Earthquake Ability

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by GamerzKing, Nov 15, 2015.

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    Hello everyone! Currently, I am working on a game, and I am attempting to create an earthquake ability, that is somewhat similar to the Mineplex Wizards Implode, however I am quite unsure about where to begin with this.

    (for those who has never played Mineplex Wizards, here is a video of Implode, in action)

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    1. Get the target block where the player is looking.
    2. Get the blocks around that center location.
    3. Loop through the blocks and display the effect shown in that video.
    4. Randomly get some of the blocks in that circle, create a falling block based on their data.
    5. Apply a random vector to the falling block to launch it out of the ground, then remove the original block.
    6. Apply meta data to the falling block.
    7. Using the entity change state event, or whatever it's called, if the entity is a falling block and contains the meta data set before, set the block type to be air. (This event is called when the block tries to convert into a solid block as it hits the ground).

    EDIT: By the way that video has a very bad quality/screen tears a lot, therefore the steps i wrote could be wrong as i can hardly tell what is going on in the video.
    You should explain what that video is doing in the text form, as a lot of developers will not want to watch that.

    EDIT 2: Yeah i tested the video on Internet Explorer and it worked fine, must be chrome.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
    Gonmarte likes this.
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    The video was perfect quality for me

    But agreed, you shouldn't rely on pictures or videos to explain your point, many of us cannot view them for varied reasons
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