I would like a plugin that when you destroy oak leaves you have a chance of receiving a spruce sapling instead of an oak sapling. however, when the spruce sapling is finished growing, the tree's spruce leaves would be replaced with oak leaves.
kirbsrob I can tell you that it is certainly possible, just requires a lot of saving as each individual sapling has to be saved somewhere to store the data over server reloads and restarts.
Assist There would be no saving needed. The saplings are not being modified. Only the leaf blocks that will drop the saplings
kirbsrob I must have misunderstood then. You said that when breaking oak leaves, there is a chance to get a spruce sapling instead of an oak sapling. Here is what got me confused: when the spruce sapling is finished growing Do all spruce saplings grow with oak leaves, or just the ones that you've gotten by a chance from an oak tree?
Assist Oh and is it possible if players can recieve oak saplings as well from oak leaves but it is 1/139 less likely than recieving spruce saplings? If it is too much work then you dont have to add it.