Custom Explosion

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MrGriefer_, May 23, 2017.

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    Hello everyone,

    I was wondering how could I create an explosion that does NOT hurt players and breaks blocks but with no drops! NMS?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    I know its easier to use Bukkit, but I'm going to override the explosion class and maybe play around with it. Just for learning but my only question is; how do you spawn it?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Explosion class
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    I tried to spawn a primed tnt with a metadata and I listened for EntityExplodeEvent and checked if it was primed tnt with the metadata, then I looped for all the blocks and set it to air. But it didn't work!
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    Because when you set that to air it completely removes the tnt cancelling an explosion. Sorry, just trying to help.
  8. Offline


    Yeah but that should work fine, right? Because I'm just setting all the blocks being damaged to air so it won't drop the blocks.
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    Wouldn't that set the blocks to air after the explosion? Try clearing the dropped items list.
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    You can create a custom Fireball with a bigger explosion in the tnt.
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