Filled EasyClearChat

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Invenstory, Sep 17, 2018.

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    Hello Bukkit Developers!
    i wonder if u would make a plugin for me!
    Plugin Name: EasyClearChat

    I Know there are lot of plugins like this but most of them are broken!

    What this plugin supposed to do: Clearing/disabling the chat by typing the command!

    • /c - clearchat.clear
    • /clearchat reload - clearchat.admin
    • /cdisable - clearchat.disable
    • /cenable - clearchat.enable
    Config Idea:

    Prefix: &6&lCHAT &8>
    ClearChat: &e%player% &7Has cleared the chat!
    ChatDisable: &e%Player% &cDisabled &7the chat!
    ChatEnable: &e%player% &aEnabled &7the chat!
    Reload: &aReloaded

    Version: 1.8.8
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Invenstory How can something like this be broken? Do you have anything to back that statement?
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    im using a clearchat plugin atm and its broken..i mean i type /cc im getting the message 'invenstory cleared the chat' but its not working :/
    plus im gonna use another plugin that gonna take the command /cc for another thing
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator This one?
    Because that one has an ignore permission.
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    Do you still need this or did you get it working?
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    And also alot of these plugins just spam \n so if you are using a mod such as vanila enhancements, you can just change the amount your chat stores and scroll up lol
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    i still need it.. ^_^
    sry for asking for a lot of plugins and wasting your time...i just like developers that are here plus having custom plugins making the server better!
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    I haven't had time to test it yet but does something like this work for you?:
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    KarimAKL likes this.
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