Easiest way to hide a players name on the tablist?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Fhbgsdhkfbl, Feb 22, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    I'm currently developing a plugin, and it requires the player who runs the command to have their name hidden from the tablist, is the easiest way Packets, or ProtolLib? I'd enjoy an example too :p
  2. Offline


    im guessing you want something like Vanish where it also takes your name off the tablist so here it is:

    and yes packets would be the simplest way to go but here is a decent code example of it:

     private HidePlayerList playerList;
    public void onEnable() {
    playerList = new HidePlayerList(this);
    public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
    if (sender instanceof Player) {
    Player player = (Player) sender;
    if (playerList.isVisible(player)) {
    } else {
    return true;
     private class PlayerListItem {
    public String name;
    public boolean online;
    private PacketListener overrideListener;
    private ProtocolManager manager;
    // Used to construct packets
    private PacketConstructor playerListConstructor;
    // Players to hide
    private Set<String> hiddenPlayers = new HashSet<String>();
    // The current list of visible players
    private Set<String> visiblePlayers = new HashSet<String>();
    // To get the ping
    private Field pingField;
    * Start the player list hook.
    * @param plugin - owner plugin.
    public HidePlayerList (Plugin plugin) {
    this.overrideListener = new PacketAdapter(plugin, ListenerPriority.NORMAL, PacketType.Play.Server.PLAYER_INFO) {
    public void onPacketSending(PacketEvent event) {
    try {
    PlayerListItem item = getPlayerListInfo(event);
    // Overridden player list?
    if (hiddenPlayers.contains(item.name) && item.online) {
    // Tell the client to remove this player instead
    event.getPacket().getSpecificModifier(boolean.class).write(0, false);
    item.online = false;
    // Update list
    if (item.online)
    } catch (FieldAccessException e) {
    this.manager = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager();
    // Add every current player
    for (Player player : plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
    // Read the player list information
    private PlayerListItem getPlayerListInfo(PacketEvent event) throws FieldAccessException {
    PacketContainer packet = event.getPacket();
    PlayerListItem result = new PlayerListItem();
    result.name = packet.getSpecificModifier(String.class).read(0);
    result.online = packet.getSpecificModifier(boolean.class).read(0);
    return result;
    * Start the hook.
    public void register() {
    * Hide a player from the list.
    * @param player - the player to hide from the list.
    * @return TRUE if the player was not previously hidden, FALSE otherwise.
    public boolean hidePlayer(Player player) {
    String name = player.getPlayerListName();
    boolean success = hiddenPlayers.add(name);
    // Remove it?
    if (visiblePlayers.contains(name)) {
    sendListPacket(player, false);
    return success;
    * Show a player on the list.
    * @param player - the player to show on the list.
    * @return TRUE if the player was previously hidden, FALSE otherwise.
    public boolean showPlayer(Player player) {
    String name = player.getPlayerListName();
    boolean success = hiddenPlayers.remove(name);
    // Add it?
    if (!visiblePlayers.contains(name)) {
    sendListPacket(player, true);
    return success;
    * Determine if a given player is visible in the player list.
    * @param player - the player to check.
    * @return TRUE if it is, FALSE otherwise.
    public boolean isVisible(Player player) {
    return visiblePlayers.contains(player.getName());
    * Retrieve the current ping value from a player.
    * @param player - player to retrieve.
    * @return The ping value.
    * @throws IllegalAccessException Unable to read the ping value due to a security limitation.
    public int getPlayerPing(Player player) throws IllegalAccessException {
    BukkitUnwrapper unwrapper = new BukkitUnwrapper();
    Object entity = unwrapper.unwrapItem(player);
    // Next, get the "ping" field
    if (pingField == null) {
    pingField = FuzzyReflection.fromObject(entity).getFieldByName("ping");
    return (Integer) FieldUtils.readField(pingField, entity);
    private void sendListPacket(Player player, boolean visible) {
    String name = player.getPlayerListName();
    if (playerListConstructor == null) {
    // REQUIRES 1.4.2
    playerListConstructor = manager.createPacketConstructor(PacketType.Play.Server.PLAYER_INFO, "", false, (int) 0);
    try {
    PacketContainer packet = playerListConstructor.createPacket(name, visible, getPlayerPing(player));
    // Just broadcast it
    for (Player reciever : player.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
    manager.sendServerPacket(reciever, packet);
    } catch (FieldAccessException e) {
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    * Retrieve every hidden player.
    * @return Every hidden player.
    public Set<String> getHiddenPlayers() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableSet(hiddenPlayers);
    * Cleanup this player list hook.
    public void cleanupAll() {
    if (overrideListener != null) {
    overrideListener = null;
    Source: https://gist.github.com/aadnk/3928137
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