
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by iiHeroo, Jun 21, 2013.


Will you use it?

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  2. No

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  1. Offline


    Plugin Category: Fun

    Suggested Name: DodgeBall

    What I want:

    Let's keep this simple as possible. Easy plugin, let's start, and you listen, so obviously we all played DodgeBall if we wen to Elementrary School, (obviously I didn't because I spelled that wrong, jk) so there's 2 teams, in DodgeBall you can't cross the line but you can toggle that, everyone has a ball(snowball), sadly there is no way to catch it yet, but maybe we can think of a way, anyways, in the plugin everyone has unlimited stack of snowballs, and it's 1 hit kill, you can add as many lives as you want and if this is on there is automatic spawn, you can add a timer, and stats. Timer is in seconds. For example you put 10000000000 lives, no one will win the game, unless you put the timer as 1000000000000000000000000000000000000. Example of Config:

    Timer: True
    Time : 300 [5 Minutes]
    Lives: True
    Amount : 10
    Vote [Also is for Start]
    RequiredPlayers: 6

    There will be stats wall, team colors are red and blue. This red will not be the dyed red armor, I want it to be Bright Red, and as for blue, a dark but bright blue. The stats wall will look like this, this can only be done with the command in the list, just look at their discriptions and you'll know which one it is. Player Stats will require a MySQL DataBase. In order to edit a arena it must be disabled and selected.

    Waiting Game

    [No one's in it] [DodgeBall] [DodgeBall]
    Click To Join - Dead
    Arena # - Alive
    [Game Status] Waiting

    People in it but didn't start:

    [DodgeBall] [DodgeBall] player
    Click To Join - Dead player
    Arena # # Alive player
    Starting player

    Game Started:

    [DodgeBall] [DodgeBall] player
    Click To Join # Dead player
    Arena # # Alive player
    In Game ! player


    [DodgeBall] [DodgeBall]
    Click TO Join - Dead
    Arena # - Alive

    Stats Sign:

    Your Stats

    Commands - Definition
    Commands will begin with /dodgeball but alias are begin with /db

    Regular Player Commands [Required To Play]

    /db join - Goes to lobby spawn
    /db join <arena #> - Join a game
    /db lobby - Go to lobby spawn.
    /db leave - Leave the game.
    /db vote - Vote To Start

    Donor/Staff Commands

    /db start - Start's the game [Still requires amount of players]

    Admin Commands

    /db createarena - Creates a arena in a world edit selection [When you run this command it automatically disable's it and select's it]
    /db setspawn blue - Set's the spawn for blue team
    /db setspawn red - Set's the spawn for red team
    /db select <arena#> - If you want to change the spawn for that arena
    /db remarena <arena#> - Deletes the arena
    /db stop <arena#> - Ends a arena #'s game
    /db enable - Enable all arenas
    /db enable <arena#> - Enable's a certain arena
    /db disable - Disable all arenas
    /db disable <arena#> - Disable's a certain arena
    /db tpto <arena#> - Teleports to first set spawn in that arena
    /db setline - You need to have selected the arena to do this, unless you did /db createarena this is the center line, set it if you don't want people to ross middle
    /db setwall <arena#> - Set's the stats wall as seen above for JOINING a game.
    /db setlobby - Set lobby spawn

    Permissions Section
    Permission - Command [Commands in same order]

    db.join.<arena#> - /db join <arena#>
    db.lobby - /db lobby
    db.leave - /db leave - /
    db.start - /db start
    db.createarena - /db createarena
    db.setspawn - /db setspawn (color)<arena#> - /db select <arena#>
    db.removearena.<arena#> - /db remarena <arena#>
    db.stop.<arena#> - /db stop <arena#>
    db.enable.<arena#> - /db enable <arena#>
    db.disable.<arena#> - /db disable <arena#>
    db.tpto.<arena#> - /db tpto <arena#>
    db.setline.<arena#> - /db setline <arena#>
    db.setwall.<arena#> - /db setwall <arena#>
    db.setlobby - /db setlobby

    When I want it by: July 4th
  2. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    iiHeroo Don't bump within 24 hours
  3. Offline


    Would you make it :p ?
  4. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    iiHeroo I don't make minigames
  5. Offline


    ;( Just this one :p

    Would you just do this one :p ?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
  6. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  7. Offline


    Know anyone that will ?
  8. Offline


    This is an extremely difficult plugin to make from a request. You are going to have a very hard time finding someone to do this for free. You need to think of a simpler concept.
  9. Offline


    You are basically asking for someone to recode Paintball from scratch. You can use worldgaurd to prevent people from crossing the "line"

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