DDoS bandwidth saving model requested

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Viet, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I need a plugin that can help server save DDoS protection bandwidth by using this method similar to BungeeCord. The plugin will save bandwidth by using this model.

    Domain name point to server A: Server A is a DDoS protected server (Players can't build or see anything on this server,)
    Server B is a non-DDoS protected server

    Players who join the domain name will first go through server A. Their account name will be authenticated with Mojang authentication server. If:
    1. Authentication successful, player will be transfered to B
    2. Unsuccessful, player will be kicked
    3. Connection takes too long, player will be kicked
    4. Player stays in server A for more than 3 seconds, player will be kicked

    Players count will be taken from server B

    This model will have server A to have enough CPU to deal with flooded requests and save DDoS bandwidth since there's not much bandwidth going through server A.
  2. Offline


    You can do that with bungee cord just make them spawn in server A in the portal so then they automatically teleport to the next server.
  3. Offline


    Your idea would be great if BungeeCord was a plugin that can force Minecraft client to connect to another server. But since BungeeCord is a proxy server, no matter which server players are connected to, all traffic between the server and the client has to go through BungeeCord proxy server. This means that the domain name would have to point to BungeeCord server, which will route traffic to server A which will authenticate the player; if authentication is successfull, server A will tell BungeeCord to redirect the player to server B. While the players are on server B, all communications between their clients and server B still has to go through the BungeeCord server. This means that although you save a bandwidth during DDOS attack for server B by authenticating the users on server A, you increase the bandwidth lag in normal conditions; and the whole setup still allows DDOS-ers to increase lag for all users (since everyone is connected through same proxy) and also effectively block all new users from connecting. Besides, you'd have to recompile BungeeCord because the official version automatically authenticates all users, and there is no offline mode.

    A much simplier solution that I've seen on a couple server is limiting the amount of player logins. A simple, yet configurable plugin can kick players that are trying to log in with a custom message if too many players tried to log in in specified amount of time.

    A slightly more complicated solution is to use AntiDOS or a similar plugin.

    EDIT: This may help understand how BungeeCord works. It's a great tool, but people tend to overestimate it's abilities.
  4. Offline


    Thanks guys. I contacted md_5 and he's been very helpful for explaining to me of how BungeeCord would work. I still hope if there's anything that can be achieved tho. Maybe I have high hopes, but I'd like to give it a try

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