Question Dispenser Tools Radius Limit?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by PyroPandaHD, Apr 23, 2015.

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    Hello. I was wondering if there was any way to limit the range of /dt <radius> for players so that they cannot lag the server with it ?
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    This is vague, and not clear. Please give more information
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    What I mean is. The plugin Dispenser tools allows you to fill dispensers in a radius. For example if I wanted to fill dispensers that are in a raduius of 10 blocks around me I would do /dt (radius) (item to fill dispensers with) (amount of that item). What I want to do, it make it so players can only do a radius up to 20. So I want to make it so they can only go up to /dt 20 and cant go past it.
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