Solved Custom Spawners

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Da5hdart, Jan 13, 2014.

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    Hi guys,

    I am looking for a plugin that when using the /give command to get a Spawner you can get more than a pig Spawner!!! I have looked for a plugin that would achieve this but have found nothing that is suitable can you guys post a link to a plugin below???

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  3. i agree with Bobcat, also with SilkSpawners you can silk spawners.
    to get a spawner type /i 52
    and if you want a specific type of mob just type /i 52:55
    when u type /i 52:
    type nest the id of mobs (monster eggs)
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    Da5hdart Mark as solved if it's solved, please!
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    Also one last thing...with this plugin can you make it so they custom spawn??? like you can make it so it spawns a zombie with full diamond armor for example?? if not are there any compatible plugins that will run side by side with this one?

    DuoDex It is almost solved XD


    How do I mark it as solved??? =]

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  7. Offline


    @Dah5dart I don't think so. That seems to be a truly random function of the game code. You can, probably, get a plugin that will spawn ALL zombies with diamond armor, but that would be exceedingly unbalanced.

    And you need to go into EDIT, and look at the tags selection.
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  9. There actually IS a plugin who does this, I have seen it a while ago. Unfortunately I forgot the name :l.
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