Solved Disable Item Frame from Breaking?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SlimeZAP, Jan 3, 2013.

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    How would I disable players from breaking item frames? I've tried blockBreakEvent but haven't had any luck. What would the code look like?

    Thanks - Zach
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    i think an item frame is considered an entity.

    so look at entitydamagebyentity?

    public void blockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event){
    Block block = event.getBlock();
    if(block instanceof ItemFrame){
    //do something here
  3. Offline


    No, that didn't work. Anything else I can try?
  4. Offline


    How about this:

    public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {
    Block b = event.getBlock();
    if(event.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.ITEM_FRAME)) {
    //Do other things here if necessary.

    I did this off of my head, so do something SIMILAR to that.
  5. Offline


    SlimeZAP try the HangingBreakByEntityEvent and check "if(event.getEntity() instanceof ItemFrame)". BlockBreakEvent will not work, because the ItemFrame is an entity ;)
    SlimeZAP likes this.
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    Thanks DarkBladee12, I never knew that existed. Got it to work :)
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