Inactive [ECON] ecoCreature 0.2.2 - Mob & PVP Rewards [1.4.6]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by mung3r, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. Offline


    ecoCreature 0.2.2 (Belay that nose-picking, Cadet!)
    Mob & PVP Rewards
    More plugins to try:
    MobRider - Finally, a proper use for saddles!
    DeathTpPlus - Death notifications & recall!

    • Coin rewards, coin penalties and drops for:
      • Killing mobs
      • PVP
      • Kill streaks
      • Death streaks
      • Leveling
      • Breaking blocks
    • Share coin rewards with:
    • Increase or decrease coin rewards based on:
      • Biome (swampland, forest, etc.)
      • Environment (normal, nether, etc.)
      • Time of Day (day, night, etc.)
      • Weather (sunny, stormy)
      • Permissions Group (e.g. default, elite, etc.)
      • Factions (neutral, enemy, etc.)
      • Heroes party
      • mcMMO party
      • MobArena participants
      • WorldGuard region
      • Regios region
      • Residence region
      • Towny membership
      • Weapon used
    • Customize items drops to include:
    • DeathTpPlus rewards:
      • Rewards for kill streaks
      • Penalties for death streaks
    • Heroes rewards:
      • Rewards for mastering a class
      • Rewards for leveling
    • mcMMO rewards:
      • Rewards for leveling
    • Prevent exploits:
      • Camping around Mob Spawners
      • Mob farming
      • Limit projectile use (e.g. Bow & Arrow)
    • Multi-world support
    Usage Stats:

    The original ecoCreature was made by ChrisB. All credit goes to him for his creation. Since his plugin has gone inactive since rb740, I have decided to continue doing maintenance updates for his plugin.
  2. Offline


                iConomy.payment: true
                iConomy.use: true
                spawny.spawn: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftChicken: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftCow: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftCreeper: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftGhast: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftMonster: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftPig: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftPigZombie: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSheep: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSkeleton: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSlime: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSpider: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSquid: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftWolf: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.CraftZombie: true
                ecoCreature.Creature.Spawner: true
                sortal.warp: true
                bukkit.command.ban: true
                bukkit.command.kick: true
                bukkit.command.list: true
                bukkit.command.pardon: true
                bukkit.command.teleport: true
      *: true
                worldedit.navigation.ascend: true
                worldedit.navigation.descend: true
                worldedit.navigation.thru: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.addowner: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.addowner.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.list: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.removeowner.*: true
            - default
                permissions.*: true
                spawny.set: true
    [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DEATH to ecoCreature
        at net.milkbowl.vault.permission.plugins.Permission_PermissionsBukkit.getPrimaryGroup(
        at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.managers.ecoRewardManager.computeReward(
        at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.managers.ecoRewardManager.registerReward(
        at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.managers.ecoRewardManager.registerCreatureReward(
        at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.listeners.ecoEntityListener.onEntityDeath(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDeathEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityChicken.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.die(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.damageEntity(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityAnimal.damageEntity(SourceFile:20)
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.d(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet7UseEntity.a(SourceFile:33)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    This is probably something simple that I've overlooked.. some line.. somewhere..
    I've got two ranks on the server. default and admin.
    The default rank has the ecoCreature permissions.
    The admin rank, inherits the perms from default.

    So since the plugin is functioning correctly for admins who get their perms via default, it should be set up correctly for default to also recieve it. But as of now i just get about 50 lines of errors when a default kills a mob. And no rewards.

    Which made me think there was possibly some sort of conflict with the name of the default rank. After scanning iConomy, ecoCreature and bukkit perms, I've not found anything.
    Hoping i just missed something i can fix easily..

    On a side note: Death penalty is not working for me yet either.
  3. Offline


    Hmm, PermissionsBukkit. I'll take a look. Thanks for your patience.

    Can you post your ecoCreature.yml file? Thanks.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
    crazyish likes this.
  4. Offline


    ecoCreature compares.
            IntegerCurrency: false
            AllowCamping: false
            ClearCampDrops: true
            CampRadius: 7
            OverrideDrops: true
            FixedDrops: false
            BowRewards: true
            PenalizeDeath: true
            PenalizeType: true
            PenalizeAmount: 0.2
            AllowUnderSeaLVL: true
            WolverineMode: true
            Output: true
            NoReward: false
            Spawner: false
            NoCampMessage: '&7You find no rewards camping monster spawners.'
            NoBowMessage: '&7You find no rewards on this creature.'
            DeathPenaltyMessage: '&7You wake up to find &6<amt>&7 missing from your pockets!'
            Amount: 1.0
            Amount: 2.0
    # HOW DO I DROPS!?
    #     - format: 'item:amount:percent'
    #     - more drops: Seperate the items with ; add next
    #         - format example: 'item:amount:percent;item2:amount:percent'
    # This means, first you input the item id, second the item max amount upon drop, and third
    # is the chanse it has to drop, in percent... 50 yields a fifty fifty, for instance.
    # -+-+- Special note on the AMOUNT, if you set an item to drop with the value set to 10
    #       it selects a random amount, there's no guarantee that it will be fixed to 10 unless
    #       FixedDrops is set to true
    # Coin_Minimum - Minium amount of coins to drop.
    # Coin_Maximum - The max amount of coins to drop.
    # !!! With a low minimum and high maximum, you will get a random amount between those values
    # Sometimes, it would be great if the amount was fixed instead of everchanging, but how?
    # It's simple... set the MINIMUM to the same amount as MAXIMUM - and you're ready for action!
    # Coin_Percent - What are the odds to receive any currency at all?
    # NoReward_Message - Even if the player doesn't receive a reward, a death message can be configured.
    # Reward_Message - Every creature destroyed can have its personal reward message upon death
    #     - Acceptable codes:
    #     - &colourcode - Check out the forum post for the colour codes!
    #     - <plr> - Will display player name
    #     - <crt> - Will display creature name
    #     - <amt> - Will display the amount + currency
    #     - <itm> - Will display the item you held in your hand at the time
    # Penalty_Message - If you have a negative amount for a creature, this is the custom message
    # for when the player is penalized with a deduction.
            Drops: '289:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 1.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '352:2:75;262:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '367:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '287:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '320:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.20
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '289:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '341:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 50.00
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: ''
            Coin_Minimum: 8.50
            Coin_Maximum: 8.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.00
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '288:2:75;365:1:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.10
            Coin_Percent: 40.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '334:2:75;363:3:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.10
            Coin_Percent: 40.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '319:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.10
            Coin_Percent: 40.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '35:1:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.10
            Coin_Percent: 40.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '351:3:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.10
            Coin_Percent: 40.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: ''
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 40.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: ''
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '287:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '368:1:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: ''
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: ''
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You destroyed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for destroying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for destroying a &5<crt>.'
                Configure: true
    Tested it with penalize type false. And whole numbers etc.
    Tested on all ranks.
  5. Offline


    Download a fresh copy of both ecoCreature.jar and Vault.jar to fix the bug with PermissionsBukkit.

    I've pinpointed the problem with the death penalty but I don't have a fix for that yet.

    Update: This new build of ecoCreature.jar should fix the issues with the death penalty.
    Calleman and crazyish like this.
  6. Offline


    Again, Thank you :) <3
  7. Offline

    Phantom Index

    Can't wait for the fix,
  8. Offline


    i really wanna use this mod but it makes my server major laggy and then makes players crash? i get no errors in console at all? any ideas?

    and yes i have vault installed
  9. Vault b39 - Bukkit 1192

    [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Vault v1.0.0dev-b39 (Is it up to date?): tried to access method org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender.<init>(Lorg/bukkit/Server;)V from class net.milkbowl.vault.permission.plugins.Permission_PermissionsBukkit
    java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender.<init>(Lorg/bukkit/Server;)V from class net.milkbowl.vault.permission.plugins.Permission_PermissionsBukkit
    	at net.milkbowl.vault.permission.plugins.Permission_PermissionsBukkit.<init>(
    	at net.milkbowl.vault.Vault.loadPermission(
    	at net.milkbowl.vault.Vault.onEnable(
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
  10. Offline


    Does this also happen in 1185? 1192 is not a recommended build.

    Not really enough to go on here but my guess is another plugin that does something similar to ecoCreature. I would start with just a handful of plugins (permissions, econ, ecoCreature and vault), and slowly add the others one at a time until you see the problem.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  11. Offline


    i have done that all ready and its just when i add ceocreature and vault it laggs , ill get a test server up later as my server is all most going to be launched
  12. Offline


    Another thought, you're using recommended 1185 too right?
  13. Offline


    if i edit the ecocreatures config i get an error failed to retrive config from directory please backup ur config and let ecocreatures recreate it... heres my config any ideas?
  14. Offline


    Paste your config in this yml parser. It will locate syntax errors for you.
  15. no it's fine in 1185 but ive been forced to upgrade to 1192 for other plugin reasons. Plus it's a good warning in advanced for you ;)
    mung3r likes this.
  16. Offline


    uhm this ite u gave me just show my text in the window next to itxD uhm so how i see what is an error? so this is my config

    and thats just the output of ur site

    dunno what errors there are

    btw the error is fixed it show ecocreatures loaded but the drops are still default even if i have overwrite true und fixed drops true

    the funny point is u still get paid for killing but its showing a message u earned 14.00000000 wich means just 14 euro on my server as i wanted it to be but why are those many 0?
  17. Offline


    I'll try out your config and see if I find anything.

    What econ plugin are you using? This has to do with the formatting specific to the econ plugin.
  18. Offline


    didnt i said that already? im using 3co ..

    would be real nice if u could help me out since there are not many plugins that support 3co in any ways is exactly my actuall config

    ps i also tried the permission with the* i thought maybe theres a bug... so i also tried adding each single permission for each creature but no working^^

    another ps : i found out that u wont get any penalize and not even a message no matter how u change the settings...

    sry for double posting;P

    i really would like if u could get this fixed cus this plugin is great ! it opens worlds for my servers.
    events and more stuff u could do with this.

    and also [diamond][diamond][diamond][diamond][diamond]for supporting 3co ;P

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  19. Offline


            IntegerCurrency: true
            AllowCamping: false
            ClearCampDrops: true
            CampRadius: 7
            OverrideDrops: true
            FixedDrops: false
            BowRewards: true
            PenalizeDeath: true
            PenalizeType: true
            PenalizeAmount: 0.5
            AllowUnderSeaLVL: true
            WolverineMode: true
            Output: true
            NoReward: true
            Spawner: false
            NoCampMessage: '&7You find no rewards camping monster spawners.'
            NoBowMessage: '&7You find no rewards on this creature.'
            DeathPenaltyMessage: '&7You wake up to find &6<amt>&7 missing from your pockets!'
            Amount: 1
            Amount: 1.1
            Amount: 1.2
            Amount: 1.3
            Amount: 1.4
            Amount: 1.5
            Drops: '289:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 5.50
            Coin_Maximum: 10.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '352:2:75;262:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 3.00
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '367:2:75;288:2:20;340:1:10;260:2:10;357:3:10;358:1:05;16:2:11;302:1:05;303:1:05;304:1:05;305:1:05;352:2:20'
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 3.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '287:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 1.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '320:2:65;288:2:8;283:1:1;287:2:15;352:2:20;87:2:12;88:2:12'
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 4.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '289:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 3.50
            Coin_Maximum: 3.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '341:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.00
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 50.00
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: ''
            Coin_Minimum: 8.50
            Coin_Maximum: 8.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.00
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '288:2:75;365:1:75;344:1:40;352:2:10'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 35.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '334:2:75;363:3:75;352:2:15'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.50
            Coin_Percent: 40.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '319:2:75;320:1:5;39:1:10;40:1:10;03:3:55;352:2:10'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.50
            Coin_Percent: 43.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '35:2:65;287:2:50;352:2:20'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.50
            Coin_Percent: 25.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '351:3:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 4.50
            Coin_Percent: 35.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '352:3:20'
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 1.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: ''
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 3.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '287:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 1.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: '368:1:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 4.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: ''
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 2.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: ''
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 15.00
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You destroyed a &5<crt>&7 weilding a &3<itm>.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for destroying a &5<crt>.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for destroying a &5<crt>.'
                Configure: true
    # If you have now reached this point of the ecoCreature.yml file, you may of have noticed the last entry.
    # Switch the Configure: false to Configure: true
    # Why? It means that you have, hopefully, read, understood as well as configured the plugin to your needs.
    # If this value is still false when you start your server, the plugin will be disabled.
    # WHY!?
    # Because. It simply just explains itself. Don't even think about starting an argument about it.
    Cant seem to get any custom mob drops???
  20. Offline


    This new build of ecoCreature.jar should solve the problems with the drops.

    This new build of ecoCreature.jar should fix the issues with the drops.

    This new build of ecoCreature.jar should fix the issues with the death penalty.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
    kahlilnc likes this.
  21. Offline


    PenalizeDeath: true
    PenalizeType: false
    PenalizeAmount: 5

    Tried it out with various settings to amount and type true/false.
    Deleted and regenerated yml etc after download.
    Cant seem to get it working tho :/ Seems that getting plugins to work like before is pure hell for many on this bukkit build :/
  22. Offline


    shes right... nothing changed... my zombies should drop iron tools.. but still only rotten flesh they give 14.0000000 euro instead of 14 no penalizing just works as the older version. hope ull keep on working on it if i can help with testing or something im free;P
  23. Offline


    I have tried each revision of this plugin on our server.

    In the past, ecocreatures was one of the simplest and most widely asked for plugin on our server.

    Ever since 1.8 and the new bukkit devs, we have nothing but problems with this and many other plugins.

    The latest issue that caused us to pull ecocreatures was, after installing 0.0.6b it broke Mob Spawners.

    Suddenly anyone could pickaxe mob spawners and get the actual spawner as a drop. This caused some chaos with suddenly people buying and trading them. That and a wicked dupe bug showed itself with them as well.

    To top it off, even after ecocreatures was removed, the spawners never acted right, and had to be blacklisted.

    I can't help but wonder if "Vault" is the culprit here, why did you switch from Register?

    I have to agree though. 1.8 has been the MOST disruptive and ridiculous update Mojang has botched on us yet. This entire ordeal begins to stink of "Who cares, we rich now!" kind of thing and that leaves any Bukkit/Plugin dev scrambling to keep up with a shoddy code.

    I would LOVE to give ecocreatures back to our community but every single build has been riddled with issues.
  24. Offline


    I think I know the issue. In your plugins/PermissionsBukkit/config.yml, add this entry:

    ecoCreature.DeathPenalty: true

    That should do the trick. I had to do this myself when I was trying out the config you posted in my testing.

    Sure, I can still help. I already have your ecoCreature.yml that you posted. What permissions system are you using? Whatever it is, please post that on or like you did with ecoCreature.yml.

    Also, the number format has been fixed with this new build of Vault.jar.

    Yes, with every release of Minecraft, the bukkit community has to play catch-up and work through the issues until things are fairly stable again.

    Vault provides both an economy and permissions abstraction API. This switch makes sense if you look at all the different permissions systems that I would need to support.

    Let me know if you want me to help debug. Just post your ecoCreature.yml and permissions config on or and I can try to replicate your issues on my test server.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  25. Offline


    this is my permissions config for groups my user config has no nodes in it since i do all i need in the groups..
    this config is also the same for the nether world. im using permissions 3.1.6
    the node deathpenalty u just add right? before there was none so in my config is none atm

    and i found also another bugg...

    i nether the ecocreatures dont work for any mob im using nether v2.0

    anything else u need?

    ps im trying the new jar in a minute i will poste a feedback after im done
  26. Offline


    pastie or pastbin link please?

    Is this another plugin?
  27. Offline


    @mung3r yes nether 2.0 used to make nether portals working uhm sry for forgetting the linkxD here it is..

    since im using permission3.x what node can i add? cus there is no way for ur ecoCreature.DeathPenalty: true
    also getting the custom drops working is way more important than the penalize i think
  28. Offline


    Ok I'm highly frustrated here. I have the latest dev version of iConomy 6. The latest Vault. I have added the node to my default permission group and yet no one is getting drops or even the message that they killed it indicating the plugin is working. I'm using BukkitPermissions which is superperms compliant Please help: <-ecocreature config <-bukkitpermissions config
  29. Offline


    I just dropped in your permissions file on my test server and the zombies are now dropping iron tools.

    Here's the ecoCreature.yml I'm using:

    Here's the permissions.yml I'm using:

    If the drops are still not working, my suspicion is an older version of ecoCreature.jar. The md5sum for the jar should be 881cb53b78339b9abe2ea0787d791a76. That's the one I'm using and should show up as version 0.0.6c in the console log.

    Before I try out your setup, is this:

    the permissions system you're using?

    The reason this is important for me to know is that this appears to be permissions related. If the permissions are not present, there will be no coin or drops given.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  30. Offline


    so with the new configs its running even worser not even the money u will get now...

    ill try the older version now and feedback after

    @mung3r uhhm how to get the older version? dunno what to do with the 881cb53b78339b9abe2ea0787d791a76
  31. Offline


    Hi, I have a request.. not sure if it has been asked before or if you are planning it.

    Could you please make it pvp friendly? Player A kills Player B.... Player B loses 10 dinars from the death penalty - Player A gains those 10 Dinars...

    Anyway to incorporate this into ecoCreature?

    mung3r likes this.

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