Capitalysm Overview Description Capitalysm is a plugin for Bukkit servers, which integrates a financial system in the game. The aim is to allow the use of virtual money as in real life. Players can pay other players in the area directly („cash in hand“) or pay them money to their bank account. Therefor Capitalysm provides bank accounts including interest, transfers, cashpoints and even joint accounts (as a separate plugin). Cashpoints are signs which the player can interact with. They show the current account balance and offer the possibility to deposit or withdraw money and make transfers. The interest on the account balance is divided into online and offline interest. Thus it is possible to give online players slightly higher interest rates and reward frequent playing. Of course, every feature in Capitalysm has its own configurations and permissions. Features: Wallets Accounts Interest on account balances Cashpoints Interface for other plugins Features which are not yet implemented Corporate accounts (work in progress) Deleting accounts Killer receives certain percentage of money carried List Commands: /money /pay /bank /createacc /payin /drawout /transfare / trans /plinf Command Information (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Command Information (open) Command Information (close) Money Gives out the amount of cash the player is carrying. Code: /money You can see how much money a player has (only with Perm. *.admin) Code: /money Ki11ahKiwi Pay The pay command lets the player pay money to another player. Obvious command is obvious. Code: /pay Ki11ahKiwi 12 Bank Gives out information about the bank. e.g.: name, interest, interest interval Code: /bank Pay in Lets players pay money into their account without using a cashpoint. Code: /payin 12 Draw out Lets players draw money out (without using a cashpoint). Code: /drawout 12 transfare / trans Transfares money to another player. Code: /transfare Ki11ahKiwi 12 /trans Ki11ahKiwi 12 Plinf Gives out one's account number (or another player's account number). Code: /plinf /plinf Ki11ahKiwi Permissions plugins wich are supported: PermissionsBukkit Permissions: capitalysm.admin capitalysm.ledger capitalysm.banking.createacc capitalysm.banking.payin capitalysm.banking.drawout capitalysm.banking.transfare capitalysm.banking.playeracc capitalysm.cashpoint.create capitalysm.cashpoint.delete Permission Information (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Permission Information (open) Permission Information (close) admin Code: You're admin bro. Don't ask for perm :D ledger Code: Player will be registered by Capitalysm *.money (Move your mouse to reveal the content) *.money (open) *.money (close) Pay Code: You can Buy, Sell (API) or use the Command /pay *.player (Move your mouse to reveal the content) *.player (open) *.player (close) holdings.getstartmoney Code: Player get's money at the first Login. The amount is set in config. *.banking (Move your mouse to reveal the content) *.banking (open) *.banking (close) createacc Code: Allow to use Command: /createacc payin Code: Allow to use Command: /payin Allow to use Cashpoint: in drawout Code: Allow to use Command: /drawout Allow to use Cashpoint: out transfare Code: Allow to use Commands: /trans /transfare info Code: Allow to use Command: /bank playeracc Code: Allow to use Command: /plinf *.cashpoint (Move your mouse to reveal the content) *.cashpoint (open) *.cashpoint (close) create Code: Allow to create Cashpoint-Sign delete Code: Allow to remove Cashpoint-Sign Cashpoint (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Cashpoint (open) Cashpoint (close) How to create Cashpoint Write '[capitalysm]' in the second line of a sign How to use Cahspoint Left or right klick. Write in chat: in x or out x. Version history none yet
Sounds good but theres like wayyyyyyyyyy too many plugins like this, its been repeated like 100912309 times
this looks nice, really simple, and easy to understand i like it since there is bank accounts, i suggest you make so you loose all money in your hand when you die. so theres a reason for using the bank account or make that configurable.
I will discuss with the other developer if it is usefull to loose all money when you die. But all is configurable So "Killer receives certain percentage of money carried" will be configurable, too. Source Code now on Github. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.