Plugin category: Logging Suggested name: DeathLog What I want: My server has had many encounters where a glitch, or perhaps a mistake caused someone to blow up, drown, etc. They ask for a refund but I have no clue if what they want back is really what they lost. That's when deathlog comes in. Commands/permissions are optional but it's basically a plugin which creates a .log of when a player died, how, and most importantly, what they lost (dropped and what did they pick up from it)! I'm not 100% sure if it's possible because I'm sure someone should have made it, but I can't find any. It would be a great pleasure if someone took on the task of making this. Also, skim-reading is much easier with paragraphs! Ideas for commands: /deathlog recent <name> /deathlog list <name> Ideas for permissions: When I'd like it by: ASAP.
I have a plugin that partly implements this already, which I use internally on my server. Looks like a few people have already claimed this one though, so I'll let them make your custom one for you.