Plugin Request CustomTabCommandAndPlugins

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Barrimor, Jul 1, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Miscellaneous
    Suggested name: CustomTabCommandAndPlugins

    What I want:
    I would like to have a plugin that prevents player to display all commands using /<tab>.
    But I don't want only that, the plugin should be configurable like that:

    # Config.yml #
    # Type the command to hide without the "/". Example: "- command"
    # Type "- all" to COMPLETLY disable auto tab-completion for commands.
    Hide-Commands: []
    # True: All commands that the player doesn't have permission to use will be hidden.
    # (exemple: if the player doesn't have access to essentials.spawn (/spawn) when the player will do /<tab>,
    # it wont see /spawn (and all alias that come with the command). Options: true/false
    Hide-No-Permission-Commands: true
    # Type the command to show without the "/". Exemple: "- spawn"
    # It means that if the player do /<tab> the command /spawn will be shown/auto completed.
    Show-Alias: []
    # if set to true, the plugin will not only show the commands that you added in section "Show alias"
    # but all commands that are alias from it. Exemple: if you add add spawn in section "show alias"
    # and set the value bellow to true, it will also show "espawn, essentials:spawn, etc..." in auto-completion list.
    # Options: true/false
    Also-Show-Commands-Alias: true
    # True: All plugins are hidden from default bukkit help and plugins list. Options: true/false/custom.
    # If the value is set to custom, it will simulate a fake plugin list that you can modify in section "Custom"
    # bellow.
    Hide-Plugins: true
    # It will works only if "Hide-Plugins" is set to "custom" !
    # For each custom Plugin Name that you want to set, do this: "- <FakeName>"
    Custom: []
    # Here you can set custom message to display to the user when the plugin block an action.
    # Options: true/false
    Display-Message: true
    # Here you can replace the default Unknown command message by a custom one from the message file.
    # Options: enabled/disabled
    Custom-Unknown-Command-Message: enabled
    # Here is the location of where the message file is stored.
    Message-Filename: messages-en.yml

    # messages-en.yml #
    tab_completion_disabled: "&cI'm sorry, but the owner doesn't allow you to use auto-completion for commands using tab."
    tab_completion_restricted_to_permissions_only: "&aDisplaying to you only commands that your permissions allow you to use"
    not_allowed_to_scan_plugin: "&4Error: &cThe owner doesn't allow you to scan his plugins !"
    Unknown_command: "&6I'm unable to recognize the command %c."
    # The value "%c" should be optionnal and report the command that the user tiped
    Reload_message: "&6Reloading %i"
    # %i = Say what is reloading (the plugin, only the config, only the messages)
    Reload_error: "&cFailed to reload %i"
    Reload_complete: "&a%i was sucessfuly reloaded!"
    Hide_command: "&aCommand(s) %l were sucessfuly added to the hidden command list"
    Hide_error: "&cCould not add commands %l to the hidden command list: %e"
    # %l = listing all added commands.
    # %e = error message
    Unexpected_caracter: "&4Unexpected caracter: %ca
    # %ca = return what is wrong in the user command.
    # (this is one option of the %e)
    show_command: "aCommand(s) %l were sucessfuly added to the shown command list"
    show_error: "&cCould not add commands &l to the shown command list: %e"
    bypass_on: "&6Commands are no longer tab-hidden from you."
    bypass_off: "&6Commands are now tab-hidden from you."
    ctc_no_permissions: "&4You are not allowed to use this command!"

    - Please make the plugin supporting accents (éèà, etc..) ;
    - Please make the plugin supporting special caracters (see this: ;
    - Please make it compatible for 1.8.7 (spigot) ;
    - Please be sure that it doesn't disable auto-completion for players arguments, like /spawn No<tab> to get /spawn Notch auto-completed ;
    - Please make sure that the plugin will support color codes.

    Ideas for commands:
    /ctc (display all available commands for the plugin)
    /ctc reload [config, messages] (supposed to reload the plugin if nothing is specified)
    /ctc hide <command, all, nopermissionsonly> <commands> if player type /ctc hide command, the plugin will attempt to read the <command(s)> (supposed to listen to multiple args at the same time like: /ctc hide command "command1, command2, command3...") it will fill in the config.yml.
    /ctc show <command> (supposed to listen to multiple commands at the same time like: /ctc show command1, command2, command3...) it will will in the config.yml.
    /ctc bypass <on/off> enable/disable bypass mode to prevent from disabling/enabling auto-tab-completion.

    Ideas for permissions:
    ctc.* // Grant full access to the plugin (bypass all of its locking-functions)
    ctc.use // if the player have permission, it will be able to use /ctc (that will return all avaible commands for the plugin) but, if the player doesn't, it will see the "ctc_no_permissions" message.
    ctc.use.* // Grant all commands-access to the plugin.
    ctc.use.reload.* // allow /ctc reload, /ctc reload config, /ctc reload messages.
    ctc.use.reload.all // allow /ctc reload
    ctc.use.reload.config // allow /ctc reload config
    ctc.use.reload.messages // allow /ctc reload messages
    ctc.use.hide.* // Grant all access for "/ctc hide" command (/ctc hide <command, all, nopermissionsonly>)
    ctc.use.hide.command // allow /ctc hide command
    ctc.use.hide.all // allow /ctc hide all
    ctc.use.hide.nopermissionsonly // allow /ctc hide <nopermissionsonly> // allow /ctc show <command>
    ctc.use.bypass.* // Grant all access for "/ctc bypass" command (/ctc bypass <on, off> [playername])
    ctc.use.bypass.autoon // Players that will have this permission will automatically have bypass mode enabled.
    ctc.use.bypass.on // Allow to enable bypass mode /ctc bypass on // Allow to disable bypass mode /ctc bypass off
    ctc.use.bypass.on.others // Allow to enable bypass mode for another player /ctc bypass on [playername] // Allow to disable bypass mode for another player /ctc bypass off [playername]

    When I would like to get it:
    I want this plugin As Soon As Possible please!
    Thank you forward! :)
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    Thank you.
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