Filled Detect player's money

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Mudkip97, Jan 16, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Admin

    Minecraft version: Spigot 1.8.8

    Suggested name: BalanceDetector

    What I want: A plugin that detect player's balance on essentials.
    like when a player have 50$ in a world console will run a command that you can configure it however you want what console will run.
    You can also configure what world will be enable or disabled. enabled worlds will allow players that have money on the world. i'm using multiworld money

    Ideas for commands: no commands needed,just detect player's balance

    Ideas for permissions: no need permissions

    When I'd like it by: Anytime
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    I have no clue what you mean?
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    Can you be more elaborate? You can already check your balance by typing /bal or did you want something like, if a player's balance reaches a certain amount, have the console execute a pre-configured command?
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
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    example if the player have 50$ in the world jack console will run a command.
    like a player sell stuff from the shop they have more then 50$ console will run /pex user <name> group set <rank>
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    So if player has >50$ run specified command "Command: /pex user %player% group set %rank%"?
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    If no ones taking this up yet, I'll see what I can do for you.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Mudkip97 What happens if the amount goes below it again?
    And what happens if there are conflicting commands?
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    if it goes below again it will do another command

    so in the config should be something like this:
    >50: /pex user bla bla bla

    <50 /pex user bla bla bla

    yes that's what i want
  9. Offline


    Mhm... But if it has run once you want it to run again or?

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    unlimited runs
    example so i have a 100$ command and 50$ command
    their balance is 120 and it will run the command /pex user <name> group set 100dollarguy
    and their balance change to 99 it will run a command /pex user <name> group set 50dollarguy
    and if it goes up to 100+ again it will run the command /pex user <name> group set 100dollarguy again
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    i guess no one is working on the plugin at all.. i thought i had hope
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    secsbetweenchecks: 10
    - world
    - world1
    - world2
      min: 50
      max: 100
      command: pex user %name% group set 100dollarguy
      min: 100
      max: 150
      command: pex user %name% group set 200dollarguy
    Would that be a good config for you?
  13. Offline


    yea and sorry for being inactive quite busy this month..
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Mudkip97 Could you make a list of variables that you want besides the name?

    Link can be found in my signature. Name is MoneyDetectLikeMe
    Has a name and displayname variable right now.
    This plugin is untested, requires Vault.
    SecondBetweenCheck: 10
    - world
    - world1
        Min: 50
        Max: 100
        - say Hi %displayname%
        - pex user %name% group set 100dollarguy
    Capitalization is important for this, if the value can't be read as it should be then it goes back to defaults.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
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    the plugin did not work though
  16. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Mudkip97 That is not descriptive enough.
    Please post your full server log using
    Show how it isn't working.

    Redownload, decided to take a look myself as I want to be done asap. Made a small typing error.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Mudkip97 Can you tell if it is working or not?
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    yea i didn't know you updated it at least it's good now ._.
    timtower likes this.
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