Direction Player is looking?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by nicholasntp, Oct 21, 2011.

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    What is the org.bukkit..... thing for the direction the player is looking? Thanks.

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    private String getDirection(Player player) {
            int degrees = (Math.round(player.getLocation().getYaw()) + 270) % 360;
            if (degrees <= 22) return "North";
            if (degrees <= 67) return "Northeast";
            if (degrees <= 112) return "East";
            if (degrees <= 157) return "Southeast";
            if (degrees <= 202) return "South";
            if (degrees <= 247) return "Southwest";
            if (degrees <= 292) return "West";
            if (degrees <= 337) return "Northwest";
            if (degrees <= 359) return "North";
            return null;
    ZNickq likes this.
  3. Offline


    Thanks so much. Now how do I make all that into a variable? Im still learning java, so bear with me. ;)
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    String direction = getDirection(player);
  5. Offline


    Dude, your amazing. Thank you so much.
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