Definable flammability?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by SUparJErk, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    It's always bugged me that wooden fences, stairs and pressure plates aren't flammable. Perhaps a mod to override what can be burned and what cannot?
  2. Offline


    I think this will have to be done in the client, as it handles things like that.

    I think you could possibly put fire on the top of the boards of these objects. But I'm not sure about on them realistically.
  3. Offline


    ...Clients are responsible for fire's behavior? The server doesn't handle this? Are you sure?
  4. Offline


    Not sure. But it's more than probable.
  5. Offline


    Well, I think things on fire would be done kind of both sides, now I am not a pro but I think the server would control if wood was on fire, but could not tell the client to make a fence appear on fire.. that made no sense.
  6. Offline


    Uh, it would make sense to me that the server would control fire behavior, just like anything else. The server decides when reeds and cacti grow. The server decides when sand and gravel falls. The server decides how lava and water flow. It would make sense that it would also determine how fire spreads and what blocks the fire is capable of destroying. The client is just responsible for showing you the "fire block".
  7. Offline


    Yes. and you want us to make it show on a fence piece ect. Also, like I said earlier, it's possible to put fire ON (as in on top of the boarders) something, but in some cases, not close enough. Much like placing a block on top of a step.
  8. Offline


    This actually sounds kind of neat, it would look weird on nonstandard blocks but I don't think I would be able to resist creating a new world and making dirt/stone flammable just to see how crazy it gets.
  9. Offline


    I'm confident that the client only shows fire somewhere because the server tells it to. It's just a block, with updates sent by the server, like any other. I'm still not convinced this would be a client mod.
  10. Offline


    Supar, listen. I've said it before, it isn't entirely.
    "put fire on the top of the boards of these objects"
    "like I said earlier, it's possible to put fire ON (as in on top of the boarders) something, but in some cases, not close enough. Much like placing a block on top of a step."

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