Creative server

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by turtlelink2, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    using multiverse, I am looking for the easiest way to give my players infinite items on the creative server, it could be via chests commands or preferably automatically.
  2. Offline

    tee jay

    If you wouldn't mind requiring them to get 1 of an item first, this could be easy.

    If they have an item, I think it would be easy enough to just listen to block_place and when they place a block, you just add another of that block to the inventory.
  3. Offline


    I guess that would be fine, although something that just gives -1 blocks to the player seems simpler.
  4. Offline

    tee jay

    Well either way, without them having the items first, it seems rather unlikely you could get anything to work as you want as there are many more items than what would fit in the Inventory.

    So I guess an easier way would be to listen for the item pickup event and add -1 of said item instead.
  5. Offline


    yea that is a problem, the only thing that comes to mind is generals /give command but the problem with that is that it isnt world specific
  6. Offline

    tee jay

    Dumping IDs and names to XML or some other storage(or maybe a hashmap serialized/saved as an object) would be easy enough, then it would be simple to create a command /item <NAME> that will poll the data for the ID associated with it.
  7. Offline


    seeing as I cannot write java, that's above me (reading a book on java now) but wouldn't it be a little more complicated if you add multiworld?
  8. Offline

    tee jay

    Permissions has built in mutliword support, so it would be simple to add permission for that command in the word you want and you can set the world you want the plugin activated in a config file, then just check that player.getWorld() is the same world as getServer().getWorld("World you want for the plugin") before the plugin does anything.
  9. Offline


    ....ok take it back a step, permissions has its own multiworld support? this includes group manager right? if thats the case I dont even need a new plugin and I can just give everyone the /give command on that I go see how to format the permissions...
  10. Offline

    tee jay

    I'm fairly sure if you make a "world name here".yml for Permissions you can have Permissions for any world.

    I might have that wrong but I'm almost positive Permissions has some kind of multiworld support already.
  11. Offline


    Yea I went back and read the group manager over, it does =D yipee.

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