Custom Placeholder Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by SayoNaTchi, Dec 8, 2014.

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    I am running a chat plugin which has a placeholder API which allows external plugins to hook in.
    So I was wondering if someone could use this API to create the plugin below.

    Plugin category: ChatManagement

    Suggested name: CustomPlaceholders

    What I want: A plugin that hooks into the API in this link (Removed) and creates a text file
    (placeholders.yml?) where you can make custom placeholders which each have individual permissions.

    For example:
      levelone: 'Lv1' #Perm node would be placeholder.levelone
      leveltwo: 'Lv2' #Perm node would be placeholder.leveltwo
      levelsix: 'Lv6' #Perm node would be placeholder.levelsix
      custom: 'Somethingrandom' #Perm node would be placeholder.custom

    When I'd like it by: As soon as
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    shorten urls arent allowed
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    Fixed, thanks.
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    Thread locked.

    We do not support paid resources and I removed the link.
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