[ECON] cConomy v0.01 - Lightweight Alternative for Money [1337-1512]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CainFoool, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. Offline



    The Lightweight Alternative for Money
    Honestly, I made cConomy entirely out of boredom. However, it functions well, and does what it is supposed to do. You only got two commands, and one for Ops. cConomy lets you pay your players with money and let them make transactions between each other. In the configuration you can change how much each player gets once they join your server.
    /money - Check your current balance
    /pay [player] [amount] - Pay a player a certain amount
    /startermoney [amount] - Change the starter money [cconomy.startermoney]
    /createaccount [account] [amount] - Create a custom account with money [cconomy.createaccount]
    I am constantly updating this, it's a temporary link until the final version is complete.
    v0.01 - Released plugin
  2. Offline



    ...okay. Another economy plugin, wows.

    MySQL? SQLite?
  3. Offline


    Soon to be added ;) I was just getting it started off.
  4. Offline


    Wow, an economy plugin with no plugins that support it.

    I highly recommend NOONE DEVELOP FOR THIS PLUGIN.
    Smex and DrAgonmoray like this.
  5. Offline


    I second that notion!
  6. Offline


    You know exactly that nobody of the bukkit
    community needs another economy plugin. Why are you doing this?
    Don't come with:
    - "Because I can"
    - "It's more lightweight"
    - Or any other statment which is just pointless writing at all.
  7. Offline


    There's no API, remember.
    you CAN'T develop.
  8. Offline


    Troll if you wish, I made this out of boredom.
  9. Offline


    We're just discussing. So when is an update coming?
  10. Offline


    We do not care if it is made out of boredom, as it is still not needed.
  11. Offline


    Smex stop telling me what I can / cannot do. It's my life and I can do what I want with it.
    Now if you continue you shall be reported.
    TopGear93 likes this.
  12. Offline


    Don't fuck with the Cain.
  13. Offline


    Hey, feel free to report me but please regonize that you are not
    supporting the community at all with your plugin and that is what we are trying to tell you.
    Sleaker likes this.
  14. Offline


    Calm down Smex at least he made a plugin. I think he gets the point that there are a few more economy plugins and he said he made it out of boredom so you don't have to hate he is an extremely amazing and respected plugin developer
  15. Offline


    Sure is a lot of mad up in hurr!
    Hypocrite and bobbysmithyy like this.
  16. Offline


    I should stir it up and release my own economy plugin I'm working on. :D

    I see nothing wrong with releasing this plugin though despite the fact there's a few of them. Just because it isn't the best dosent mean he hasn't got the right to release it. Everything has to start some where, and I myself would choose smaller plugins like these to run my server other the heavy plugins with databases and what not. :)
    bobbysmithyy likes this.
  17. Offline


    Thank you, that's the sort of comments that I like and they motivate me to continue developing.


    Go ahead ;)
    bobbysmithyy likes this.
  18. Offline


    id like to see this continue. Yea if i could i would use the other iconomy plugins but they have horrible dev documentation. Im hoping this plugin will be fully described when it comes to the api. But @CainFool if you want maybe i could help with this plugin. im trying to keep my fascination with coding.

    Id like to see:
    Change money type - Be able to use items
    Change Basic Money names, Gold, coupons, etc
    PEX Permissions Support.
  19. Offline


    And boy did I notice it.
  20. Offline


    Actually it's player.hasPermission("permission.node.here");
    Also, Permission Support just added along with some more api methods.

  21. Offline


    Dear person. Right now your API can't be accessed (easily). And you have 2 methods that basically do the same.

    #1 - make it static (you prefer this, don't you)
    #2 - add a getter to main class (and make that static!)
  22. Offline


    true, imo its better to have a fully pledged system devoted to permissions. your idea is way to simple lol.
  23. Offline


    Iffa you're completely disobeying me, I told you to stop interacting with CainFoool

    @CainFoool Please ignore Iffa if he continues to contact you.

    We decided to wait and see if you learned your lesson but once again you're causing trouble. Rigby said to ban the both of you permanently if you do not settle down. I was going to unlock your threads today but now you've given me more reason not to.

    This is your last warning, I'm sick of deleting posts.

    From Rigby
  24. Offline


    [, errors}}: Thread.end of string.

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