Plugin category: Utility Minecraft version: 1.20.2 Suggested name: NoVehicleExit What I want: A plugin / custom region flag for Worldguard to disable minecart dismount in a specific worldguard region (VehicleExitEvent) We use a metro on our server : I force the players to spawn in a moving minecart after buying their ticket but I don't want them to be able to dismount during the trip in that specific region. I also force minecart destruction with a command block /activator rail once it reaches its destination and the player is teleported out of the rail system. I just need the vehicleexitevent to be handled by the regio flag Also, if we can prevent them to be dismounted when they disconnect, and place them again in their vehicle, so they are not stuck on foot with no mean to get out would be a great addition. Ideas for commands: No commands needed Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed When I'd like it by: Not in a hurry Thank you very much for your help !
Hi - I made a plugin for specifically what you wanted, in case you don't want to use the other plugin which adds other things too. It adds the WorldGuard flag "vehicle-exit", which does nothing by default, but will prevent any Players from leaving Minecarts in a Region if set to DENY. If you have any questions, want to request a change or if there is a bug please let me know Note: I think it's obvious, but the plugin depends on WorldGuard
It works like a charm, thank you very much ! I do not want to use another plugin, even though it looks very nice, but it's not exactly something I want to use on my server right now Anyway, the regionflags does its job perfectly ! Thanks again !