Custom Tab Creation

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by blok601, Aug 18, 2016.

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    Hello everyone so I wanted to make a custom tab list for our server that displays player counts, staff online, and other stuff. I just wanted to know how to do something like this. I tried some libraries and API's and none of those really seemed to be working for me. I heard there is a way to do it with protocol lib.

    How would I do this?

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    use player.setPlayerListName, to change what their name looks like in the tablist. that's a good start
  3. Offline


    I know how to do that. That is what I am doing right now. It says their rank in front of their tab name. I want it to sort've list the online staff out like:

    Online Staff:
  4. Offline


    ive never used packets before, but u will need to use them to make fake players
  5. Offline


    This is the packet used to change list items. I'm going to check if there are tutorials, utils, or an apis that can make this easier.

    [edit] Protocol lib has the ability to block packets from being sent. Make sure only your packets are being sent to the player, and juts add all the player list items.

    I may make a util for this. If I make it before you can solve this, you can use the util for this. If you find out how to change the player list, please post your code here so I can steal it for the util.
  6. Offline


    Alright will check it out.

    Also, your Util will be very useful so Ill post my code once I am done playing with it.
  7. Offline


    I almost have the Util working. Just testing it out now.
  8. Offline


    Alright, I will actually test yours out first before I make my own attempt at it.
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  10. Offline


    I need this as well ~ I've been using TabAPI but it seems eh

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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