Inactive [DEV] BukkitContrib Alpha 0.1.7 [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Afforess, May 21, 2011.

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    BukkitContrib is superseded by Spout, the new Bukkit/Client framework.
  2. Offline


    Yes and No. If you don't, the newest features (custom notifications, fog controls) will not work, but older ones that were for 0.0.5 will. The idea is that it is backwards & forwards compatible. Not upgrading won't hurt, but you lose the newest stuff.

    And it's a good question, not a dumb one.
  3. Offline


    Notifications work great, even with ChatColor ;)
    How can I determine if a player hasn't got the latest version of bukkit contrib mod installed?
    Because I want to use the chat as fallback for my notifications (they're somewhat important). The only solution is to use the method that tells you if the player has got the mod installed, but when he has got 0.0.5 installed where there weren't any notifications implemented, I wonder how I can check that.
  4. Offline



    Returns -1 if no client. Returns 100* x.0.0, + 10 * 0.x.0 + 0.0.x. (e.g 1.1.1 = 111, 0.0.6 = 6)

    So ATM, test that the version > 5.
  5. Offline


    Oh, thank you.
  6. Offline


    @Afforess , just to let you know, if a client has a newer version of BukkitContrib than the server. It kicks them.
  7. Offline


    A server with 0.0.5 should not be kicking a 0.0.6 client. There was a protocol change between 0.0.4 and 0.0.5, so I know that those players will be kicked.
  8. Offline


    My client was running 0.0.6 and my server was running 0.0.5 and my client kept getting kicked and their was an error being thrown about a custom packet. I updated the server and everything was fine. I forgot to copy the exact error, so I cant send it to you ;)
  9. Offline


    Hm - I must have overlooked something - let me see the error and I can fix it.
  10. Offline


    I cant reproduce it, because I do not have the old client mod... If you can send me the 0.0.5 I can reproduce it for you
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    Jan Tojnar

    Here is another suggestion: Add ability to display rainbow colored "now playing" text you get when you insert disc into jukebox. It can be used for some other notifications. Btw, is it possible to change position of "achievement get" box (to the left side, etc.)
    EDIT: and time after it disappears?
  14. Offline


    The now playing text could be simply done by a plugin. I'm not adding it to BukkitContrib, BukkitContrib is purely a framework.

    The achievement get box can not be resized (I tried, the texture is hardcoded) or moved.

    Don't worry, it's just a small taste of what is coming. Fully customizable GUI's. ;)
  15. Offline


    Do you already have plans on the GUI Framework? Do you need help? I've got some experience with the Qt GUI Framework, and would implement some principles of it, if possible.
  16. Offline


    Some - yes - but nothing firm yet. If you have ideas, I'll listen.
  17. Offline


    What a modern GUI framwork should have is
    • Layouts, so you can align multiple controls/widgets
    • Custom draw-on, mouse-event handling
    Just what I like very much about Qt ;)
  18. Offline


    1.) Yep. You will be able to get the screen resolution and use X,Y positions for controls. Controls will be limited to a few initially, but more will be added. (Initially just text field and buttons). Also, labels will be available (initially just text and images).

    2.) Yep - custom responses from the controls are planned.

    Anyway, should be fun fun fun to code.
  19. Offline


    I'm happy to contribute a Layout class when you done the basics there ;)
    EDIT: sounds great (and so soon, when you can keep your time-plan):D
  20. Offline


    Hi i have a few client mods installed in this order:
    1. modloader
    2. guiapi
    3. worldedit cui
    4. zan minimap
    5. modpack (zombe)
    6. improved chat
    7. bukkitcontrib

    with 0.0.5 it works, but with 0.0.6 the game will freeze and crash when joining a server that uses BukkitContrib

    There is no error message that i could provide so sorry for that :/
  21. Offline


    @alta189 @nanashiRei

    Sorry about that - figured it out. I've re-uploaded only the client side mod for 0.0.6. You should be able to join older servers again. You can install the updated client mod overtop the older one w/o any issues.
  22. Offline


    @Afforess - thought of lahwran's GUIAPI?
  23. Offline


    Yeah - it's not exactly what I need, at least not initially. I did talk to Lahwran on IRC a few days back though.

    Okay, so I just finished the Music & Sound Effect API & implemented the ability for clients to download custom .ogg music files and play them.

    *must resist urge for easter eggs*

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
  24. Offline


    0.0.6 always locks my server after a minute roughly. (100% cpu, have to kill -9 the server).

    Bukkit 860, no other plugins.
    ubuntu 10.10
    java version "1.6.0_20"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.2) (6b20-1.9.2-0ubuntu1~10.04.1)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)
    2gb ram, 1.5gb dedicated to Minecraft.
    Quad Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz

    No errors or logs since its locking the server
  25. Offline


    No one can resist that urge. :) lol
  26. Offline


    Any other details? The plugin hardly does anything. Also, Minecraft does not run well with OpenJDK, use the official Sun/Oracle Java.
  27. Offline


    Found the issue; it was my restart shell script that checked netstat for the the minecraft server port. If it couldn't find it it tried to stop the server and restart it.

    The minecraft server changed from inet (DARPA Internet) to inet6 (IPv6) and no longer displayed in my results when using BukkitContrib, and so my restart script tried to restart the server but somehow ended up locking the server each time.

    Using Sun/Oracle Java now as well, thanks. ;)
  28. Offline


    Okay - glad I didn't break anything terrible.

    BukkitContrib 0.0.7 is up!

    Alpha 0.0.7
    • MC Sound Effect API
    • MC Soundtrack API
    • Custom Music API
    • Server plugin now Auto updates to newer versions if they are found
    • Config File
      • Can disable auto update
      • Can force all players to be using the latest client mod, or be kicked after 10 seconds
    • Client is now informed when a newer client mod is available, via achievement get notification on login to a server

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
    Kateana! likes this.
  29. Offline


    With 0.0.7 on both client and server it works, however when i install the typical stuff (before installing contrib)

    modloader, guiapi, we cui, zanminimap, zombe, improved chat, too many items

    (in that order)

    It crashes on join, just like with 0.0.6. The only version that works here is 0.0.5 :S (Which is meant to not be compatible with Zombe, right?)

    Again i don't get any error that i could paste.

    As i discussed this with Affores in IRC here the results of the checking:

    All mods should be compatible, but Improved Chat. The Author has been contacted and as far as i understand there _might_ be a fix to the problem, but of course i can't speak for @Afforess.

    Most importantly to know probably is: Install BukkitContrib as *last*!
  30. Offline


    How do I register the BukkitContribListener BukkitContribSPEnable event?
  31. Offline


    Just like you do for the inventory listener. Create a listener that extends BukkitContribListener and hook it onto Custom Event.
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