Solved Draw a letter using ParticleEffects and MinecraftFont

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MiniDigger, Feb 24, 2014.

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    Hey guys,
    I am trying to draw a letter using ParticleEffects and MinecraftFont but the letters are always rotated by 180 degree verticaly.
    More informations:
    Thank you for your help
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    Wow, cool!

    Um, just looking at this..

    if(spirte.get(y, x))

    Should that be

    if(spirte.get(x, y)) ?

    I'm not actually sure, as I've never used CharacterSprite, but that just looks odd to me :)

    Otherwise, I mean it's hacky, but you could always just invert the y value if you can't figure it out, like

    int invertedY = sprite.getHeight() - y;

    Then use "invertedY" in place of Y.
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    feildmaster I want the directions like that so the text is readable if the player is looking into that direction
    NathanWolf i'll try your suggestions

    NathanWolf inverting y solved it

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
    NathanWolf likes this.
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    For what it's worth, I'm guessing this may be because the font or sprite use screen-based Y coordinates, which usually start in the top-left (so y goes from top to bottom, versus bottom to top like in 3D space).

    Glad you got it working! This is a very cool effect XD
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