[DEV/INFO/RPG] mmoParty v1.3 - Leadership based parties with damage protection [Spout] [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Rycochet, Aug 12, 2011.

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    Now using BukkitDev for releases...
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    Nothing. It just kinda isn't there but it is. Because I type up the command /party help and nothing happens, no "unknown command" or nothing. Just nothing happens. Same with this other plugin called uQuest, but everything else works fine, and so does your mmoTarget which I got after this one...
  3. Offline


    Have you got any other plugins installed that might use the same commands? Tried "/mmoparty help" instead?
  4. Offline


    No I just redid my server and we go ride of most of our plugins, this is the first one besides stuff like permissions, world edit/guard, npcs, and multiworld...and that didnt work either, same thing. Oh and also, it doesn't show up in the /mmoset list of plugins but mmoCore and Target both do. I thought it might have been because When I logged in after restarting my server to install it I was in a second world, but I did that with mmoTarget and that works fine...
  5. Offline


    Hrm... Could you try installing mmoChat too (only available via mmo.rycochet.net right now as it's still in testing) - mmoParty uses it if available, so shouldn't care if it's not - but if that fixes it then I'll have something to look into...
  6. Offline


    ok, I'll do that now

    Oh thats weird...I went into my plugins folder and I just realize that the jar of mmoParty didn't create a folder. I just restart and still no folder...I'm about to try the mmoChat right now, just thought you should know about the no folder thing

    Wait, is there multiworld support?

    Because that could be the problem...mmoChat didnt work either

    Ok,I left the multiworld, redownloaded mmoChat and Party and nothing, except now it says the commands don't exsist, but I definetly put them in the correct places.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
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    Only mmoChat knows anything about multiple worlds - and purely for the World channel filter.

    Very strange - and nothing at all appear in the server log on startup?

    Mine (cut down slightly) -

  8. Offline


    Nope, only the mmoCore and mmoTarget, nothing else.

    Oh and I got to go I'm super tied and I have to get up early tomorrw, but I'm not closing some of these windows so it will say I'm logged in but I'm not, just fyi

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  9. Offline


    Could you make an option so that you leave your party when you log off? I want parties to be somewhat of a temporary thing on my server, not constantly being there.
  10. Offline



    Option added for the next release :)
  11. Offline


    sorry for me being stupid but how do i actually create a party with me as the leader? i understand it uses the permissions config but thats about it. And what is mmoChat i cant find it anywhere?
  12. Offline


    Any progress on my problem?
  13. Offline



    Found something that might be related - but not had a build for other people to check yet - with new coders helping out we took the opportunity to refactor some of the code, and didn't want to release anything broken ;-)

    Hopefully I'll be able to get an update out tonight with the fixes in it.


    No permissions for it yet - simply "/party invite <player>" to invite somebody - the party automatically exists as soon as it's got members.

    mmoChat is currently in testing - only available on mmo.rycochet.net - but there will be a DevBukkit project for it soon (might do that tonight too). It does work - just not completely happy on the options yet :)
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    Thank you :D
  16. Offline


    Still nothing?
  17. Offline



    Still being too busy IRL to do much - but there's been a bug in Spout itself that's been interfering with things - when you /reload or just connect it should send a "reset" packet to the client to drop all old widgets etc - and that got broken... They're aware of it, and if it isn't fixed already, it should be soon ;-)

    I've been getting stuck trying to fix the GenericContainer layout - it didn't behave quite as expected in some cases, and had at least once bug in there - trying to get it working perfectly just doesn't want to happen though...
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    please integrate a config option to show the playername instead of the displayname, because my towny names are a bit long^^
    great plugin :D, i love it

    (if there is already a option to do this, feel free to give me a slap <.<)
  20. Offline


    It should already only show the player name, rather than the longer Display Name (it's an option for mmoCore if you're looking, as several plugins share the same code). If it's still showing a too-long name, then it might be Towny pushing the name to the wrong place - not sure there though as I haven't looked at it.

    Still a couple of weeks away before the mmoKeystone plugin gets done...
  21. Offline


    bro im getting an error when i install this (sorry still new to plugins :3 )
  22. Offline


    What error?

    Remember that mmoParty is only for Minecraft 1.7.3, CraftBukkit 1060, and Spout #339 (the current RB of both).

    Once there's a new RB for CB and Spout it will be updated.
  23. Offline


    I've got it installed on 1.8.1 and it seems to work except for the health displays. Is that probably why the health status overlay is not showing up?
  24. Offline


    Just updated all the build environment, so there will be new versions of everything out soon.
    Dthen and spydercanopus like this.
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    Now using BukkitDev for releases...
    This thread will remain for discussion only.
    Files also available here.

  26. Offline


    Is this possible, to make PermissionsEx group act like party?
  27. Offline


    Nope, and don't think it will ever be possible. Firstly: the mmo* plugin use Bukkit permissions - which doesn't support groups. Secondly: that could make for a seriously huge number of party members (so more of a faction / clan thing than a group thing). Finally: why exactly would you want to do it? (ie, there's probably something more suitable to what you actually want) ;-)
  28. Offline


    I really like this GUI, and I want to make this party of online group members, because on my server there are wars between different groups, and that will be cool, to see healthbar of your friend.

    Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Poland ;)
  29. Offline


    Hey Guys How Comes I Cant See My Party Members?
    I Have Got Spoutcraft Its Just i Cant See Peoples Hp When They join my Party?
  30. Offline


    Have like 40 plugins on my server :eek:
  31. Offline


    We're currently working on mmoGroup - which is the base code for Factions (among other things) - the display part of it will be limited though...

    Make sure everything is up to date and it will work properly.

    There's probably going to be over 40 mmo* plugins by the time we're finished - it's not the number of plugins that counts, it's how well they do their job ;-)

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