Solved Customizable kits | Need Advice

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mrgreen33gamer, Jan 18, 2015.

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    Hi there Bukkit Community!

    So I asked my players on my server what ideas I should have to attract more people or add more features, a majority of them said: "Make customizable kits!".

    So I ponder, and ponder, AND ponder. But I cannot figure out how do this.

    First I can start off by putting them in a HashMap for the custom kit when being used. But then how would I add the special abilities for JUST that kit?

    Anyway, i need some help. I can't figure out how to do this. If ANYONE has advice on this, please tell me in the comments below! Thanks

    ~mrgreen33gamer | BadBoyBaldSpot
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    Make a Kit class, and then have a collection of potion effects that are applied to any player that selects the kit.
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    @1Rogue Not what I really had in mind. I am talking about as fair as kit abilities. For instance, I can add 2 abilities but have 10 ability choices. I choose the ability to shoot a fireball from a stick and an enderpearl from an iron ingot.

    Would I have to use multiple HashMaps? If so, how would I do this?

    I already know how to store and load items from a configuration file. No need to sweat about that.
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    I think the point that was missed here is that you should make a Kit class to do all of that. If you want additional behavior, then add additional behavior to the class. Don't constrain yourself to working with a bunch of arbitrary collections and maps that have no meaning on their own.
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    @1Rogue Thanks for the information! Solved. I look forward to seeing you again :)
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    @Concurrent what is it you want to try? I am working on the customizable kits. IP:
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