Easy Direct Modding

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Ajgrahtkehfkskg, May 5, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    I wanted to modify the a tiny bit of the actual Craftbukkit code, and then compile it for my server, but how can I decompile and then recompile the Craftbukkit jar easily? I can't use a plugin for what I want to change though, because it's modifying not adding also.
  2. Offline


    Just pull CraftBukkit from the Github repo and then build it using maven. Everything should be automatically set up fine.
  3. Offline


    Hm... I cannot find any documentation about how to use Maven to build code, without bothering with Eclipse and everything. How can I just build it (using terminal, macosx)?


    Also, I cannot seem to find the Armor classes, or the classes containing the Death messages
    (ex: * blew up, * died, etc.)
  4. Offline


    Please post your results when you figure it out, I would be interested in doing this myself (instead of wasting RAM on ridiculous plugins).
  5. Offline


    Will do!

    Still can't find any Maven documentation.
  6. Offline


    THIS IS SOOOOO SIMPLE! Just use javac to compile it, use anything you want to edit it and, I dont think I need to explain git to you, it's fairly simple.
  7. Offline


    But what folder do I give to javac?
  8. Offline


    the folder containing all of the code.
  9. Offline


    Would that be the root folder? (Craftbukkit folder, containing 'src') or src, or src/main/

  10. Offline


    The root folder. All you have to do is go to that directory and type "mvn compile" and it should work.

    As for why not all of the classes appear in the CraftBukkit repository: it only includes those modified by CraftBukkit. For the source of other classes see this repository: https://github.com/Bukkit/mc-dev
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