Inactive [ECON] BOSEconomy v 0.7.3.a - iConomy Replacement! [ 1.2 - R5+ ]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by riuthamus, May 29, 2011.

  1. Offline


    diannetea, LRFLEW, curryz and 5 others like this.
  2. Offline


    awesome thanks

    wait what is type

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  3. Offline


    As i have said 5000 times, i need to see config files. You cant simply explain something and expect me to get the full breath of what your working with. I need to see your setup to know what the issue is.

    With 7.1 we added a new type to the brackets. This is called "sub". This is a subscription based bracket that will CHARGE the players who are in it instead of paying them. We use this for land owners of merchant plots in our server to charge them "rent". There are other applications this could be used for such as general tax. ( although a fully working tax system is on the way ) In the future other types might be "interest" meaning that bracket will EARN interest for just sitting there, or we might just make another variable for interest in the normal brackets anyway... who knows what Cosine will want to do.

    Also, the things to check are:

    1) Download 7.1 again and ensure you are running 7.1 version.
    2) Check your permissions. If they do not have permissions set to common.* they will not get paid.
    3) If your not using a permissions system ensure the permissions setting in the config file is set to false.
    4) Check your brackets file and ensure its formatted properly. if all you see is a bracket name then its NOT correct and your using an older version of the plugin.

    Those are the basic troubleshooting tips ANYBODY can use.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    Hey,i have another problem using your plugin:
    I have a function (is it called function in java? it's called like that in c++...) called addMoney,which adds money to the player!
    This is how it works:

    Well,it's bigger than that,because i also have iconomy/essentials support,but you get the point...
    In setMoney,i have:
    Everything seems right...but the money just won't add!
  5. Offline


    Okay, can I have a command list that is writen? I don't want to see a 7 min video about it and have to write down all commands so I can remember =/
  6. Offline


    /econ shows your money
    /pay pays money
    I think that's pretty much everything you need! ^^
  7. Offline


    You cant have one right now, im on vacation. When i get home sure. If you want a list go to IN GAME help, it is all there.

    This is a response best left to cosine. Ill forward it along to him! FYI use register if your not. Register makes all plugins for econ work! its epic.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  8. Offline


    Cosine might be better to answer this but as a fellow plugin dev who uses the BOSEconomy API I thought I would chip in here. Why are you doing things the long way around when the BOSEconomy guys have given you a way to do this already. No need to reinvent the wheel here fella ;) Why don't you just use the addPlayerMoney function instead of the setPlayerMoney you can save yourself writing your own function to do that then and you can see if it is the parameters you are passing in or the API itself.

    Hope I was helpful and not just annoying :)

    riuthamus likes this.
  9. Offline


    Seriously epic assist there!
    oz_revulsion likes this.
  10. Offline


    I've gone through about 5 of the 9 pages of comments here hoping to find the answer to my NOOB question...

    It seems when I restart my server all money is reset... bank accounts seem to be wiped... do I need to save ECON somehow before I do a restart? Pls help...

  11. Offline


    Did you check the steps i posted a few posts back? If you have checked, make sure you also check your SAVE interval. If its set to something ungodly thats part of your reasoning. Also... show me your configuration setup please! thanks!
  12. Offline


    Sorry I just assumed that it was going to be a really really noob question, which would be a very easy obvious thing to do.

    Here is my config:
    debug false
    default-wage-interval 1 hour
    fractional-digits 0
    initial-money 10000.0
    money-name Coin
    money-name-plural Coins
    payday-interval 1 day
    save-interval 30 seconds
    silent-wages false
    use-op-permissions false
    use-permissions-plugin true

    My Save Interval is 30seconds and it seems fine.

    It just appears to me that when I do a Restart or Stop on my Server, everything gets reset.

    I looked over the first 5 or 6 pages of comments, didn't see anything that answered my question. You said a few posts back? I checked back a lil ways and didn't see anything that indicated it was something I need to do to try and resolve this. Very sorry for the trouble, I know you developers are busy and it can be a pain answering these noobish questions on something you worked so hard at.

    I do apprecaite it though! You got a great powerful econ plugin here!

    Thanks for the help!
    -MrRotten [creeper]
  13. Offline


    so can you give me an example with not just the type and master of a bracket because i am still confused
  14. Offline


    The post i was referring to was here:

    Just make sure you have something set as your DEFAULT bracket. Which you currently do not. We will be fixing this and making it more friendly in the next version.

    This post will help you as well, it has the default bracket file and the way brackets should look.

    Comments from Cosine:
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  15. Offline


    I found a way that any player can easily steal money from other players, without anybody knowing about it, and i think that it should be fixed. When placing a sign, all one has to do is type in another persons name on the top of the sign instead of leaving it blank, then set the sign as if the person wants to buy something like dirt for a ridiculously high price. Then the thief just keeps selling to that person until they steal all their money. I would really like it if this would be taken out, because some people might figure it out and I don't want to have to bother with banning and kicking people for stealing.
  16. Offline


    that is not a BOSEcon plugin, that is iConomyChestShop.... might want to report it there plz!
  17. Offline


    I'll start using those print statements,and addPlayerMoney! :D
    I'll tell you if it works in about 1 hour...thanks for all the help!

    LE:Yeah,the problem is the plugin doesn't detect if BOSeconomy is loaded...
    LLE:Fixed it! But i get a warning that addPlayerMoney is deprecated...
    plugin.getBOSEconomy().addPlayerMoney(player.getName(),addWhat, false);
    It seems to be working fine though!
  18. Offline


    Cosine stated:
  19. Offline


    Thanks,i'll add it right now!
    BTW,who is Cosine,lol? One of the plugin's developers?
  20. Offline


    He is the primary coder. I am the idea man and the community face. I run the RuinValor ( slaughterhouse ) servers. I had the plugin transfered into my name because they ( bukkit staff ) delisted our old thread for no updates while he was on vacation for 2 weeks. I am on here every day and I am the guy behind the design of the plugin so its just best it stays in my name.
  21. Offline


    with the type sub will the master also loose the money and who gets the money from the sub?
  22. I have verified that I am running
    16:36:11 [INFO] BOSEconomy: Located Permissions 3.1.6.
    16:36:11 [INFO] BOSEconomy v0.7.1 enabled.

    Sorry about that here is what I have so far.


    debug false
    default-bracket-interval 2 hours
    default-wage-bracket newblet
    fractional-digits 0
    initial-money 100.0
    money-name derp
    money-name-plural derps
    payday-interval 1 day
    save-interval 1 minute
    silent-wages false
    use-op-permissions false
    use-permissions-plugin true
    blacksmith {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 50.0
        members {
    dumplin {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 120.0
        members {
    farmer {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 60.0
        members {
    fisher {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 50.0
        members {
    governor {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 180.0
        members {
    hunter {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 50.0
        members {
    king {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 200.0
        members {
    knight {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 130.0
        members {
    lord {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 150.0
        members {
    miner {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 50.0
        members {
    newb {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 30.0
        members {
    newbie {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type sub
        value 20.0
        members {
    newblet {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 10.0
        members {
            despized 1
            xpincushionx 1
    peon {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 60.0
        members {
    scum {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 80.0
        members {
    scumbucket {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 100.0
        members {
    squire {
        disabled false
        excluded false
        locked false
        onlineMode false
        type wage
        value 110.0
        members {
        money 0.0
        type player
    AdminShop {
        money 0.0
        type bank
        members {
        owners {
    despized {
        money 132.0
        type player
    newbiebank {
        money 200.0
        type bank
        members {
        owners {
    xpincushionx {
        money 232.0
        type player
    GroupPermissions File
            default: true
                prefix: '&2'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: false
            default: false
                prefix: '&2'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
                - 'tombstone.use'
                - 'tombstone.lwc'
                - 'tombstone.sign'
                - 'tombstone.freesign'
                - 'tombstone.quickloot'
                - 'tombstone.cmd.*'
                - 'lagmeter.command.lag'
                - 'lagmeter.command.mem'
                - 'lagmeter.command.lagmem'
                - 'stargate.use'
                - 'stargate.create'
                - 'stargate.create.personal'
                - 'stargate.destroy.owner'
                - ''
                - 'stargate.option.alwayson'
                - 'stargate.option.private'
                - ''
                - 'stargate.option.backwards'
                - 'bettermechanics.small_bridge.use'
                - 'bettermechanics.small_bridge.create'
                - 'bettermechanics.bridge.use'
                - 'bettermechanics.bridge.create'
                - 'bettermechanics.gate.use'
                - 'bettermechanics.gate.create'
                - 'bettermechanics.small_door.use'
                - 'bettermechanics.small_door.create'
                - 'bettermechanics.door.use'
                - 'bettermechanics.door.create'
                - 'bettermechanics.lift.use'
                - 'bettermechanics.lift.create'
                - 'bettermechanics.hidden_switch.use'
                - 'bettermechanics.hidden_switch.create'
                - 'bettermechanics.ammeter'
                - 'bettermechanics.cauldron'
                - 'bettermechanics.pen'
                - 'mcmmo.regeneration'
                - 'mcmmo.item.chimaerawing'
                - 'mcmmo.skills.*'
                - 'mcmmo.ability.*'
                - 'mcmmo.commands.*'
                - ''
                - 'chaircraft.sit'
                - 'lwc.protect'
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.wallet'
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.income'
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.mastry'
                - ''
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.stats'
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.top5'
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.bracket.rename'
                - ''
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.bracket.listmembers'
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.bracket.addmember'
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.bracket.removemember'
                - 'BOSEconomy.common.bracket.setmultiplier'
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - ''
                - 'iConomyChestShop.command.iteminfo'
                - '*'
                - '*'
                - 'money2xp.user'
                - 'mysterybox.use'
            default: false
                prefix: '&b'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
                - 'tombstone.*'
                - 'lagmeter.*'
                - 'bettermechanics.*'
                - 'mcmmo.*'
                - 'chaircraft.sit'
                - 'lwc.mod'
            default: false
                prefix: '&4'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
                - '*'
  23. Offline


  24. Offline

    Jonathan Thorpe

    Found a bug... under BOSEconomy 6.x, it was possible to have bank accounts and personal accounts with the same name, but still worked independently of each other. This was useful as I use the TriggerCmds plugin to create buttons for players to manage their own finances, passing the players name as part of the "/econ bank" command subset.

    However, since BOESeconomy 7.x, it now seems impossible to have bank accounts and personal accounts with the same name, even though the config file clearly defines each account with the "type" variable. Now, I find that players bank accounts are being wiped from the config file if that player goes online, replaced with their personal account instead.

    In case you don't understand what I'm trying to say, here is an example of what is happening in the config:

    player1 {
        money 100.0
        type player
    player1 {
        money 1000000.0
        type bank
        members {
        owners {
    player2 {
        money 0.0
        type bank
        members {
        owners {
    In this example, player1 has two accounts, a personal and a bank account, each defined by the "type" variable, while player2 only has a bank account defined. As soon as the server starts and player1 goes online, the config changes to this:

    player1 {
        money 100.0
        type player
    player2 {
        money 0.0
        type bank
        members {
        owners {
    As you can see, player1's bank account has been removed... clearly something here is very wrong, the plugin doesn't seem able to handle accounts with duplicate names, even though they are different types of account. So, what has changed since version 6.x? This used to be a very useful feature!
  25. Offline


    What is the issue...? I didnt see your issue... sorry

    Is the code for a bank in the users file. I have not tried to make one with the same name though... So this could be an error. I am speaking with cosine now!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  26. Offline

    Jonathan Thorpe

    Well that's what I'm seeing here, didn't have this problem with 6.x, so something must have changed somewhere. I've even tried wiping the config and generating a clean one, and setting all the bank accounts back up using /econ commands, but it still does the same thing on server restart -- it works fine for that session, but as soon as you restart the server and the plugin saves/reloads its config, this is when the problem occurs, if that helps. I've verified this by backing up the config before shutting down and restarting the server, and comparing the backup to the original when the server has rebooted, and that's when you notice the difference regarding same-name accounts of different types.

    My point is this - this error kinda makes a mockery of the "type" variable, as the plugin is disregarding the fact that the two same-name accounts are of different types, in which case there is no point in specifying the type.

    Hope this info helps, as I love this plugin, and would like to see this functionality restored :)
  27. Offline


    Hey so I love the mod and the help pages wonderful mod but I was curious. first things first for brackets when a person gets payed does it display it because it doesn't appear that anyone on my server is getting payed but I'm not positive. Also I know you posted recommended mods but I have LWC so sign store doesn't work are there any other store mods you would happen to know of? Thanks
  28. Offline


    Meh, ill pass this along. He looked at the code quickly before sleeping and didnt see it. The saving thing might be the issue since it might see it as a void entry and remove it. Ill have him check it tomorrow when he wakes up.

    Showcase works, as for the first part of your problem, post your configuration files with pastbin and let me see how things are setup. I can tell you from there!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  29. Offline

    Jonathan Thorpe

    Thanks... hope there is a solution, either way :)
  30. Offline


    Not a problem, it does help us narrow it down. Although i still dont understand why you want banks named the same as a player... I guess maybe a wallet? or something?
  31. Offline


    most things are still in default I got this mod yesterday and have only had a little time to tinker with it

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