Inactive [ECO] DirectBank v0.9.5 - Now with: Shared Accounts and Donation Signs [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Seta, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. Offline


    V 0.9.5 - by SeTa

    I am happy so many of you liked my plugins, but im sorry to say there will be no updates (like many of you already thought). I dont have the time any more to update this (and other) plugins on that regular bases as bukkit requires one to update. Keep in mind that the source is included in the jar and everybody who wants to take it over is very welcome (my source is a mess btw)

    DirectBank is a hopefully simple to use Banking Plugin for youre Server. The Whole Banking Stuff is done trough ATMs (Signs) in Varius Types. Now you also can create Shared Bank Accounts (requires a License) but read down the thread to find out more ;)

    • No Commands in Normal use, just place a Sign with first line: "bank"
    • Withdraw, Deposit or Send Money
    • Some Permissions to make it more flexible
    • Shared Accounts (with Different User Rights!)
    • Multilingual ! (sry old Language files are not compactible)
    • Configurable Starting Balance
    • Donation Signs
    • Register! (Works with all Major iConomy Plugins, thx @bob3695 for implementing this)
    • Get configurable fees for Withdraw, Deposit and Sending.
    • Configurable interests at configurable times (per Hours, or per Day) *works but seems buggy*
    Bank Sign:
    Simple Bank, users can view there Account stats, or deposit/withdraw/send Money.
    Place a sign and if you are OP or have the permission node (see below), write the first line "bank".
    Thats all. To remove it, just break it.


    License Sign *new*:
    With License Signs you can sell licenses for User owned Banks / shared Accounts directly ingame. Each now Shared Bank needs 1 License to start!

    Simple write license into the first line (you need the Permission or OP)

    Shared Bank Sign *new*:
    Shared Banks are a simple way to Handle Money within a Group. They are very similar to Normal Bank Signs except 2 differencies:
    1. Its only 1 Bank Account they use
    2. They have a User Menu.
    To create one write sbank in the first line, and youre Banks name into the Second.
    You can make more than one Sign per Bank, only the first needs a License.

    Shared Bank User Menu *new*:
    I think this is the most complicated part of the whole Plugin, but its pretty easy too ;D
    There are 4 User Modes:
    • @ Owner - Can add all Modes and can Remove / Create Signs
    • + Admin - Can add Full Access and Donate Only User and can Remove / Create Signs
    • - Full Access - Can Access the whole Banking Stuff (Deposit, Withdraw, Send)
    • Donate Only - Only can Donate Money
    Add User like: @kingseta or +kingseta. As special User you have ALL Just add ALL to youre User list, and everybody can donate. or -ALL and everybody has full access.

    Donation Sign *new*:
    This is the most simple. Just make sure you have an Bank Account then place a sign and write donate into the first line. Thats it, you've created a sign everybody can easily donate you some Money :D

    Use a Sign:
    Just Punch it, most stuff is self explanatory. If the Sign asks you to input something just write it into the Chat ;)

    You can take fees from your Bank-users. They are fully configureable like you will see in the Configuration file below. But where does the Money get? :confused:
    Answer: Theres a new iConomy Account called "ServerBank". You can use iConomy to take the money, may i implement something more DirectBank'y ^^

    Configuration (open)

    #DirectBankX Config file
    #Sat Oct 08 01:38:53 CEST 2011
    lastinterest=0 # leave this
    oldprefix=Bank_ # change this for upgrading from versions below 9.2
    enable_donatesign=true # ^^
    withdraw_fee=1% # numbers or %
    tag_license=&b~&aLicense&b~ # Sign Tag
    deposit_fee=1% # numbers or %
    mainworld=world # im not sure if im using this Oo
    enable_sharedsign=true # ^^
    tag_bank=&a~&bBank&a~ # Sign Tag
    permissions=false # put this to false if you wish to use permissions
    interestminutes=30 # how often do you wish interests?
    enable_licensesign=true # ^^
    enable_chestsign=true # sry not used :P
    interest=1.15 # in %
    tag_donate=&a~&eDonate&a~ # Sign Tag
    language=en # language file to use located in DirectBankX/lang
    enable_interest=true # may you dont want youre players to get richer and richer?
    send_fee=1 # here you can see a numbered value without %
    licensecost=2000 # how much should it cost to buy a license?
    ScreenShot (open)

    [Download] - Older Versions - buy me a cake [cake]
    Source included. Open Source ftw :D

    • /bank reload
    • /bank license take/give/info USERNAME
    Dont they explain there self?
    • directbank.admin
      • directbank.reload
      • directbank.license.create
    • directbank.user
      • directbank.shared.create
      • directbank.shared.use
      • directbank.donate.create
      • directbank.donate.use
    Simpliest way is to give all Youre Users directbank.user and the Mods directbank.admin

    • NPCs! (with 1.8 update! :D)
    • Donation Signs
    • Finally fix the Interest Loop -.-
    • Gold Banking (buy/sell gold to a dynamic price)
    • Chest Banking
    • anything else?
    • V 0.9.5 0.9.4 was a crap build -.-
    • V 0.9.4 Bugfix and:
      • Register is now Integrated! Big thx to @bob3695
    • V 0.9.3 Recode, now Version now Bugs? ^^
    • V 0.9.2 Added License / Donation / Shared Banks :confused:
    • V 0.9.1 Bug fix :confused:
    • V 0.9 Some small stuff
      • All Money interactions will now get shown in the Log
      • There is an "maxinterest" configuration
      • And a /bankreload command, to reload the config
    • V 0.8 Added "inUse" control. (thx @Silentnight18 ) Signs are dedicated to the user who uses them first until they leave
    • V 0.7 Added new Stuff :D
      • Configurable fees (see example config file above) Accepts also %!
      • Tell online Users about money arrivements
      • Sry this taked so long :/ H: and K: are now variable in Language file!
    • V 0.6 Negative Amount bug fix (thx @AdamS )
    • V 0.5 Important Bug fix! Please upgrade! (thx @alfskan )
    • V 0.4 Little Bug fix
    • V 0.3 Added Money transactions
    • V 0.2 Added Interest per Hour & Starting Balance
    • V 0.1 Release (stable)
    Karlkorv, BastiDE, AdamS and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Yes, /db reload for reloading setup.
  3. Offline


    They are removed! Enjoy! and Please give credit to me!

    and Write Like,Comment,Subscibe and Favorite

  4. Offline


    accepted ;)
    makes sense, now where the config size increases ^^
    Also tomorrow

    Sure you get youre credits xD (if there not enough in the video already :p)
    Ill added it, and i added some text that they should subscribe ^^

    Hopefully you like it
  5. Offline


    Thanks and yea lol :p

    Any other plugins you want videos for?
  6. Offline


    I have found next error making it possible cheating. :'(

    I will describe him (it) on it priv.

    Add: Language file polish for v.0.8
    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted wklej url>
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2020
  7. Offline


    Hehe thx, but this is the only one, im working on an people use actually xD
  8. Offline


  9. Offline



    I have a little problem. This is my Config:

    but I get no money per day. my bank account has 300 $ and I have config:
    depositfee=4 but when I deposit money, are no fees charged.?!?!
  10. Offline


    Hey There :D
    please write 19:0 Not 19:00 and your Problems will be solved ;)
  11. Offline


    Could you do a max amount of interest? Some of my players have 16m while others only 2k, I want to make it where the players who have 16m don't get 76k interest a day, however still get some interest, just not 76k of it... Get back to me (by doing @Clucky) please, thank you :D :D :D
  12. Offline


    yeah sounds like making sense ^^
    i will add this in next update, i will @ you again, when its here ^^

    Ive called it /bankreload to dont conflict with any other plugins. And yeah, Logs are includet too. Youve get notified about new Accounts / Deposits / Withdraws and Sendings!

    @Clucky take a look at 0.9 and the maxinterest= in the config ;)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  13. Offline


    Thanks a bunch :D
  14. Offline


    Youre welcome ;)
  15. Offline


    A question out of curiousity:

    Is it possible to create a flatfile where the money is stored instead of using the iConomy accounts? This is mainly because of the /money top #. When you type the command it lists the banks too... slightly annoying, however, Its not completely annoying :p.

    Also, can you make the plugin compatible with Clans? Whenever I type the amount I'm depositing/withdrawing/sending it displays it to everyone. (Clans alters chat)
  16. Offline


    i forgot about that, i saw something like a "hideAccount" function in the iConomy API. I will optionally add this (i really like the money top behavour, but your not the first requesting this.

    Did you try with 0.9 or 0.8? In 0.9 the Priority event is changed to lowest, so that my plugin has the very last word. If you still have the Problem, please say something i will connect me with that dev.
  17. Offline


    Ok thanks, Whenever everyone gets off my server I'll restart it with it in priority lowest and see if that works.
  18. Offline


    They can not use it at all, it wont respond to their punch.
  19. Offline


    oh, then you have to take a look @ your log.
    Im pretty sure in the moment you punch the sign, there will show up an error. Show that to me please ^^

    Btw, did you try 0.9 already?
  20. Offline


    I updated to 0.9, I still have the same problems with Clans.

    I type 50 and it displays this to all players on the server:

    operator [C/A] x_clucky: 50

    operator is my permission group,
    [C/A] is my clan tag
    and x_clucky is my name :p

    I am almost 100% sure it is clans. I think taht mainly because It has problems with a variety of my other text-altering plugins (which I had to disable, otherwise it would show double chat)

    However, just in case it isn't Clans, here's my list of plugins:
    Plugins (open)

    Plugins: Clans, TaxFreeRegion, StockFluctuations, MoveCraft, SendGift, TextPlayer, DeathMessagePlugin, GiftSend, Residence, CustomCrafting, FloodGates, Lava Forge, Tetris, bedheal, Lottery, Vegetation, PlayerTracker, ButtonWarp, TeleConfirmLite, SimpleAwaySleep, Showcase, uCalc, Elevators, PDrill, ThunderTower, InvTools, BananaChunk, SimpleFall, PhatLoots, Permissions, ChunkLoad, Command iConomy, CommandBook, HomeSpawnPlus, ZeeSlag, AdvancedBans, ShopAds, dynmap, Multiverse-Core, AppleTree, Reporter, MCStats2, ItemDrop, LWC, Fridges, BigCatch, PlugMan, BorderGuard, Drink, Turnstile, MineCal, zombieattack, Multiverse-NetherPortals, PistonsExtended, pvparena, mobSpawner, Multiverse-Portals, SuperLog, MagnetBlock, HeroSpawn, StockExchange, playerList, ItemDetector, OtherBlocks, Train Carts, SecretDoors, Tombstone, FullChest, DwarfForge, Rakamak, FishPeople, MCDocs, OpenInv, VanishNoPickup, SheepFeed, ModDamage, Spout, RocketBoots, ClayGen, WorldEdit, SpawnMob, Pitfall, ToolNotifier, ItemLogger, SkinAdder, LivingForest, iConomy, DirectBank, PluginsManager, GrowingOre, NarrowtuxLib, PlayerLogger, hBank, ConnectFour, Stackable, MinecraftViewer, ItemId, CustomDifficulty, bLog, DropChest, SimpleJail, Runecraft, Tips, NoCraft, AutoSave, RemindMe, MobArena, Jobs
  21. Offline


    Jep i checked it, i have my own Chat rewriting plugin and it will conflict when Priority is Normal. Clans only use this Priority level, so im pretty sure it will conflict.

    i notified @Satros about this, hopefully he can change it.
    Seems that he already noticed the problem:
  22. Offline


    Why is it that I can use ATM banks perfectly fine, but my server members cannot?
    I punch the sign, deposit money, done. My friend then punches the sign, NOTHING HAPPENS. :<
  23. Offline


    Seta, is this bank plugin somehow 1banksign for 1 person?
  24. Offline


    I've got exactly the same problem on my server.
    I've noticed that the only player who can use the sign is the first one that punched the sign after a restart/reload of the server.
  25. Offline



    great plugin i am having one problem. One some one has used the bank no one else can use apart from the first person. Also one little suggestion people can see what balance people have when they use it it would be nice if they could not.

  26. Offline


    Omg! im sorry -.-
    Hopefully you found the 0.8 im fixing this now!

    @NeonJ @verent @Alexxondre @newsonandco
    [cake] fixed in 0.9.1, thx for reporting! sry for this fail

    Really nothing, so the Sign would only show "Deposit" and that stuff but no Money?
    Where should the Money be shown?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  27. Offline


    Wow that was quick i am impressed.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  28. Offline


    Big thanks for the quick update !
    Hope we'll enjoy your plugin ;)

    Also, i made a French translation, PM me if you want it.
  29. Offline


    ok massive error here.... a user is reporting that when he withdraws from his bank account, he charges him the withdraw free i set, and deducts that from his bank balance, but does NOT deduct the sum he wishs to take out, but it still gives it to him, which gives him free cash, also have caught another user bugging out the banks, possibly in a similar way, to gain a lot of cash, and i am running the latest version.

    I personally can not recreate the error, but this guys account, it happens without fail every time.
  30. Offline


    Thnx for the update , but now sincethe new plugin interfaced appeared i had to search the old one thru google =.=
  31. Offline


    This may be a noob question but how do you change the interest time? I'm trying to make it so that interest is added every few minutes.

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