Inactive [ECON] BOSEconomy v 0.7.3.a - iConomy Replacement! [ 1.2 - R5+ ]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by riuthamus, May 29, 2011.

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    diannetea, LRFLEW, curryz and 5 others like this.
  2. Offline


    um... bro there are dots. Set the decimal place value in the config to 2, also you have 6744. If you wanted 6.744 change the scale with the /econ scale command
  3. Offline


    Hey does Boseconomy work with permissionsbukkit?
  4. Offline


    i cant find that decimal value thing, and what to set 2, do you mean in the brackets. And i tryet to change the scale but i didten make it to 6.744 it's just made everyone to get more income. im a bit noob here :D
  5. Offline


    Not directly, we are looking to add that support with 7.3

    when you reduce the scale you have to make it .XX xx being something this way it will divide. You also do not have many players, so you could just manually edit the money and it would be good to go from now on.
  6. Offline


    Ah thank you if you can make it happen :) Have you got a approximate date that 7.3 will come out? and also im not sure what you mean by "not directly". Is there another plugin that can help? By the way thanks for the quick reply :) i was expecting to have to wait at least a week ;)
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    i troll this thread daily, several times. Quick responses come to those who are not tarded. And, i hear rumors that permbukkit is backwards compatible with 3.x so.... in theory it should still work.
  9. Offline


    I got a problem. I doesn´t loose any money when I buy tickets with Minecrat Ticket system and when I buy something in a chest shop (real shop).
  10. Offline


    That is not related to our plugin, that is related to those plugins. I suggest you check your config files with those plugins and notify those admins.
  11. Offline


    Ok. I will ask Minecart ticket system and realshop.
  12. Offline


    Adding aliases from bukkit.yml for /econ doesn't work...
  13. Offline


    that is because we do not support bukkit perms yet
  14. Offline


    Oh. Darn it. :(

    Will it ever be supported?
  15. Offline


    L2read, seriously same page as this... and you have the answer!
  16. Offline


    My bad, sorry! :(
  17. Offline


    Well thank you very much, for One: saying I am not retarded. That is always nice to hear ;) and Two: Putting in support for PermissionsBukkit in the next version. I will be sticking to this thread like glue in till the version comes out or even a date for when it will be released is posted :)
    riuthamus likes this.
  18. Offline


    you know it works with perms bukkit..
  19. Offline


    Dos this work with the permissionsEX :p and if not could you maby get it to ?
  20. Offline


    It might, many permission plugins have a backup setup that works with permissions 3.xx not sure if they are doing away with that support. We will not be supporting any other permission standards other than the main stream one and bukkits. Sorry.
  21. Offline


    ok okey hope it's works then i try it out :D

    it's looks like it working :D !

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  22. Offline


    Thanks and good to know!
  23. Offline


    How i can convert from iconomy ?
  24. Offline


    cant at this point in time. We have not completed the process. Honestly even when we do ( if we do ) it will be highly complex because of how the two systems are so different. I would encourage you to just spend the time doing it manually since its not that hard.
  25. Offline


    *go give money to 500 guys * XD

    I hate my life :p

  26. Offline


    We have 2400, so... i understand the pain.
  27. Offline


  28. Is there any documentation? I do not know what half the options do, and I haven't found any text file explaining each one :) (onlineMode=true - required to be online?)
  29. Offline


    There is no FILES, but there are 5 helpful videos that show you EVERYTHING
  30. Offline


    Is it possible to add a permissions group to be paid by a bracket? (Did watch the videos)
    What I want to do is have new players get paid nothing until they are promoted. To avoid adding them in one by one to the bracket as they get promoted, I was hoping I could just use a permissions group to automatically change their pay.

  31. Offline


    Hello. I watched all the videos but is there anyway to have a tax system that pulls from the players and goes into the bank (say if someone had a large area of land then he would have more tax than someone with a smaller area of land) if it is possible please tell me how to do it, i think it would be great for it to be incorporated into my server.

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