DisquiseCraft Not working...

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by RedKnightHD, Oct 7, 2014.

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    So i just made a private server(Only for my friends). And i installed disguisecraft and i typed ''/disguise'' and it said this:


    I was like: ''Why the heck isn't it on the help list?''

    I installed protocolib and still doesn't work, uninstalled protocolib and after that reinstalled disguisecraft again. Still doesn work.

    Any help would be great :)
  2. RedKnightHD
    Any startup errors in the console?

    Edit: By the way, the command is disGuise, with a G, not Q.
  3. Offline


    Nope, not any error. I put the jar in it and it doesn't appear in the cmd

    EDIT: OOps, i noticed i accidently added Q


    Here it is

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  4. Offline


    Lookup Lib's Disguises
  5. Offline


    It works
  6. Offline


    You're probably using the wrong version of DisguiseCraft. That's what happened to me anyway.
    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted bit url>

    And by the way... don't use Lib's Disguises....... or iDisguise... or MobDisguise. DisguiseCraft is the best.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2017
  7. Why? You shouldn't tell people what to do based on your own opinion.
  8. Offline


    I am not telling anyone what to do, I'm just telling RedKnightHD that Lib's Disguises, MobDisguise and iDisguise are not good compared to DisguiseCraft.

    RedKnight can use any plugin for all I care, but I'm just recommending DisguiseCraft.
  9. Offline


    Compared performance?
    Compared amount of disguises? Lib's Disguises has something around 62 disguises compared to DisguiseCraft at 32.
    Compared disguise options? Such as making the player disguise appear to sleep or have arrows in him?
    Can you change the skin of the player while keeping their nametag?
    Can DisguiseCraft disguise non-players?
    Can you see yourself disguised in 3rd person mode?

    Wanting to know how you are comparing it, so that I can improve that aspect.

    Currently, DisguiseCraft has about 10% of the features Lib's Disguises has.
    Hypixel, Shotbow, Oc.Tc, The Hive use Lib's Disguises. None of the big servers use DisguiseCraft.
    Assist and cindy_k like this.
  10. Offline


    iDisguise did not work for me.
    MobDisguise cannot disguise players as players or blocks, only mobs.
    Lib's Disguises requires Spigot, it's more CPU intensive, it lags quite a lot since it shows the disguise in third person mode, it requires ProtocolLib (doesn't really matter,) it doesn't play the mob sounds when disguised, and I don't think it's for 1.7.10 (it probably is.)

    Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
    And please tell me, can you use Lib's Disguises for CraftBukkit 1.7.10, without having SpigotMC?
  11. Offline


    I'm not arguing for iDisguise or MobDisguise.
    But you are aware that DisguiseCraft asks for ProtocolLib as well?

    Lib's Disguises is only on the spigot site as there was issues with bukkitdev staff as they refused to allow linking to dev builds. It comes down to the source code checking for updates on spigot as bukkitdev was always a secondary release site. BukkitDev didn't like being #2 and demanded the link to be removed.

    It runs fine on craftbukkit, I don't see how 3rd person disguises can lag you. You can always disable that.
    Unless you meant that the disguise is always 0.3seconds or so behind you. Which is unavoidable.
    As for CPU intensive, I should probably do some benchmarking with the latest version I guess. Not sure if this has changed as more was added to the plugin.

    Lib's Disguises supports all MC versions (1.5+ anyways)
    Its not version specific.

    And only the idle sounds don't play. This is only true when you disguise a player as a chicken for instance.
    Since the plugin works by translating the normal idle sounds into the disguise idle sounds.
    Since the player doesn't have idle sounds, there is no chicken clucking.

    But a cow disguised as a chicken will have those sounds.
    Sounds such as walking, damage and death will work.

    So really.
    You just need ProtocolLib and it will work on cauldron, spigot, craftbukkit on any MC version you care to try.
  12. Offline


    libraryaddict That sounds pretty cool, then.

    I'm not trying to start a massive fight here, but I meant that the Spigot Lib's Disguises post itself says that Lib's Disguises is really CPU intensive, at least if you're using third person disguises.

    And I said "it requires ProtocolLib (doesn't really matter)" because I knew that DisguiseCraft needs it as well.
    Nearly every server has ProtocolLib, am I right? No? Okay.

    I am comfortable with DisguiseCraft, thus won't switch it out for another disguise plugin.
  13. Offline


    Oh. Bad wording there.
    I'll fix that.

    And I'm well aware a lot of people prefer DisguiseCraft.
    I just like them to know there is another option.
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