Solved [Desperate] Join server: client crash after join

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FrancescoTG, Jul 8, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Please, help me! :(
    I'm desperate! I'm losing lots of users! D:
    This is my issue: when ANY player enters my server, when joining, after few seconds or a minute, his client crashes: at first he has a blank dirt screen, then a black screen, then minecraft client close.
    I don't think that it's a plugin issue, because I tried to restore a backup of an old /plugins/ directory.
    I don't think that it's a permissions issue, becacuse also my client crashes! (I'm the owner)
    The most strange thing is that I can't see anything about users's crashers via Console.
    What do you think that it's happening on my server? :/
    Thanks for support.
  2. Offline


    I have such issues sometimes when i stay close to a area that is getting worldedited at this time.

    Do you see in the logs that someone is using WorldEdit?
  3. Offline

    Deleted user

    Stop using massive WorldEdits o.o"
  4. Offline


    It could be a worldedit or your friends client does he have any mods?
  5. Offline


    I tried to remove WorldEdit and to go into other worlds, but I have the same problem. And I can't see aything about the crash via console! What can I do? :'(

    Our clients don't have any mods installed.
  6. Offline


    Are you using the regular client?
  7. Offline


    Yes, I even tried to enter my server with a fresh client downloaded with "Force Update", but the client crashes.
    My bukkit version is 1.2.5-R4.0, but I also tried with older versions...
  8. Offline



    Copy the world and BACKUP IT
    Wipe it, get a new fresh one... Try again..


    Wipe bukkit config (BACK IT UP)
  9. Offline


    I solved: it was an issue caused by a wrong configuration of AutoMessage.jar: I left blank some messages and when the plugin sent them to the console our clients crashed!
    Thanks for your support! :D XD
    Deleted user likes this.
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    Deleted user

    Change your thread prefix to [SOLVED]
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