Custom World Spawns

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by chineseninja456, Jul 15, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Teleportation

    Suggested name: WorldSpawnPoints

    What I want: I would like a plugin where you can set the custom spawn for nether and end. You see the end part in lots of hcf servers, where you can set the spawn point for any end portal, and the spawn you set doesn't have an obsidian floor.

    I would also like this to work for the nether, so if anyone uses a portal it will always take them to the same spot. If you're wondering why I want the nether part, I am making a very unique HCF/Factions server.

    Lastly, I would prefer if you wouldn't include a /spawn command for players. Thank you!


    Ideas for commands: /setworldspawn - Sets the spawn depending on which world you're in.

    Ideas for permissions: worldspawnpoints.set - Able to set the spawnpoints

    When I'd like it by:
    Soon, but take your time.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2015
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    Multiverse can do this already, well, most of it at least. Not so sure about the portal part. However, you can always deny players some commands. There are also other plugins that allows you to set a per world spawn point. There might be plugins for the portal one as well.

    However, I could try to make you a plugin that makes every nether portal go to the same place. Not sure when or if I will make it, I am not experienced, nor do I have a lot of Java or Bukkit API knowledge, I started developing plugins like a week ago. However, I might finish it one day, but hopefully others will come to finish it before I do.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2015
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  5. Multiverse command:
    /mv setspawn
    /mv spawn
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    @loslobos1234 I don't want a command to be teleported there, i want them to automatically spawn there when they go through a portal, end or nether.
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    I don't know if I can edit the portal position but I could try and make it so that when going through the portal, they exit at the spawn point for that world.
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    you mean perworldspawn ?
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