Solved Default Permissions issue

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Alshain01, Oct 29, 2013.

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    I have a problem I just can't seem to shake. I'm creating a wildcard permission node which itself is not inherited by any other node. You can see the definition here. The node I am specifically referring to is "flags.bypass.*" and it's default is false.

    Furthermore, I am adding the children to this node dynamically here in the second more expansive overload of register(). Note that it is PermissionDefault.FALSE.

    The problem is, my testing shows otherwise. The default permission OP. Despite every indication that it is false, I have the individual permissions as long as I am OP. (I'm testing with a default PermissionsEx installation, so I don't have the permission that way either). What am I missing here?

    EDIT: Oh I forgot to mention, the flag.getBypassPermission() is here, but it's just a simple concatenated string.

    Well I finally found the problem. Apparently you can't use * in nodes without undesirable results in this case. I knew they weren't supported but I didn't realize couldn't create them yourself. So, I changed it to flags.bypass.all and now it works.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
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