Solved Custom NBT tags, post 'safeguard'

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Malikk, Dec 21, 2012.

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    Hey Everybody,

    Before the recent cb/bukkit 'safeguard' updates I had been writing my own NBT tags and everything was peachy. Now that I can't access the CraftItemStack's constructor OR getHandle() to get my nms ItemStack does anyone know how I can write my own NBT tags?

    I realize that there is (limited) api for NBT tags, such as setting the name and lore, but this does not suffice in my situation. I need to be able to accomplish what I used to be able to do, like
    NBTTagCompound tag = itemStack.tag.getCompound("malikk'sTag");
    which I can longer do.

    Thanks in advance,
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    Not sure how I missed that.

    I've got a lot of rewrite to do, but that'll work just fine. Thanks


    Looks like
    Removes my tags.

    Any other ways to do this?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
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    CraftItemStack.asCraftMirror(NMS itemstack)
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    Okay, it's working. Not sure I understand why, but w/e

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    I can explain. Basically, with the bukkit copy method, shown here, it creates a copy of the item based on the items information, then returns the new item. Your tags would be lost in the process, but with the craft mirror method, it adds the item stack as the handle in the constructor, as opposed to making a copy. Therefore, your tags would be preserved.
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    Also, as CraftItemStack extends ItemStack, it would be possible to use this in regular bukkit code
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    org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack doesnt have these methods.

    edit: it has the ItemMeta methods, if thats what you mean :p
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    Sorry if I was not clear, I ment that you could use CraftItemStack in player.getInventory().addItem(CraftItemStackhere), for example ;D
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    Oh right, yes :p
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