Curious if anyone knows what plugin did this?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Yiphic, Jan 24, 2014.

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    I was on a SMP bukkit server awhile back, and encountered several of these unnatural temple structures (pics to follow). When I asked the server owner about them, he told me they were created by bukkit itself. Not knowing any better at the time I just accepted that answer and moved on. Now, after running a bukkit server myself, I know no such structures generate with bukkit out of the box. So now my question is, what did generate these structures? If it’s a plugin, which one? I haven’t been able to find it.

    The temples were made of stronghold materials, 5 levels deep, always going underground, with only the top few blocks above ground. Each layer had 2 mob spawners and were connected by stairs. You could see several double chests at the bottom, I assume the loot prize for getting to those chests in one piece. This was easier said than done because the spawners literally would not stop spawning mobs no matter how many mobs stood right beside the spawner block itself. I realize this may have been an unrelated issue and not part of whatever generated the temples. But naturally occurring mob spawners in this world didn’t behave like this, only the ones in these temples. Finally, the loot was always terrible, consisting of mostly plain apples and coco pods (Not the beans, the actual pods you cant normally possess in survival). The crap loot made us stop trying to infiltrate these temples, but it was a really fun challenge with a team. So, anyone have any idea what this was?

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    Yiphic That reminds me of the crypts that would spawn naturally on Feed the Beast servers. They also were made of stronghold materials and had iron bars over the doorway, with stairs on the inside and crappy loot in the chests. I've never seen these on regular Bukkit servers though...
  3. Offline


    is it a MCPC+ server
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    Could be a custom ChunkPopulator.

    I remember that I saw a plugin once, that was able to generate custom structures, but that was ages ago and I don't remember the name anymore...
  5. Offline


    that sounds really cool a custom ChunkPopulator
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    Maybe something like TerrainControl did this...
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