EBeans w/ MySQL vs. EBeans w/ SQLite and the troublesome bukkit.yml

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by phaed, May 14, 2011.

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    As it is now server owners have to choose between MySQL and SQLite. Here's the problem, I require table joins for my plugin's db schema. Ebeans does not currently support OneToMany/ManyToOne relationships in SQLite so I am forced to support only MySQL. Yet there are dozens of one off plugins out there who have fairly simple db schemas who *can* offer Ebeans w/SQLite. So they do. Once a server owner installs one of these plugins and sets up their bukkit.yml to the sqlite driver, they are pretty much locked into SQLite for their server's lifetime.

    How about expanding the bukkit.yml setup to allow the server owners to set both different database types, and allowing the plugin developers to choose which they support:

        username: root
        isolation: SERIALIZABLE
        driver: org.sqlite.JDBC
        password: pass
        url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db
        username: root
        isolation: SERIALIZABLE
        driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
        password: pass
        url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/minecraft
    name: ...
    main: ...
    version: ...
    sqlite: true
    mysql: true
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