[Easy Question] How to load config into HashMaps?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by n31ln3t, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Hey hey,

    A config like this:

    Duck1: 1234
    Duck2: 1515
    Duck3: 15167
    Duck4: 1351

    Is it possible to do this for example.

    By getConfig().getAllKeysInside("Ducks"); I mean, I want it to get Duck1, Duck2, Duck3, Duck4 just those strings, NOT the integer value inside them.

    So what I want is only the Duck1, Duck2, Duck3, Duck4 in string data. I don't want the numbers inside them.

    Please be kind to help me out, best answer gets a free minecraft premium! :D
  2. Offline


    You want to do:


    BTW: This is not the correct forum category to post such problems.

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