Dynmap: how to edit permissions?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by MellowMiners, Mar 1, 2014.

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    The op can put up visable [dynmap]-signs, but regular players can't.

    - how do I enable for all players to put up signs?
    - which file do I edit?
    - do I really need to install another mod?

    Been struggeling with this for a week now, would be really happy to get some tips and advice!

    My current file looks like this:
    Show Spoiler

    name: dynmap
    main: org.dynmap.bukkit.DynmapPlugin
    version: "${project.version}-${BUILD_NUMBER}"
    authors: [mikeprimm]
    website: "http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1543523-dynmap-dynamic-web-based-maps-for-minecraft/"
    softdepend: [ Permissions, PermissionEx, bPermissions, PermissionsBukkit, GroupManager ]
    description: Controls Dynmap.
    usage: |
    /<command> hide - hides the player from the map.
    /<command> hide TheDude - hides the player 'TheDude' on the map.
    /<command> show - shows the player on the map.
    /<command> show TheDude - shows the player 'TheDude' on the map.
    /<command> render - Renders the tile at your location.
    /<command> fullrender - Render all maps for entire world from your location.
    /<command> fullrender world - Render all maps for entire world 'world'.
    /<command> fullrender world:mapname - Render map 'mapname' of world 'world'.
    /<command> radiusrender ## - Render at least ## block radius from your location on all maps.
    /<command> radiusrender ## mapname - Render at least ## block radius from your location on map 'mapname'
    /<command> radiusrender worldname x z ## - Render at least ## block radius from location x,z on world 'worldname'
    /<command> radiusrender worldname x z ## mapname - Render at least ## block radius from location x,z on world 'worldname' on map 'mapname'
    /<command> updaterender - Render updates starting at your location on all maps.
    /<command> updaterender mapname - Render updates starting at your location on give map
    /<command> updaterender worldname x z mapname - Render updates starting at location x,z on world 'worldname' for given map
    /<command> cancelrender - Cancels any active renders on current world
    /<command> cancelrender world - Cancels any active renders of world 'world'
    /<command> stats - Show render statistics.
    /<command> triggerstats - Show render trigger statistics
    /<command> resetstats - Reset render statistics.
    /<command> sendtoweb msg - Send message to web users
    /<command> purgequeue - Set tile update queue to empty
    /<command> purgequeue worldname - Set tile update queue to empty for world 'worldname'
    /<command> purgemap worldname mapname - Delete all the tiles for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname'
    /<command> purgeworld worldname - Delete all the files for world 'worldname'
    /<command> pause - Show render pause state
    /<command> pause <all|none|full|update> - Set render pause state
    /<command> quiet - Stop progress messages from active jobs
    /<command> ids-for-ip <ipaddress> - Show player IDs that have logged in from given IP address
    /<command> ips-for-id <playerid> - Show IP addresses that have been used for the given player ID
    /<command> add-id-for-ip <playerid> <ipaddress> - Add player ID to given IP address
    /<command> del-id-for-ip <playerid> <ipaddress> - Delete player ID from given IP address
    /<command> webregister - Start registration process for creating web login account

    description: Manipulate map markers
    usage: |
    /<command> add <label> - add new marker with given label at current location (use double-quotes if spaces needed)
    /<command> add id:<id> <label> - add new marker with given ID at current location (use double-quotes if spaces needed)
    /<command> movehere <label> - move marker with given label to current location
    /<command> movehere id:<id> - move marker with given ID to current location
    /<command> update <label> icon:<icon> newlabel:<newlabel>- update marker with given ID with new label and/or icon
    /<command> delete <label> - delete marker with given label
    /<command> delete id:<id> - delete marker with given ID
    /<command> list - list details of all markers
    /<command> icons - list details of all icons
    /<command> addset <label> - add marker set with given label (ID=label)
    /<command> addset id:<id> <label> - add marker set with given ID and label
    /<command> updateset id:<id> newlabel:<label> - update marker set with given ID
    /<command> updateset <label> newlabel:<label> - update marker set with given label
    /<command> deleteset <label> - delete marker set with given label
    /<command> deleteset id:<id> - delete marker set with given ID
    /<command> listsets - list all marker sets
    /<command> addicon id:<id> <label> file:"filename" - install new icon
    /<command> updateicon id:<id> newlabel:<label> file:"filename" - update existing icon
    /<command> updateicon <label> newlabel:<label> file:"filename" - update existing icon
    /<command> deleteicon id:<id> - remove icon
    /<command> deleteicon <label> - remove icon
    /<command> addcorner - add corner to corner list using current location
    /<command> addcorner <x> <y> <z> <world> - add corner with given x, y and z coordinate on given world to corner list
    /<command> clearcorners - clear corner list
    /<command> addarea <label> - add new area with given label using corner list
    /<command> addarea id:<id> <label> - add new area with given ID using corner list
    /<command> deletearea <label> - delete area with given label
    /<command> deletearea id:<id> <label> - delete area with given ID
    /<command> listareas - list details of all areas
    /<command> updatearea <label> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of area with given label
    /<command> updatearea id:<id> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of area with given ID
    /<command> addline <label> - add new poly-line with given label using corner list
    /<command> addline id:<id> <label> - add new poly-line with given ID using corner list
    /<command> deleteline <label> - delete poly-line with given label
    /<command> deleteline id:<id> <label> - delete poly-line with given ID
    /<command> listlines - list details of all poly-lines
    /<command> updateline <label> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of poly-line with given label
    /<command> updateline id:<id> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of poly-line with given ID
    /<command> addcircle <label> radius:<rad> - add new circle centered at current location with given radius and label
    /<command> addcircle id:<id> <label> radius:<rad> - add new circle centered at current location with given radius and ID
    /<command> addcircle <label> radius:<rad> x:<x> y:<y> z:<z> world:<world> - add new circle centered at given coordinates with given radius and label
    /<command> deletecircle <label> - delete circle with given label
    /<command> deletecircle id:<id> <label> - delete circle with given ID
    /<command> listcircles - list details of all circles
    /<command> updatecircle <label> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of circle with given label
    /<command> updatecircle id:<id> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of circle with given ID
    /<command> getdesc id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - get description for marker with given ID
    /<command> getdesc <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - get description for marker with given label
    /<command> resetdesc id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - clear description for marker with given ID
    /<command> resetdesc <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - clear description for marker with given label
    /<command> appenddesc id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> desc:"text" - append text line to description for marker with given ID
    /<command> appenddesc <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> desc:"text" - append text line to description for marker with given label
    /<command> importdesc id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> file:<filename> - import description from given file for marker with given ID
    /<command> importdesc <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> file:<filename> - import description from given file for marker with given label
    /<command> importlabel id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> file:<filename> - import label with markup from given file for marker with given ID
    /<command> importlabel <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> file:<filename> - import label with markup from given file for marker with given label
    /<command> getlabel id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - get label for marker with given ID

    description: List and modify dynmap configuration
    usage: |
    /<command> worldlist - list all worlds configured (enabled or disabled)
    /<command> worldset worldname enabled:<true|false> - enable or disable a world
    /<command> worldset worldname center:<x/y/z|here|default> - set map center for given world
    /<command> worldset worldname extrazoomout:<N> - set extra zoom out levels for given world
    /<command> maplist worldname - list all maps for given world
    /<command> mapdelete worldname:mapname - delete given map of given world
    /<command> mapadd worldname:mapname attrib:value attrib:value - create map on given world with given attributes
    /<command> mapset worldname:mapname attrib:value attrib:value - update given map on given world with given attributes
    /<command> worldreset worldname - reset given world to default template for world type
    /<command> worldreset worldname templatename - reset given world to given template
    description: Map export commands
    usage: |
    /<command> shader <shadername> - Export material library for shader <shadername>

    description: Gives access to all dynmap functions
    dynmap.render: true
    dynmap.show.self: true
    dynmap.show.others: true
    dynmap.hide.self: true
    dynmap.hide.others: true
    dynmap.fullrender: true
    dynmap.radiusrender: true
    dynmap.updaterender: true
    dynmap.cancelrender: true
    dynmap.reload: true
    dynmap.stats: true
    dynmap.resetstats: true
    dynmap.sendtoweb: true
    dynmap.purgequeue: true
    dynmap.purgemap: true
    dynmap.purgeworld: true
    dynmap.quiet: true
    dynmap.ids-for-ip: true
    dynmap.ips-for-id: true
    dynmap.webregister: true
    dynmap.webregister.other: true
    dynmap.pause: true
    dynmap.marker.add: true
    dynmap.marker.update: true
    dynmap.marker.movehere: true
    dynmap.marker.delete: true
    dynmap.marker.list: true
    dynmap.marker.icons: true
    dynmap.marker.sign: true
    dynmap.marker.addset: true
    dynmap.marker.updateset: true
    dynmap.marker.deleteset: true
    dynmap.marker.listsets: true
    dynmap.marker.addicon: true
    dynmap.marker.updateicon: true
    dynmap.marker.deleteicon: true
    dynmap.marker.addarea: true
    dynmap.marker.updatearea: true
    dynmap.marker.listareas: true
    dynmap.marker.deletearea: true
    dynmap.marker.addcircle: true
    dynmap.marker.updatecircle: true
    dynmap.marker.listcircles: true
    dynmap.marker.deletecircle: true
    dynmap.marker.getdesc: true
    dynmap.marker.resetdesc: true
    dynmap.marker.appenddesc: true
    dynmap.marker.importdesc: true
    dynmap.marker.getlabel: true
    dynmap.marker.importlabel: true
    dynmap.dmap.worldlist: true
    dynmap.dmap.worldset: true
    dynmap.dmap.worldreset: true
    dynmap.dmap.mapdelete: true
    dynmap.dmap.mapset: true
    dynmap.dmap.mapadd: true
    dynmap.dmap.perspectivelist: true
    dynmap.dmap.shaderlist: true
    dynmap.dmap.lightinglist: true
    dynmap.playermarkers.seeall: true
    description: Allows /dynmap render command
    default: true
    description: Allows /dynmap show (on self)
    default: true
    description: Allows /dynmap show <player>
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap hide (on self)
    default: true
    description: Allows /dynmap hide <player>
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap fullrender or /dynmap fullrender <world>
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap radiusrender
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap updaterender
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap cancelrender <world>
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap reload
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap stats, /dynmap stats <world>, or /dynmap triggerstats
    default: true
    description: Allows /dynmap resetstats or /dynmap resetstats <world>
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap sendtoweb
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap purgequeue
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap purgemap
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap purgeworld
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap pause
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap quiet
    default: true
    description: Allows /dynmap ids-for-ip
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap ips-for-id
    default: op
    description: Allows /dynmap webregister
    default: true
    description: Allows /dynmap webregister userid
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker add
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker update
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker movehere
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker delete
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker list
    default: true
    description: Allows /dmarker icons
    default: true
    description: Allows creation of markers using signs
    default: true
    description: Allows /dmarker addset
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker updateset
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker deleteset
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker listsets
    default: true
    description: Allows /dmarker addicon
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker updateicon
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker deleteicon
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker addarea, /dmarker addcorner, /dmarker clearcorners
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker updatearea
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker listareas
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker deletearea
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker addline
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker updateline
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker listlines
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker deleteline
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker addcircle
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker updatecircle
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker listcircles
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker deletecircle
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker getdesc
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker resetdesc
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker appenddesc
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker importdesc
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker getlabel
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmarker importlabel
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmap worldlist
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmap worldset
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmap worldreset
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmap mapdelete
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmap mapset
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmap mapadd
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmap perspectivelist
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmap shaderlist
    default: op
    description: Allows /dmap lightinglist
    default: op
    description: Allows web chat (if login required for webchat)
    default: true
    description: Allow all players to be seen by user on web UI
    default: op

    Too easy? Anyone?

    Is there someone that use dynmap-signs on their live map, that can explain how to give the permission to all the members of the server?
    Or could at least give some tips on where to look for the solutions?

    I've been searching forums and sites high and low for some answers, but without result.
    So..- Please?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  2. Offline


    MellowMiners Well your spoiler looks like it has all the info in it that you should need; it lists a whole bunch of different permission nodes. I'm not familiar enough with Dynmap myself to know exactly what it is you're trying to do, but I'll take a stab at it anyway since nobody else is able to help yet.

    So I saw one of the permission nodes listed in your spoiler is dynmap.marker.sign and the description for that one says that it allows creation of markers using signs. That sounds like what you said you wanted. So then all I would do is add that permission node with your permissions plugin to whichever group/rank you want to be allowed to do that. I don't know if you might still need to give them any supporting permission nodes for that one to work or not; like I said, I'm not very familiar with server-side Dynmap configuration.
  3. Offline


    Thank you for the reply JJ, much appreciated. This has been a true pain and I've wasted a lot of hours on error searching. I agree with you that the current settings looks as they should work, but to my great despair they don't..

    Feeling a bit lost here. Do you mean I need another plugin to handle the permissions for this plugin? Even though the permissions has already been set in this one? (I'm trying to not install too many mods to save server resources.)
  4. Offline


    MellowMiners Well it's pretty standard to have a permissions plugin (GroupManager, PermissionsEx, bPermissions, etc.). I guess I just assumed you had one; my mistake. Permissions plugins really don't use up much server resources and having one helps you be better able to define who can do what.
  5. Offline


    So I don't need to permit players to use the function in the plugin it self first, before I can even admin those permissions in the Manager/Permission plugin? Any advise on a small, light weight manager that would fit for dynmap signs?

    So, I've installed GroupManager. Added the nodes to the default group (without using tabs). Still doesn't work. Any other ideas?
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