Hi, How can I display the total players online vs slots on my website, there are like two plugins that display players online but they have to have there own subdomain, or something silly. I just want the out put to be basic text so I can jsut wrapp it in <p> tags Apprently this is simple using jsonapi plugin Anyone want to try it
Not sure if it'll make any sense what I'm about to say; But you might be able to send the number of online people and slots to a mysql database, and fetch it with php to implement it into html. <p><?php echo "Online: ".$online."/".$slots; ?></p>
Which ever is easier, I dont know php only html css and a little js, I have only used php not really wrriten it so I'm not sure how to do it ;/ But I have 7 servers with people and I want it display them all on the same site and same page