
  5. Offline


    Bukkit does inform you with this message if you don't have the permission to do this command. I noticed while testing if you just have Yeti permissions installed Bukkit doesn't execute the command because in the description of my plugin is a permission node for this command. I will update GlobalShop if I am sure of the solution to that.

    It seems you have the same problem. You use Yeti's Permission. Stay tuned... update follows
  6. Offline


    Thank you, just tag me when its done :) I'll be glad to test it for you :D
  7. Offline


    I just released GlobalShop 0.6
    I removed the permissions in the commandlist of plugin.yml. Because of this bukkit did the permission handling additional to the permission handling in GlobalShop itself. This is ok for SuperPerms. But if you still use Yeti's Permissions this won't work. So this should fix that.
    Additional I fixed the handling of non player commands (from console)


    GlobalShop can now also be found on BukkitDev:
  8. Offline


    Hi, just tested GlobalShop0.6, for me (OP/Admin) it works perfectly, for my players it doesn't. I'm using Yeti's Permission, Globalshop seems to recognize the command but denies the use.

    Server console says:
    -> [GlobalShop] PLAYERNAME access denied to

    I'll try different forms in my permission file to see if that works. Or if it really should already work with Yeti's Perms, what do I have to do ?

    Tried giving the players & as well as* and globalshop.*. Nothing changed, still "access denied".
  9. Offline


    are you sure you gave you players the right permission node? I had tested it with SuperPermsBridge and it worked. Also I'm sure it has nothing to do with OP/Admin because GlobalShop does not use this system anymore. There are only SuperPerms and Yeti. So you already gave yourself the right permission. :)
  10. Offline


    Hi there, IDK it just didn't work. But after I did the one thing that was very overdue: getting a newer Permission-Plugin (old one was Permission 3.1.6) -> Tada! Everything works.
  11. Offline


    When i wrote /buy then a message shows up You must have an account
  12. Offline


    Great to know that it works now. Although I'm sure it should have worked with Permission 3.1.6.

    Which economy plugin do you use? I tested just iConomy 5 and 6. This message should appear if you have no account, which holds the money, in your economy plugin.
    abbenano likes this.
  13. Offline


    the players on my server became the message
    "Bukkit sad.Bukkit want you to access command, but Bukkit cannot let you. Bukkit will leak tears :'("
    Wth :confused:? I've installed the latest version on iconomy..
  14. Offline


    Which GlobalShop Version do you use? Bukkit says this if you don't have the permission.
  15. Offline


    I have the latest version for Bukkit build 1337.. (globalshop v.0.6b2)
    I'm the only one who can use the plugin..
    Bute every Person have the permission '' ''..
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    Can I make a suggestion? I was looking for a plugin in which I can set the buy and sell prices differently, and I was wondering if you could do that? or if you could at least make a toggle for it if people still want the buy/sell ratio. That would be awesome if you could though. :D
  19. Offline


    Have you access to the console? Where it is said if a user doesn't have the permission to access the command. It seems so that you have to setup the permission correctly. What permission system do you use?

    Yes, that would be possible. Not really hard to implement. But for me I like the system that is at moment. If I find time I will work on a change that will allow to disable the selling on a per item basis. If you have programming knowledge, the source is available and free to change.
  20. Offline


    I do have some java knowledge, but not much, and this would be an extremely hard thing for me to do, all I can do is make a plugin that strikes lightning when you throw an egg, along with spawning a creeper :p, But thanks if you do implement this... I have been wanting obsidian to be worth a lot, but sell for not as much.
  21. Offline


    That sounds logical..
    I have a Permission Plugin which is named only with "Permission" (v.3.1.6) I havn't found it again on bukkit because there are so many plugins with a "permission" in it and the search engine of bukkit is a little bit confusing ._.
    I gave the - '*' permission to on group but still, nothing happens..
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    I also have another suggestion, I have it set so someone can buy a stack of cobblestone for $8, and occasionally someone thinks that it's individual, so they type in /buy cobblestone 64, and that's a lot of cobblestone and a lot of money wasted, so I was wondering if you could make it say if they are buying a lot of items, it says "Are you sure you want to buy [amount] of [item]?"
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    If you want to change your permission system I would advise you to use the - since builds > 1000 - built in permission system "Superperms". To use it you need a permission plugin just like PermissionsBukkit . Have a look at the official Permissions FAQ

    That sounds like a good idea. I was looking for a solution to that problem. My intention was to change the buysystem to buy the actual number you entered. such as 64 of 64 stones. But if there is a number given in the config, this is the minimum the user can buy. That would be shown as a message like "You must buy at least 64 of stones"
  26. Offline


    Please! Tell me my mistake! I can't find it, in here is one defect but I can't find it >___<
    - 1:stone:1:6.00
    - 3:dirt:1:1.00
    - 4:cobblestone:1:2.00
    - 5:wooden_plank:1:2.00
    - 12:sand:1:2.00
    - 6:sapling:1:1.00
    - 13:gravel:1:1.00
    - 17:wood:1:6.00
    - 18:leaves:1:1.00
    - 20:glass:1:6.00
    - 24:sandstone:1:8.00
    - 35:wool:1:1.00
    - 44:slabs:1:6.00
    - 45:brick_block:1:8.00
    - 48:moss_stone:1:10.00
    - 49:obsidian:1:20.00
    - 61:furnace:1:16.00
    - 80:snow_block:1:4.00
    - 81:cactus:1:2.00
    - 87:netherrack:1:1.00
    - 88:soulsand:1:8.00
    - 89:glowstone:1:10.00
    # Tools
    - 256:Ironshovel:1:30.00
    - 257:Ironpickaxe:1:90.00
    - 258:Ironaxe:1:90.00
    - 267:Ironsword:1:60.00
    - 292:Ironhoe:1:60.00
    - 277:Diamondshovel:1:3000.00
    - 278:Diamondpickaxe:1:9000.00
    - 279:Diamondace:1:9000.00
    - 276:Diamondsword:1:6000.00
    - 293:Diamondhoe:1:6000
    - 298:Leather_Helm:1:25.00
    - 299:Leather_chestplate:1:35.00
    - 300:Leather_pants:1:25.00
    - 301:Leather_boots:1:15.00
    - 306:Iron_Helm:1:150.00
    - 30Mate7:Iron_chestplate:1:240.00
    - 308:Iron_pants:1:210.00
    - 309:Iron_boots:1:120.99
    - 310:Diamond_helm:1:15000.00
    - 311:Diamond_chestplate:1:24000.00
    - 312:Diamond_pants:1:21000.00
    - 313:Diamond_boots:1:12000.00
    - 302:Chain_helm:1:20000.00
    - 303:Chain_chestplate:1:20000.00
    - 304:Chain_pants:1:20000.00
    - 305:Chain_boots:1:20000.00
    - 261:Bow:1:50.00
    - 262:Arrow:1:1.00
    # Materials
    - 265:Ironingot:1:30.00
    - 266:Goldingot:1:150.00
    - 264:Diamond:1:3000.00
    - 263:Coal:1:5.00
    - 22:lapis_block:1:180.00
    - 331:Redstone:1:3.00
    - 336:Clay_brick:1:2.00
    - 341:slimeball:1:10.00
    - 329:saddle:1:50.00
    - 2256:Gold_musicdisk:1:150.00
    - 2257:Green_musicdisk:1:150.00
    - 86:pumpkin:1:10.00
    - 360:Melonslice:1:1.00
    - 365:Chicken:1:1.00
    - 364:Steak:1:1.00
    - 338:Sugar_cane:1:1.50
    - 297:Bread:1:9.00
    - 354:Cake:1:55.00
    - 349:raw_fish:1:20.00
    - 39:brown_mushroom:1:5.00
    - 40:red_mushroom:1:50
    #Redstone things
    - 76:redstone_torch:1:3.50
    - 94:redstone_repeater:1:15.00
    - 54:Chest:1:16.00
    - 69:Lever:1:4.20
    - 72:Wooden_pressure:1:6.00
    - 70:Stone_pressure:1:18.00
    # useable Items:
    - 330:Iron_door:1:180.00
    - 85:Fence:1:1.50
    - 324:Wooden_door:1:12.00
    - 47:Book_shelf:1:5.00
    - 58:crafting_table:1:8.00
    - 295:seeds:1:0.50
    - 65:ladder:1:3.00
    - 280:stick:1:0.50
    - 66:rail:1:11.50
    - 323:sign:1:12.50
    - 53:Wooden_stair:1:12.00
    # crafting Items:
    - 287:String:1:5.00
    - 288:Feather:1:4.00
    - 289:Gunpowder:1:9.50
    - 296:Wheat:1:3.00
    - 318:Flint:1:3.50
    - 321:Paintings:1:13.50
    - 325:Bucket:1:89.00
    - 326:Water_bucket:1:100.00
    - 327:Lava_bucket:1:110.00
    - 333:boat:1:10.00
    - 340:Book:1:1.75
    - 348:Glow_dust:1:2.50
    - 352:Bone:1:5.00
    #Colored wool
    - 35:white_wool:1:1.00:0
    - 35:orange_wool:1:1.00:1
    - 35:magenta_wool:1:1.00:2
    - 35:light_blue_wool:1:1.00:3
    - 35:yellow_wool:1:1.00:4
    - 35:light_green_wool:1:1.00:5
    - 35:pink_wool:1:1.00:6
    - 35:gray_wool:1:1.00:7
    - 35:light_gray_wool:1:16.00:8
    - 35:cyan_wool:1:1.00:9
    - 35:purple_wool:1:1.00:10
    - 35:blue_wool:1:1.00:11
    - 35:brown_wool:1:1.00:12
    - 35:dark_green_wool:1:1.00:13
    - 35:red_wool:1:1.00:14
    - 35:black_wool:1:1.00:15
    - 351:cacao_bean:1:10.00:3
    - 98:mossy:1:5.00:1
    - 98:cracked:1:5.00:2
    - 98:brick:1:5.00
  27. Offline


    I don't have access to my testsystem at moment so I can't say that for sure: You have empty lines in your list. I don't know if that is goint to work at all. About the commentars in the list I'm also not sure.

    If I get to my testsystem I will have a look at it. But for now could you provide the message GlobalShop is giving on the console while loading the plugin?
  28. Offline


    I have had these empty lines in it before and also the comments. This is weird, I just cut out some lines and paste them into another section.. There can't be any mistakes ._.'

    I'm sorry for making that trouble ._.
    watch the line with the Iron_helm in it.. wtf is mate7 I'm such a stupid boy ._. that was the mistake >.<

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  29. Offline


    y when i put it in my plugins folder and i start up my server and then i go to edit the config the no globalshop foler
  30. Offline


    Hmmm, can someone help me out? The pluggin doesnt seem to be able to hold not even 70 items on config. If I put like 70 items on the list (and trust me.. they are ALL written correctly) the game tells me that basiccly the item isn't for sale. And whats even weirder is if I try to sell one of those items that I put on the config, it sells them for a random price.
    Is that normal or what...? :confused:
  31. Offline


    did you reload after you updated you config?

    I'm sorry. I can't understand what you problem is. (Whery bad english of yourself. If you are capable of german you can contact me by PM)

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