Detect usernames out of array

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Benny4298, Jun 13, 2012.

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    Dear Community,

    I'm trying to get it working, to load usernames out of an array and kick those, who are not on the 'List'. But i get an error in the with '*' marked part...

        public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event)
            Player eventPlayer = event.getPlayer();
            String[] Username = {"Name1", "Name2"};
            *if (eventPlayer.getName() == Username)*
                System.out.println(eventPlayer.getDisplayName() + " logged in.");
                eventPlayer.kickPlayer("You're not on the Whitelist!");
    Can anyone please help me?

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    Thanks for your fast answer! :)
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    When comparing strings in java, always use .equals() or .equalsIgnoreCase()

    If I was you, instead of using String[] I'd use a List<String> and then you can just do variable.contains(name)
  5. do it inside an PlayerLoginEvent so there is not inside the game that the player has joined
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    If you have a non-trivial number of users in the list, it's better to use a Set. .contains() is much faster on a Set than it is on a List.
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