creeperheal and creeperheal2 compatibility

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by humik58, Sep 29, 2023.

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    I'm not sure if it exactly fits in this forum type, i hope it does but here's the issue

    theres 2 plugins
    creeperheal and creeperheal2
    Creeperheal - this one allows you to rollback custom explosions, but it also rollbacks movecraft (which it shouldnt because if the ship keeps moving it just leaves the block floating behind)

    Creeperheal2 - has movecraft compatibility which prevents movecraft from rollbacking, however it doesnt support custom explosions therefore cannons wont rollback

    would anyone be kind enough and look if its possible to merge them together either creeperheal2 having custom explosions or creeperheal getting movecraft compatibility? thanks! (creeperheal (creeperheal2)

    both are open source
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @humik58 We don't modify existing plugins here, certainly not with active developers.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @humik58 We don't modify existing plugins here, certainly not with active developers.
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