Minecraft version : 1.8.8 ############################ DUEL MODES ############################ -Best of 3 rounds all modes. -Both mode if the player leave the bounds or /hub etc... kick them from the event or duel. -Points system Win:20 Kill:5 (points system only in duels mode) Level 1 prefix to 100Points - Level 2 Prefix to 500 points etc... (add prefix name in config with code colors) -in lobby item "SlimeBall" "Back to hub" -Classic Items - full iron Armor + Stone sword + Fishing rod + bow + 4 arrows Rules - items unbreakable -Cant drop items -Stick Fight Items - full leather with team (red/blue) + blazerod knockback 1 +5 ender pearls + 16 wools but the wool disappear after placing it by 2 seconds Rules - it will be void map if someone got knocked lose the round - if you can add bounds to this arena -Cant drop items - Sumo Rules -no items + no damage -if someone got knocked in the water lose the round ############################ EVENTS MODES ############################ - These events modes can only be held by who has permission for each mode a permission - send an announcement in chat so the players joins - global cooldown for the player permissions(5 mins -15 mins - bypass ) -"&1&l<event> &8&l\xbb &fEvent will start soon &a[Click to join] &f(players)" ##\xbb = » - Knockout Item -stick -Cant drop items Rule -Last man standing win - One in the chamber Items Wooden sword + bow +1 arrow "(unbreakable)" Rules -If they get a kill + 1 arrow -infinite life -first player to reach 20 kills win -screen title message -"&a&l\u271A&b1 KILL" \u271A = ✚ -Cant drop items - Race Items -Iron sword (shapr1) + full iron armor + full inventory of soup (healing) Rule -first player to reach pressure plates win -Cant drop items (only bowl) -Green & Red Lights Rules -Random even with GO and STOP first one to reach pressure plates wins -Screen title message &e&lGO! + &c&lSTOP! -Block in their inventory cant be placed or dropped or move them in their inventory.. if STOP sign (Red Wool) if GO Sign (Lime Wool) -Players can hit each -Lighting Strike on player death as an effect ############################## Screen title messages ############################## -"&fMatch Starting!" -"&fThe match will be starting in &b<3-2-1>&f..." [EVENT] Win Lose &aVICTORY! &r<player> &7won the event! &cDEFEAT! &r<player> &7won the event! [DUEL] &aVICTORY! &r<player> &7won the game! &cDEFEAT! &r<player> &7won the game! ############################ Scoreboard ############################ &3&lEvents &8&m------------ &d&lCurrent Game &f<Event> &c&lGame Stats &eAlive: &f<number> &eDuration: &f<timer> &8&m------------ &7&oservername ##################### &3&lEvents &8&m------------ &d&lCurrent Game &fOITC &c&lRound Stats &7Kills: &f<kills>/20 &e&lLeaders &f1 &8- &rPlayer &f0 &8- &rPlayer &f0 &8- &rPlayer &8&m------------ &7&oservername ############################ &e&lDuels &8&m------------ &9<Player> ⬤⬤⬤ &9<Player> ⬤⬤⬤ &8&m------------ &7&oservername ### #&e⬤ = As a counter green count if it a win round if not leave it dark grey replace"⬤" with "\u2B24" ### ################### PRELOBBY ################### [Duels] &e&lDuels &8&m------------ &eVictories: &c<Wins> &cKills: &c<Kills> &eDeaths: &c<Deaths> &ePoints: &c<Points> &8&m------------ &7&oservername In both mode cooldown start timer in actionbar -"&a&lGame Starts in 10.." must be 2 players to start the game cancel if the players leave ############################ FEATURES#################### ############################ -in config command issue per win or kill -win over all leaderboard (duels) -points over all leaderboard (duels) -stats. -you can do gui for the event maker so they see the event then arena available ############################ MESSAGES#################### ############################ -"&fStarting match" -"&fThe match will be starting in &b3&f..." Kill -"&r<dead> &6killed by &r<killer>" joining event -"&r<PLAYER> &fJoined the event!" Eliminated - "&6Tribute &r<dead>&6 has fallen." - "&b<remining> &6tributes remain." Chat &a[Game] [Prefix] &8&oPlayer&8\xbb &fGood Luck! ##\xbb = » Round end: if win - "&aYou have killed &r<dead> &awith &4<hearts>&a left." - "&r<killer>&6 Won this round." if lose -"&cYou have been killed by <killer> with &4<hearts> &cleft." "&r<killer>&6 Won this round." Game end: -Fireworks sound effect -Message: &8&m--------------------------------------------- &3&lDuels &8&l- &c&lGame Result &f&lWinner: &r<winner name> &f&lMode: &3<Mode> &8&m--------------------------------------------- ############################ COMMANDS ################# ############################ no help menu for players /duels help to join most player arena (quick join) -join <mode> Admin /duel create <name> <mode> /duel set prelobby <name> /duel set spawn1 /duel set spawn2 /duel bound1 <name> /duel bound2 <name> /duel stats <player> /duel delete <name> /duel set mainlobby - to send them after game finish /event create <name> <event> /event bound1 /event bound2 /event spawnpoints -this spawn points for the game with unlimited spots and no prelobby for this mode just teleport them to the spawnpoints and hold them until the game starts /event start - to start the event you are in it /event leave - leave the current event /event delete <name> if you have any question you can ask me
Hi there, you still need this? Should probably not take me too long to make this, maybe a few days at most (since I've obviously got some other stuff to do too)
hello yes please !!!! im really glad you can do it and yes take your time even 1 week or 2 since you can make it for me!!!!! and if you need any more information or any question feel free to ask please if you can add the messages and titles and leave item in the config thank you so much
Hi, I actually think I found a plugin for you, that might be sufficient for your needs, take a look at it: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/duels.20171/ If this plugin does not fit your needs, feel free to reply and I'll see if I can take the plugin's source code to add extra-features or anything in case you need that (or actually just make an entirely new plugin, but I doubt that will be necessary)
Hello @raffel080108 , i tested the plugin and im fine with it but i need some changes if possible 1-remove Elo rating and make it the player starts from 0 points and you gain points per kill and per wins only works duels and /duels<player> doesnt effect the points etc.. 2-Add events with separate eliminate and on-end message 3- Matches out of 3 + kill message per round 4- scoreboards in matches 5- enabled world (plugin) 6- remove betting + own inventory in request duel and the betting command 7- add stickfight in kit options so the blocks disappear when u place them 8- change the gamemode to survival when the game starts 9-holograms leaderboard points - wins 10-in game chat i hope its not too much of stuff thank you
No Problem, should be fine to implement all of that - I'll probably start tomorrow on it or as soon as I have time otherwise, since it's pretty late in the night here and I just got home. I'll update you on my progress and once I'm finished Just 2 questions: What do points 8 and 10 mean exactly - What gamemode is active at the begining of the game instead? And what do you mean in-game chat, chat messages are seperated per world anyways unless you specificly use a plugin to link them together
so what i mean by point8 is just the gamemode to survival bc what if an admin has gamemode create etc.. and point 10 its just a format whos in the same game can see this format for example InGame | Division-Prefix| Player > Hi! [in the dame duel game or event] Player > Hi! [in another duel game or duels lobby] | = \u2502 > = \xbb and what i mean by division its the points and rank system i hope u understand what i mean by points system but here is a brief explaination for example if someone reach 500 points they get custom division prefix and idk if you can add this in config and about the stick fight its like sumo but the diff is this duel mode they have blocks so i want them if they blacked the wool block it broke after 2 seconds and i forgot to say in duel modes in the round finish give them the same items (like a reset) thank you again for helping me with this plugin
Ok, both of those shouldn't be a Problem - I will simply implement Placeholders for InGame (In-Game or Lobby) and Division-Prefix, so you can just use it in any chat-formatting plugin (Like LuckPerms Chat) in any custom format you want. Let me know in case there is anything else you want implemented - I will begin work on the plugin as of now. I will inform you of progress updates and when I'm done, of course. Note, that I am currently on vacation and might not have Internet everywhere I go, so some replies/updates could be delayed by as much as 1 or 2 days Cheers Also, another question: What does point 5 mean? And do you mean events, by how a player died by point 2, or what? P.S.: I will probably be using the Plugin's API to make an addon, instead of editing the source-code itself, but that shouldn't make a difference for you, just wanted to let you know anyways
point 5 means plugin works only on these worlds but its already here in config so dont worry about it and i mean by events the game modes i wrote only can played if someone start it meaning i need to do /event start <event> then you get announcement in chat so the players join bc these event can handle more than 2 players for example OITC not only 2 players its should be at least 5 players just like event for the server do you have any questions about the scoreboard ? bc i sent the form of it for each mode and event I hope you understand what i mean bc my english isnt good
I'll see what I can do about it. Since I am not familiar with the source-code or API at all, I will have to look how I can do some of the things. Currently I actually don't have that much time to do it, but I'll be sure to do some more work as soon as possible. The thing is only that each event type has to be implemented seperately, so you would have to tell me every kind of event you want to be available. The only question I have is do you mean simply 5 players fighting at once (which would probably be relatively simple to implement, since only the player count for an event-queue has to be changed) or a round-based arena system or something like that. The later would require a lot more implementation work and together with the other stuff, it could probably take me a little bit to get all of that done. If you're ok with waiting a little bit, then I can try to do all of it, of course.
- about the 5 players its was just an example bc in event mode players maximum it depends on how much spearpoints added in the setup. -i can wait even a month so dont worry about the time since this API or Plugin can be implemented i can wait. -i will try to make you a video of how all the events works to make the picture more clear bc i wrote it in the first message. -and if you can add custom tablist bc i will make more than one arena in one world so if you can make the tablist for whos in the same game (only in game) -if you can gui for the queue with the kits available /duels gui <player> -for console to open the gui to specific player -%kills% isnt implemented in the plugin if you can add it and %points% too
He might have stopped, he started on this page since july 12 and last online was july 17, he might not be coming back.