Default craftbukkit's ban

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by craftovski, Jun 30, 2013.

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    Hello, i am curious how to ban players with reason since in command help/info says /ban <player> [reson] so i tried /ban test test reason , and in banned players file the reason is still "Banned by an operator" .
    So my question is am i doing something wrong or [reason] is not available atm.

  2. Offline


    Are you using Essentials? If so, the .txt file will say Banned by an operator, but the player's .yml file in plugins\Essentials\userdata will have the real reason.
  3. Offline


    No, like i said default craftbukkit's ban, no custom plugin's ban or reason
  4. Offline


    I guess bukkit didnt update <reason> yet
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